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Dan's Page

Member since June 2001

Name: Dan White

Position: Center forward, right or left

Marker: Spyder Compact 2000

Age: 18

Experience: 1 year

Ranking: Rookie

Technical Information:

…..Kingman Spyder Compact 2000, 68 Automag

…..KAPP Expansion Chamber

…..32 Degees Bottom Line

…..32 degrees 3000psi Thick coil remote

…..J & J Ceramic Barrel 14"

…..Brass Eagle 4+1

…..12v Revvie

…..PMI Pure Energy CO2 (20, 12, 9, 4 oz.)


Personal Information:

I got started in paintball last year when my friend bought a tigershark, > a brass eagle pump, and so to combat with him i bought a talon and it was on. Ever since then i have loved the sport, everything about it. When Christmas time came my mom asked me what I wanted and I wanted a Spyder. So I ordered a spyder compact 2000 and an expansion kit, since then i have gotten a j&j 14" ceramic barrel from a guy who had sold his spyder and had left over stuff around. I love my spyder, i don't think i'll ever give it up. Now i want a mag, just like don's, i love his mag, i held it and fell in love. I hope i will be a good addition to the team and hopefully we will