How to win my awards
1All sites must be brought to my attention meaning you must tell me about your site.
2Unless if your going after perfection and i will find you!
3I will check over your site(s) and see if you have award winning material.
4 Once you win you will be recorded in the hall of fame.
5 If you manage to disgrase the award you won you will be tooken out of the hall of fame
and you be added to (temporaly) hall of shame.
6Report sites that steal my awards, pictures, music.etc and you will get the Justice award
unless if they have written consent but they must have a link to my site.
7The Theives will be put in the Hall of Shame.
8 Hit Master you must have 75% more hits than i do.(on counters)
9 decisions aren't final if you don't win an award try again later when the website has improved
10 my ruling depends if you get the award or not
11 swearing, pornography and sites that are best use of dog shit
are not permitted in most professional or perfection
12 please tell me any award suggestions to make new awards.
To get the webmaster's helper award
13 Bad awards don't have to be put on the site but you will still be in the award link
Remember you can aways improve until you can to get rid of them and get the good counter part!
If you steal or try anything i personally would find offensive you will be put in the hall of shame (if i ever get around to creating it)
14 All sites are allowed to win these awards.
15 email: