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Deaf Disc Golf Tournaments' 2001

    Deaf Disc Golf Webpages' 2001

Delta Sigma Phi's Webpage

The Deaf Disc Golfers' Newsletter!

Hello Deaf Disc Golfers He said WWhzzzupp !His name is Kent. He is Chairperson of Delta Sigma Phi under Gallaudet University. He hosted at Calvert Park in Greenbelt, MD.***For Second Time*** His email address is

FARF9876: Is your firsthosting tournament better than 2nd ?

First tournament had 10people and cash prizes whereas the second tournament had a higher cash prize, 4sponsors, and plenty o' food was cooked and handed out during lunch break andafter the tournament was over

FARF9876: What will you dobetter if you host the tournament next time ?

As always, more sponsorsare needed. I would not mind adifferent location with a campground for the next tournament on May 4, 2002. - let us not forget something - i made one boo-boo i hope that future tournaments will not make - i had 2 "steve's" playin in the tournament - the last names were not included - i mixed up the scores - hence 6th place was awarded to wrong Steve. PLS!! PLEASE!!! use last name only to make it better for future tournaments!!

FARF9876: Do you like theidea of hosting and playing at the same time?

If all bases are coveredand my assistants can cover their own – I do not mind playing and hosting atthe same time – but make sure hosting the tournament is priority

FARF9876: How many peopleplayed there ? 20

FARF9876: How many peopleplayed there last year? 10

FARF9876: What was the mostcommon excuses they made for not showing up ?

Several GallaudetUniversity students said they could not attend disc golf tournament eventbecause they have a "conflict" of some unknown cause. The least they could have done was be honestand tell me what they had to do instead of hiding the truth. i know many good disc golf players from gallaudet but they would not show up because they will not support any events sponsored by my Eta Eta Chapter of Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity. Let the record be known that 2 from Alpha Sigma Pi showed up and 0 from Kappa Gamma showed up - Whatever happened to Greek Unity?

FARF9876: How many playersdid you assume for showing up for your tournament ?

Heck, anything better than10 is a success – in fact, it doubled – from 10 to 20!

FARF9876: Do you have anyplan or heard any plan for next tournament nearby at your area inMD/VA/DC?

Hearing tournament – there arequite a few in the area – whereas deaf tournaments – Saturday 22nd isin Rochester, NY and Oct 13-14 is nearby Boston where my friend Corey Driscollwill host a singles/doubles tourney Look for Buffumville's Tourney-Click Here-

FARF9876: Will you host thesame disc golf course, again ?

I could – it is a nice park– but I want campgrounds the next time – so I do not think I will host samedisc golf course again – in fact 12 players in tourney were not from Gallaudet and8 were from Gallaudet – whoa!

FARF9876: Did they heardabout ? YES!!! It is a must!!!!

FARF9876:How did Gallaudetreact to Deaf Disc Golf's growth?

They were pleased inmeeting more disc golf players not from Gallaudet University

FARF9876: Did youadvertise about your tournament through Buff and Blue or other? Ifso, what did you use to advertise?

Advertised – - Word of mouth –flyers on Gallaudet campus

FARF9876: What is yourshort and long term goal for deaf disc golf ?

Short term – host moretourneys that can involve Gallaudet university players Long term – make deaf discgolf an Olympic sport for WGD

FARF9876: Any shortcomments would you like to add before we can wrap up this interview ?

All ye players out there –host more deaf disc golf tournaments (winks) FARF9876: What will you dowith your homepage regarding of deaf disc golf that I made ? Should I keepyour homepage on the newsletter for now ?

I am thinking about wipingit out and restarting it since I do not have the original zip disk for thatwebpage anymore ;o(

FARF9876:Wonderful ! Many thanks for your time on this interview....Congratulation for your successful on your hosting tournament....See you at World BiggestDisc Golf Tournament on 1st Weekend of 2002.


1st place - Kevin Harrer

2nd place - Shannon Lally

3rd place - Aaron Trotter

4th place - Kent Schafer

5th place - Daniel Binder

6th place - Steve Burrows (it should have been Steve Carey)

Cyke0: 10 from gally 10 from outside - yup, website wonderful - i intend to have it published in buff n blue as well - yer website will be included

Cyke0: i am addin all the scores now and rankin 1-20th place - i will copy the buff n blue article to you - okie - i have up til 5pm to revise and edit then it is due in buff n blue office heh

Cyke0: 1st - Kevin Harrer (-1)

2nd - Shannon Lally (+2)

3rd - Aaron Trotter (+5)

4th - Kent Schafer (+7)

5th - Daniel Binder (+8)

6th - Steve Burrows * (+9)*

7th - Marcus (+11)

8th - Steve Carey * (+13)*

9th - tie - Chris Sewell (+16)

9th - tie - Josh Shaffner (+16)

11th- Jon Hughes (+19)

12th - Corey Driscoll (+20)

13th - Jeremy "wade" Curtis (+24)

14th - Clint Bradshaw (+25)

15th - tie - Jay Gates (+32)

15th - tie - Chris Gordon (+32)

17th - Donald Gilbert(+37)

18th - Ben Hollingsworth (+42)

19th - Blake Driggs (+47)

20th - Ruarc McHugh (+81)

Cyke0: notice ***** by steve carey and steve burrows (scorecard both said "steve" - no last name) hence ****