
This web page was orignially created to be a game website but who knows what it is now. All names presently on this site may not nessary reflect on a real person living or otherwise. all backgrounds, pictures and music have been aquired through legal means. No material has been stolen from other sites. If you believe you have been ripped off by Extreme 2 Gamez Squadron email me and tell me what you believe is yours. Of course you will have to have proof and if i have, i will take it off the site, but since i know where everything came from your chances are low.
all content is made from the orginal games westwood, lucas arts, nintendo, and whoever created soul reaver 2. all new content will be provided by in the same means.

This site may not represent the opinions of the staff and sense i am the only one working on it i can honestly tell the media that i have never tryied to put anyone down.

There are some remarks about Canada and all of it's greatness but it is not like you can't go on a American site and see the same thing about the US. I didn't put down America so it is all right. I still think that US should have made more of an Apogoly about shooting Canadian troops in Afagastan but whatever.

The Webmaster
~ Derby
