Thursday Warfare

Live on July 12th at Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, California

Bell time is at 11:59pm board time

  • Match #1
    Noodle vs. Hondar
    Xtreme rules match
    The newcomers go at it in what should be a very promising match!

  • Match #2
    QT vs. Matt Hardy{c}
    BTG match for the Light Heavyweight Title
    Matt Hardy defends his Light Heavyweight Title against former champion QT in one of the most brutal matches in XHWF history! In this match, the combatants are locked inside a Cell. The ropes are replaced with barbwire. The ring is surrounded by tables with broken glass on them as well. Who will walk out with the Title?

  • Match #3
    Rob Dawson vs. Xavier Serikaz
    Xtreme Violence match for number one contendership to the XHWF Intercontential Title
    Rob Dawson went through hell last week with Xzibit and P-X. Xavier Serikaz has just recently joined the XHWF and has yet to have a match. The rules to this match are simple: There are none. The winner is determined when one man can no longer continue.

  • Match #4
    Trish and Rose vs. Ayeaka and Stephanie McMahon
    Xtreme rules Tag Team match for the newly formed Women's Tag Team Titles
    The Women's Tag Team Titles were formed by the creative Genius! lol. Anyways, these four women (one being the current Women's champion) face off in a no rules match for the XHWF Women's Tag Titles!

  • Match #5
    Xzibit vs. the IC champion (Either Tyler, Bucky or Outlaw)
    Door to Tomarrow match for the IC Title
    Xzibit went through a hellish match with Rob Dawson and P-X last week, and proved that he deserves a title shot. So he was granted this match with whoever the champion may be. In this match, the two men start out on the top floor of an abandoned building beside the arena. They must battle down the building, across the street, and through the arena to the Boiler Room. Suspended above the catwalk, they will find the IC Title belt. It is then up to them to find the red door (Read: The Door to Tomarrow) and get up to the catwalk to capture the belt.

  • Main Event
    "The Shady Outlaw" Psychotic X vs. Kris Havoc (or JT Money)
    High Rollers match for the World Heavyweight Title
    (This match is subject to P-X's return. If he doesn't return in time, it will be posponed) P-X earned his shot at the champion last week by beating both Rob Dawson and Xzibit. Now, he gets his shot against either Kris Havoc or JT Money. In this match, the two men are placed inside an abandoned casino. The winner is determined by pinfall, submission, or knockout ONLY!

    Plus, Neo promises a few surprises. Lord knows what that means.