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The Adventures Of


Ace-Man is riding in the Ace-Mobile when he gets a distress call on the Ace-Cell-Phone

Ace-Man: Hello, this is Ace-Man!... Brett Bruiser!!...Hot damn!...What can I help ya with?...Someone stole your old, rusty Viper?  Well, never fear, Ace-Man will find it.  Citizen Bruiser, you can count on having your car back in no time.  I just happen to be in the area.

Ace-Man hangs up the Ace-Cell-Phone and begins searching the area.  He checks out a few of the local junk yards, but the car is not in any of them.  Ace-Man heads over to the local crime spots, and still cannot find the car.  He keeps searching for the car as night falls.  At night the real villains come out.  And as luck would have it, Ace-Man spots a rusty Viper.

Ace-Man: Might that be Brett's Viper?  It's rather rusty.  Ace-Zoom-Vision activated.  GREAT CAESAR'S GHOST!!, the plate reads "The Diamond"!!  It is Brett Bruiser's car!  Ace-Mobile Turbine Engines Activated!!

The Ace-Mobile speeds down the street and pulls up right next to the Viper.

Ace-Man: Turbine Engines Off!  Hatch Open!

The cockpit like door slides open.

Ace-Man: Auto-Pilot Engage!  Head back to base!

Ace-Man leaps out of the Ace-Mobile and on top of the Viper.  The Ace-Mobile speeds away while Ace reaches into his Utility Belt

Ace-Man: Ah-Ha! My Universal Ace-Skeleton-Car Key!  The villain may have locked the door, but this key will open it!

Ace-Man reaches down to the door and very carefully unlocks the passenger-side door.  The villain rolls down the drivers-side window and tries to reach for Ace-Man.  He fells around the roof of the car but can't feel Ace.  He rolls up the window thinking Ace-Man has fallen off the car.  he is deadly mistaken.

Ace-Man: You better have a good reason as to why you are in this car.

Villain: AHHH!!  How'd you get in here! 

Ace-Man: I used the door.  How else would I enter a car.  Now pull over.

Ace-Man squints his eyes and makes himself look very scary.  The villain pulls over.

Ace-Man: Get out of the car.

The villain gets out of the car and puts his hands in the air.  Ace-Man then gets out of the car and pulls out Ace-Cuffs from his Utility Belt.  He locks the man up and calls the police.

Ace-Man: When you get out of prison "tell all your friends about me."

Ace-Man jumps into the driver seat of the Viper and drives away.

The next morning Ace-Man pulls the up to a hotel.  He park the car and walks into the building.  In the lobby is Brett Bruiser waiting for Ace-Man.

Brett: Did you get my car back??

Ace-Man: Yes I did.  And I came to a shocking conclusion.

Brett: Oh really?

Ace-Man: Your car looks like it has been run over by a bulldozer.  That can only mean one thing.  The Bulldozer was the mastermind behind stealing your car.  Next Saturday I have it on good authority that Bulldozer will be in the area.  I will bring him to justice because he stole your car.

Brett: Thanks Ace-Man.  The world is a much safer place thanks to you.

Ace-Man: Thank you for those kind words.  And good luck on your hardcore title match.  I'll be rooting for you.

Ace-Man turns around and leaves the hotel.  He never looks back.  Brett Bruiser watches Ace-Man leave.

Brett: The guy is losing his mind.  He got me my car back, but he is losing his mind!

Outside of the hotel Ace-Man is standing in the parking lot.

Ace-Man: Ace-Mobile come to these coordinates.....