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Welcome to Jon's page. Jon has been a member since June 2001. You will see Jon as a member of our Young Guns team, Scenario team, as well as appearances at our Rec. ball games at Picasso Lake

Jon's Page

Member since June 2001


Name: Jon Sullivan

Position: Center, left or right tape

Marker: 2001 WGP Autococker, ACI F4 Illustrator

Age: 14

Experience: 2 1/2 years

Technical Info:

..…2001 WGP AutoCocker

…..Macroline kit w/ bottomline

......DYE 12" Xcel Barrel

......32Degrees THICK coil remote

......Crossfire 68/3000psi for all games ......12v Green Revvie

......Redz 4+1 tank Pack

......JT Spectra

Personal Info:

I first shot a paintball gun about 3 years ago at an awesome place

called "There Fun Center" in Moorestown, NJ. It was a big center with many things to do...including shooting pump paintball guns at targets. As soon as I shot the first ball through their Phantom Express Pump, I could never put it down. I would spend tons of money buying more and more paintballs and shooting them just as quick. I loved this place. I went there once a month, or as much as 3 times a month. This is a lot for a kid who was 11 years old and had his father drive him there basically whenever he wanted. At this time I wasn't actually interested in playing paintball because of the fear of getting shot. But soon things changed.

Finally when I was 12 my parents asked what I wanted for Christmas and

I said a paintball gun. At first they were a bit skeptical and had me look online for the ones I wanted and were in the price range they set. I picked out 4 that I really liked and showed them to my father who then secretly ordered one and got it shipped to his work so that I wouldn't know if he even got it for me. I waited and waited until Christmas finally arrived and was so happy when I opened up his present and found an F4 illustrator with everything upgraded on it. It was metallic blue and had a black barrel. I loved it. The first night Fireball Mountain was open I went there and got myself a J&J custom 16" barrel for a high price, but I didn't care...I had a gun.

For the first couple of months I was afraid to play so I only went to

ranges to sharpen my skills. Finally I decided to go to Picasso Lake Paintball in Winslow Township. I walked in scared and expecting to come out crying every round. When I met my team, they were all very experienced and had very high tech guns, or that's what I thought. For several rounds I would get out with the sting of the paintball in my leg holding back tears, but when we played the 4th game I was used to the sharp pain and was able to shoot my paintball gun at members of the other team without fear of getting out. My team was very supportive of me and directed me in the way I play now. Thanks guys.

I finally was able to talk my parents into buying me an Autococker

because I loved everything about it. I went to a store in Columbus, NJ and bought a WGP 2001 cocker and a Crossfire 68/3000psi compressed air tank. All of my friends were envious of its power and ability compared to their spyders. I was now ready for anything at anytime.

I have always wanted to play on a team but I was either too young or

too inexperienced. One day in 2001 I was looking on and I found a team that interested me a lot because they were real close to me and played at favorite spot to play. I E-mailed and asked them if I could be on their team and they were more than willing for me to be on it. I talked to the members in the group that is now the ArchAngels. Thanks for being a friend Donnie and ill see you guys around some Sunday at Picasso!

Quote: "Think of paintball as soccer....don't be afraid to the stupid ball!" , "I don't just play, I annihilate!"


Email me at:

RoughNeck Paintball 7-MAN Intro...July 22, 2001