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Count Fluffy's Site

Last modified on:
[an error occurred while processing this directive] Wednesday, 19-Sep-2001 19:28:49 EDT
Site Move

If anyone comes here, you should know that I moved my site to a different server(one with a lot more than 50 megs), the site is now at

Page has been XHTML validated!

I validated my page with the W3 validator, this passed the test, and I have the the opportunity of displaying the XHTML check!

Favorite Icon

I now hav a favorite icon, if you look at your favorites, you should see it instead of the IE one.


I have finished XHTML-izing my SC cheat page, which is a real pain to do. Be sure to visit my partners site, it will have a lot of content soon.

Valid XHTML 1.0!
