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Murphys Law of Paintballing

The Recballer forums! Don't leave home without em!

An in depth look at our sport and it's origins.

Everything from how tooz to tactics, to reviews. A collection of items I've snagged off the net, and I reference them often.

Lord Manimal
Photos of me and my gear. Pictures of my ass to be uploaded soon!

Rants & Raves
My own stories and experiences, coupled with that touch of insanity you've come to love. Stop looking at me Shoe!!!

Calendar of Events
Check out events and tournaments in your area! This thing rocks!

Field Locator
Locations of our Fields around the world!

PaintBall Addict Test
For when you find yourself yelling "Bounce! No Kill!" every time someone tosses an object at you and you fail to catch it.

List of some of the best paintball related sites on the net.
Paintball Review Search

Don't like what people are saying about your gun or equipment? Then go write your own review at!

Lord Manimal's Personal Login


Home, boy!


These guys rock! Check em out!

The ONLY place Manimal orders from on the net!

About Lord Manimal

Hello, and welcome to Lord Manimal's paintball pages!

If you're here, that means you were looking for information about me, OR you got here via some fuqed up search engine on the net. I wind up at Billy Bob Joe Bob's house of animal entrails more often than not when I'm looking for a bit of info about a new regulator or something, so I understand how that can happen. If you're not here for paintball info or to learn about me, and read some of my rants, then feel free to stop reading.


There we go. Now that we've filtered out the accidental surfers, we can carry on.

First off, I'm a 22 yr old avid paintballer who happens to live in West Virginia for the moment. I'm an active duty Coast Guard member, with 2 beautiful kids, and a gorgeous wife, and am very fortunate, I must admit.

Step #1.See pic below of wife.

Lord Manimals Wife

Step #2. Wipe drool from chin.

Heh heh. If you'd like to take a gander at her modeling website, go here:

At any rate, I'm a recballer at heart, and have been wanting to head into the world of scenario paintballing, but so far haven't buckled down and taken the 3 days off work I'll need to drive to the nearest field that Scenario Games, EMR paintball in PA, although I'm planning on hitting a few this summer if it kills me. I use a Galaxy Blue Spyder Shutter on most occasions, and like so many other recballers, I'm a gear freak, with about every harness, and electronic gizmo known to man lying around somewhere in my workshop of a bedroom. If you're in the area, please feel free to e-mail me and we'll get together and play! Specifically I'm looking for a Scenario gaming team to join, and would love to get together with some folks to build a tank, and organize our games! I'm desperate for people to play with! Ack!

Well, I recon that's enough for anyone to know on the first date about me. If you want to know more, I demand dinner and a movie first. Or at least an e-mail. L8r ya'll.

--Larry Shelby


Get that damn mouse off me!

Quick Mail


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Have no clue what the @#$! I'm talking about? Then visit the paintball terms dictionary.


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