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Find here one of the finest selection of barrels.
Please, take note on what it is that a barrel does, and what you should look for in a barrel.
First off, many people do not realize what BORE SIZE is and how it relates to paintballs.  Paintballs are NOT 0.680 in diameter. Pending on the type of ball, the ball's diameters range between 0.679 to 0.693.  That is a large difference.  Find the diameter of the balls thay you commonly use.  Now note for the barrels that are listed, and there bore sizes and compare bore size to commonly used paintballs.  Remember this when looking for barrels.
Next step, Dyes are not the all mighty and powerful barrels that will make you the best player. Why do people believe this, because the see an ad, and believe it.  It is you who will make a better player, not the barrel or the marker.  I personally recommend Armson, OTP G1 Stage2,  and Taso Winforce barrels.  I have used all of these, and perfer them over Dyes which I also have used.
For optimal performance, the barrel should range between 12-16in, no more no less.
Barrels will help increase some range, and shot consistancy, over many stock barrels, but for the most part, all barrels are equal, an elongated tube, with the inside made perfectly smoothed.  Composition of the barrels do not matter much.  Porting will help silence your shots.  Barrels will not make you a better player.
Order your paintball magazines by following this link.  I need the money made off of this. 
Also send my pictures of your marker with a brief description and have it posted on this site.
Taso32 DegreesPMI
Smart Parts
Custom Products
Check It
On Target Products
LapcoJ & J
On Target Products (OTP)
OTP G1 Stage 2--
Length- 14"
Avaible for- Angel, Autococker, Automag,
Bore- WILL ACCEPT ALL CALIBER BALL SIZES DUE TO THE BREECHES OR SLEEVES THAT COME WITH THE BARREL.  This feature makes this barrel 3 barrels in one accepting small medium and large caliber balls                         Price- $100

OTP G3 Dream Series-- Length- 14, 12"
Avaible for- Angel, AutocockerBore- WILL ACCEPT ALL CALIBER BALL SIZES DUE TO THE BREECHES OR SLEEVES THAT COME WITH THE BARREL.  This feature makes this barrel 5 barrels in one accepting small medium and large caliber balls                         Price- $170

Armson Barrels
This is the Armson Barrel:
Armson Internal Rifled Barrel-
Length- 8", 10", 13"
Avaible for- Autococker (10" & 13"), Automag (8"), VM-68 (8")
Bore-                                            Price- $74

Armson Internal Rifled Stealth Barrel- Length 13", 16"
Avaible for:
Angel, Autococker, Automag, Shocker, Spyder, Tippman 98, carbin, Pro-lite
Bore- Medium                                  Price- $80
Armson Internal Rifled
These are the Dye barrel series:

Dye Aluminum- Lengths- 12", 14", 16"
Avaible for- Angel, Autococker, Automag/RT, Model 98, Prolite, Carbine 68, Shocker, and Sypder
Bore- .688                          Price-$81-$71

Dye Boomstick / Ironman / Titanium -
Lengths- 12", 14, 16", 18"
Avaible for-
Angel, Autococker, Automag/RT, Model 98, Prolite, Carbine 68, Shocker, and Spyder
Bore- .688                          Price-$120-$100

Dye Stainless Stee
l- Length- 10", 12", 14"
Avaible for- Angel, Autococker, Automag/RT, Model 98, Prolite, Carbine 68, Raptor, Shocker, Spyder, VM-68
Bore- .688                         Price- $100-$90

Dye Excel- Lengtj- !4"
Avaible For: Most Common Brands of Markers
Bore- .688                          Price- $49
Dye Aluminum
Dye Boomstick / Ironman
Dye Stainless Steel
ACI Barrels
These are the ACI barrel series:

ACI Combo- Length- 12", 14"
Avaible For- Autococker, F-4 Illustrator, Model 98, Piranha, Pro Carbine, and Spyder
Bore-                              Price- $60

ACI One Piece- Length- 11", 13.5"
Avaible for- Auctococker, Automag, Piranh, Pro Carbine, Spyder
Bore-                               Price- $40

ACI Graffiti Series- Length-
12.5" 14"
Avaible for- Autococker, Automage, F-4 Illustrator, Piranha, Model 98, Pro Carbine, Spyder
Bore-                                 Price- $100
ACI Combo Barrel
ACI One Piece Barrel
ACI Graffiti Barrel Series
Smart Parts
These are the Smart Parts barrel series:

Smart Parts All American- Length- 12", 15"
Avaible for- Autococker, Automag, Angel, Carbine 68, Model 98, Pro Lite, Spyder, VM-68
Bore-                                  Price- $78

Smart Parts Boss- Length- 12"
Avaible for- Autococker, Automag, Angel, Carbine 68, Model 98, Pro Lite, Spyder, VM-68
Bore-                                  Price- $45

Smart Parts Stainless Steel- Length-
Avaible for- Automag, Autococker Spyder, Carbine, VM-68, Shocker
Bore-                                  Price- $78

Smart Parts Tear Drop- Length- 12"
Avaible for- Autococker, Automag, Angel , Carbine 68, Model 98, Pro Lite, Spyder, VM-68
Bore-                                   Price- $53

Smart Parts Venturi- Length- 8", 12", 15"
Avaible for- Autococker (8" & 12"), Automag (12"), Carbine 68 (15"), Pro Lite (15"), Spyder (8" & 12"), VM-68 (12")
Bore-                                    Price- $81
Smart Parts All American
Smart Parts Boss
Smart Parts Stainless Steel
Smart Parts Tear Drop
Smart Pars Venturi
J & J
This is the J&J barrel series:
J&J Ceramik- Length- 12", 14"
Avaible fore- Autococker (14"), Automag, (14"), Angel (14"), Model 98, Carbine (14"), F-4 Illustrator (14"), Pro Lite (14"), Spyder
Bore-                                                Price- $42
J & J Ceramik
Custom Products
The Custom Product line of barrels include two sizes, 14" and th 16".  They are availbe for most markers.  They cost $55.  If you have any question about these are wish to purchase one of these barrels contact:

Custom Products 14in. and 16in. Barrels
Theise are the Lapco barrel series:

Lapco Big Shot Stainless Steel- Length- 12"
Avaible for- Autococker, Model 98, Spyder
Bore-                                    Price- $72

Lapco Aluminum and Power Coated Big Shot-Length-12"
Aluminum Avaible for- Autococker, Automag, Angel, Carbine, F-4 Illustrator, Model 98, Pro Lite, Spyder, Shocker
Bore-                                     Price- $55
Power Coated Avaible for- Model 98, Spyder
Bore-                                      Price- $58

Lapco Aluminum Autospirit- Length- 12"
Avaible for- Autococker, Automag, Model 98, Carbine, F-4 Illustrator, Pro Lite, Spyder
Bore- Smaller than the Big shot  Price- $58

Lapco Stainless Steel Autospirit- Length- 12"
Avaible for- Autococker, Automag, Spyder
Bore- Smaller than the Big Shot   Price- $72

Lapco Stainless Steel Power Coated- Length-
Avaible for- Model 98, Spyder
Bore- Smaller than the Big Shot  Price- $58
Lapco Stainless Steel Big Shoot
Lapco Power Coated Big Shot
Lapco Aluminum Big Shot
Lapco Aluminum Autospirit
Lapco Stainless Steel Autospirit
32 Degrees Carbon Fiber Barrel These are the 32 Degrees barrel series:

32 Degrees Carbon Fiber- Length- 10", 12", 14"
Avaible for- Autococker, Automag, Angel, Model 98 (14"), Carbine, Pro Lite, Spyder, Shocker (12")
Bore-                                                       Price- $80

32 Degrees Ice Cold- Length- 12", 14", 16"
Avaible for- Autococker, Automage, Angel, Model 98, Carbine, Pro Lite, Spyder Shocker
Bore-                                                         Price- $50

32 Degrees Nyte Stick- Length- 12", 14"
Avaible for- Model 98
Bore-                                                        Price- $38     

32 DegreesTerminator- Length- 12", 14"
Avaible for- Autocoker, Pro Lite, Raptor, Maverick, Spyder
Bore-                                                         Price- $38
32 Degrees Ice Cold
32 Degrees Nyte Stikk Barrel
32 Degrees Terminator Barrel
These are the Taso barrel seires:
Taso Eliminator- Length- 10", 12"
Avaible for- Autococker, Automag, Cabine 68, Piranha, Pro Lite, Spyder
Bore-                                      Price- $46

Taso Stone Cold- Length- 14"
Avaible for- Carbine 68, Piranha, Pro Lite, Spyder
Bore-                                       Price- $68

Taso Winforce- Length- 14", 16"
Avaible for- Carbine 68, Piranha, Pro Lite, Spyder
Bore-                                        Price- $38 

Taso Eliminator
Taso Stone Cold
Taso Winforce
These are the PMI Ceramic Series:
12", 14"
Avaible for- Autococker, Automag, Carbine 68, Spyder
Bore-                                     Price- $78
PMI Ceramic
These are the Check It Stainless Steel Barrel Series:
8", 10", 12"
Avaible for- Autocoker, Automag (8" & 10"), VM-68
Bore-                                    Price- $ 59
Check It Stainless Steel Barrels
These are the Tippmann barrel series:

Flatline- This barrel produces a back spin on the paintball allowing the ball to travel further and straighter than any other barrel can.  It runs at about $110.  This is only avaible for the Model 98

Sniper 14in Barrel is for the Pro Lite, Pro Carbine, and Carbine 68.  It cannot be used with the Model 98.  It runs about $50.
Tippmann Flatline
Tippmann Sniper 14in Barrel