**Writers Note - I would like to apologise if this RP seriously sucks ass but it is because of two things: 1)First time HTML 2)Personal Problems**

The scene opens up at an MCW House Show.It's in Calgary,Alberta,Canada and 8,000 fans had packed into the arena to watch the MCW showcase some of its talent.A match between two jobbers had just finished and the fans had been satisfied with the show put on by the two men.As the low-paid undercarders walked through the curtain into the backstage area,the arena fell silent.After a few moments of this quiet,some music hits on the PA system.The fans recognise it as the music of MCW Superstar Lance Storm and as the Canadian appears at the top of the enterance ramp,the fans go absolute estatic!He stops at the top of the aisle and raises both arms above his head.The fans give their hometown hero a standing ovation and the graduate of Stu Harts Dungeon begins to walk down the aisle

[-Jim Ross-] Ladies and Gentlemen,this may just be a house show for MCW but as you can see,the fans of Calgary have certainly loved this athlete for a very long time.Just listen to the ovation he is recieving!

[-Paul Heyman-] That is very true JR,Lance Storm is recieving one of the loudest pops that he could have ever gained in his whole entire career!

Lance gets down to ringside and he walks around to the steel steps.The Canadian athlete walks up the steel steps to the ring apron and then he gets into the ring via the middle ropes.Lance walks into the centre of the ring and he raises both arms in the air to obtain one last rousing cheer from the 8,000 strong crowd.Storm walks over to the side of the ring nearest the announcers desk and he calls over for a mic.The ring announcer for the show hands him one and Lance steps back into the centre of the ring

[-Lance Storm-] Ladies and Gentlemen,please join me in silence as we hear our National Anthem.

Suddenly,from the top of the arena,a huge Canadian flag is lowered down and after it has been brought down to the half-way mark of the arena height.The flag stops moving and Lance Storm gets into position.He stands with his arms behind his back,his legs shoulder width apart and his head tilted up into the air.After a few moments of waiting,the Canadian National Anthem kicks in and the entire crowd fall silent.Lance continues to stare into space for the time being and his fellow Canadians all look up to the top of the arena with their hands on their hearts.After a few more moments of listenning to the countrys anthem,the National flag is raised back up to the top of the arena and Lance Storm eases up a little within the ring

[-Jim Ross-] Lance Storm is one of the proudest Canadian born athletes that have ever existed.

[-Paul Heyman-] Lance Storm is like Kurt Angle in a way,both men love their country way too much!

Back inside the ring,Lance Storm paces around for a few moments as the fans begin to dye down and become silent again.Once this has been accomplished,Lance raises the mic up towards his mouth and he begins to speak on some of the issues surrounding him

[-Lance Storm-] My fellow countrymen....it is my honor to walk out here tonight and congratulate Bret "The Hitman" Hart on winning the MCW King of the Ring 2001 Tournament.Bret,you have been one of the greatest products that Canada has ever been able to produce and you showed that you still have alot in you at the Pay-Per-View last Sunday Night.You were able to concentrate fully on the matter at hand and you shone through without leaving anyone to worry about your ability in that ring.However,despite your win against Kane in the finals on that Sunday Night,I have to admit that I now feel,worried about your form..

[-Jim Ross-] How the hell can Lance Storm come out and say that about Bret Hart.That man fought with pride and honor against the Big Red Monster!This is insane of Storm!

Lance stops speaking as the fans give him a little heat for questionning the ability of Bret Hart.Storm looks into the crowd of people right infront of him and he begins to talk again

[-Lance Storm-] Dont get me wrong though,I dont think that Bret Hart is a bad wrestler....I just feel that he didnt have any kind of real challenge throughout the tournament.I mean,if he actually wanted to have any kind of real match then he should have contacted somebody who is as great as.......me!Well Hart,for a long time I have looked up to you and seen what a great athlete you are...but now,now it is time for the younger guys such as myself to come through and show some of you older people that us young bloods can do exactly what you do just as good,if not even better.Hitman,I'm awaiting your responce to a simple challenge,one on one,you decide where it's going to be.....this isnt about you being one of the best....this is about me becomming one of the best...the elite of Canada's finest!

[-Paul Heyman-] Lance Storm wants to be the best and he has done the right thing in challenging Bret Hart to a match because everyone knows that in order to become the best,you have to beat the best and Hart is the best in the federation today...after all,he won the King of the Ring 2001 Tournament!

Lance walks around the inside of the ring for a few more moments.After every few paces he stops and looks around at the fans gazing at him inside the arena.Storm takes a breather and the moves onto to the next piece of business

[-Lance Storm-] Well,well,well......this coming Monday Night on MCW Nitro I have the opportunity to showcase my talent to the whole world....I have the chance to show every single person that has ever lived....the ability that lies within Lance Storm.Everyone knows that I have the ability to succeed in this business...just look at what happenned to me in WCW!The Canadian Heavyweight Championship,the Cruiseweight and Hardcore Titles all belonged to me at the same time during my stint.In ECW I was one half of the tag team champions alongside my former partner Justin Credible.People,on Monday Night I have to face that giant piece of no good trash...Kevin Nash!

[-Jim Ross-] What the hell are you calling Nash "trash" for?Do you have a death wish??

[-Lance Storm-] Kevin Nash...on Monday Night you have the opportunity to do some damage to a real professional wrestler.You have the single opportunity to take me but the head and destroy me in that ring....BUT.....that wont happen.You know that it is something that wont happen and I know that it is something that wont happen.Kevin Nash,you may stand in at 7'0 and you may weigh something along the lines of 300 pounds but to me....when you are face down on the floor trying to escape from the "Canadian Maple Leaf"...what does that tell me,does it say that I am the better wrester?Does it say that I am the more technical of us?Or does it say that I am the greater gifted one?Nash,it doesnt matter which answer you think it is because everyone in the whole entire fed knows that just because you're some big,over-pushed piece of crap you can do just about anything...well it is stopping in your first MCW match!You attack people like The Undertaker and Kane....well what are they going to be like when they see me defeating your scrawny ass in that ring?

Kevin Nash,over the years I have kept somewhat of a close eye on the way that your career has taken form.I have kept an eye on the decisions that you have made during the course of your epic career.From your Summerslam bout against Mabel......to your other stupid assed match against.....Bret Hart.You have a few moves and only one of them is able to do anything decent...and that my friend is the Jack-knife powerbomb...you see,Bret escaped it....I'm gonna escape it by grabbing hold of your leg,locking the submission in and NOT letting go until I hear the little break of bone and your painful screams reaching their peak in volume.Big Sexy....you dont have a hope in hell of defeating me...because I'm from Calgary.........Alberta,Canada!

The familiar music of Team Canada begins to play on the PA system again and Lance Storm exits the ring to another standing ovation from the fans.The Canadian followers all watch with envy as Lance Storm walks back up the aisle and into the backstage area

[-Jim Ross-] One would have to say that Lance Storm is ready for this Mondays match against Kevin Nash.Big Sexy may have all that advantage of Lance but I am well aware of the technical ability that he has gained!

[-Paul Heyman-] Thats right JR,Lance Storm is slowly becoming on of the most confident wrestlers in the MCW and if he is good enough then maybe he will be able to defeat Nash on Monday!

After a few more commentary exchanges between Paul Heyman and Jim Ross,the main event for the show begins.The scene fades deep out into black