The basics
<html> starts coding for the web page.
<head> makes and sets the title (the top title on the browser) and the javascript some of it.
<title> makes the title </title> ends the title
Then to </head> to close the tag.
<body> to begin the page apperance.
bgcolor="#??????" background color code.
background=", jpg, bmg, pcx) uses a picture for the background instead of a single color.
text="#??????" the color for the text.
alink="#??????" active link turns the link a different color when clicked on.
vlink="#008080" visted link a page you have already seen before. default color is crimsion.
link="#0000ff" link colors to pages you haven't seen before. default blue.
< this finshes the body tag.
this is a link
<a href=""> index </a>

this is a picture
<img src=""> </a> to add a on text box add alt=" text here" the " " close the text box. border="1" a border around the picutre it can go 0-99+. height="1-1999+" width="1-1999" all in pixels.

more basic's
this is a horsintal line <hr>

this is a simble break
<br> it's like the enter button.
<p> this is the paragraph tag.

to change font color to yellow <font color="ffff00"> to close the the font <font>

<table align="direction" border="0-99" cellspacing="0-199" cellpadding="0-199"> table tag <tr><td> makes the colums start and go down one. <td> makes another coloumn horizontally.
to close table </tr></td></table>

once your done the info use </body> to close the body tag.
</html> to stop the page.

if not simple enough seek mental help