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Name: Ask me


location: Scarborough

School: Pearson

Status: Single, not lookin

Grade: 12

Sex: Male

Nation: Bangladesh "PROUD TO BE ONE"

(‘!’)Friends for life(‘!’)(`!`)Friends for life(`!`) (`!`)Friends for life(`!`)(‘!’)Friends for life(‘!’)

Dec.1, 2003

Just realized wat life is. Man just got suspended for three days got grounded but hey my parents don't care no more but still Its my fault. Trust me people all the youngsters there try to avoid not to be a bad mon lol. It ain't worth it. Anyways i gotta set my goals straight and do my studies and gotta be good for the rest of year for myself and my friends yo. BENGAL BOIS FOR LIFE. Thanks for being there people u know who u guys are aight mad respect. Still haven't been myself this week. anyways see ya peps at school on wednesday ezzzzzzzzzz.

Dec.2, 2003

Gotta stop smokin ganja yo. I am startin to forget things it ain't worth the shit but its so hard yo. Still only my parents and friends keepin my alive in this world and ALLAH to. Tried sucide so many times got into so many fights in my past just to try to die but thats all changed now yo. Its amazing how i got trhough life i was so innocent two years ago now look at me but startin to just chill now and no fukin stupid things. Only one thing keepin me thinkin and alive again my love for my friends, parents and this girl still. Shit my bro funeral comin up soon time got another problem on my mind. This week been hell for me still. Wish the past weeks came bak been happy in those yo. Anyways next week gonna be different and better probably. Anyways peps take it ezzzzzz and i ain't like this all the time lol trust meeeeee.... just been a lousy week thats all yo.

Dec.3, 2003

Bak in school finally but still i am confused on life man. Lifes so confusin when u think u got it in your hands well guess again its outta of your hands. Anyways lunch was great/boring as always but still we had fun. Plus gettin closer to the girl i like its feelin nice to actually talk to her but still.This week been corny but inshallah things will set foot again. Be chillin with my bois at finch, regent and vp. BENGALI FOR LIFE hehehe. Anyways take care peps and don't think that these journals are to corny just wanted to let out wats on my mind thats all ezzzzzzzzz.