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welcome to the

4HLaVale 4H Club4H


I pledge my HEAD to clearer thinking,
my HEART to greater loyalty,
my HANDS to larger service,
and my HEALTH to better living,
for my club, my community, my country, and my world!

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" To make the best better..." that's the motto of 4-H, and that's what this group is striving to do. If you're looking for fun, new experiences, leadership responsibilities, and enjoy serving and helping out in your community, than 4-H is JUST the club for you! We have lots of fun making crafts and planning service activities, going camping, and lots of other fun things.

...and if you like taking charge, and you want the opportunity to lead a group of your peers, than this is yet another area where 4-H can accomodate you! So, here are the names of the leaders and members of OUR 4- H club:

President - Melissa Stevens
Vice President -Rose Livengood
Secretary - Megan Crump
Treasurer - Dolly Livengood

Erin Crump
Chaise Crossland
Stephanie Kalbaugh
Eric Stevens
Robin Glenn
Sierra Green

Web Page Designer - Erin Crump


our activites page
links to other club's pages
Stuff We DID! Our OutStanding achievments

(If you'd like to comment on this page, or ask any questions about joining 4H, please email Erin Crump at