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Deaf Disc Golf Tournaments' 2001

Vote 2nd National Deaf Disc Golf Tournament

Kappa Gamma's Webpage

The Deaf Disc Golfers' Newsletter!

Hello Deaf Disc Golfers His name is Jay Levine. He is an interviewer of Kappa Gamma Deaf Disc Golf Tournament. He hosted at Greenbelt, MD. His email address is

FARF9876: Did you enjoy your first ever hosting tournament ?

1)yes i enjoy hosting discgolf tournment.

FARF9876: What will you do better if you host the tournament next time ?

2)better prize

FARF9876: Do you like the idea of hosting and playing at the same time?

3) yes and no...

a) no because some people will ask me question middle of tounrment. b)yes think i should play because what the point in standing and doing nuthing for two hours haha

FARF9876: How many people played there ?

4) 26 players

FARF9876: What was the most common excuses they made for not showing up ?

5) not know where..... bad hangover...dont know if it will rain....

FARF9876: How many players did you assume for showing up for your tournament ?

6) 20-30

FARF9876: Do you have any plan or heard any plan for 2nd tournament nearby at your area in MD/DC/VA?

7) yes i will

FARF9876: Will you host the same disc golf course, again ?

8)depend on which weekend and time.

FARF9876: Did they heard about ?

9)some did yes...

FARF9876: What is your short and long term goal for deaf disc golf ?

10)expand more good players FARF9876: Any short comments would you like to add before we can wrap up this interview ?

11) i appreciate u add my tournment on ur webpage...

FARF9876: What will you do with your homepage regarding of deaf disc golf that you made ? Should I keep your homepage on the newsletter for now ?

12) do whatever you want with it....

26 players show up Kappa Gamma tournment on june 21st

1st place

Sonny Tate

Tim Hile

2nd place

Terry Giansanti

Mike Wynne

3rd place

Raymond Merritt

Jay Levine

i am thinking about hosting two more tournment in august and sept. will keep you post...

Thank you,