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Fire Pro Wrestling FAQ


Fire Pro Wrestling FAQ

Welcome to Fire Pro Wrestling FAQ. We have all the wrestlers, the different game options and information on the the Create-A-Wrestler. Take a look:

1. Controls

Menu Controls-

  • D Pad- Move Through Menu
  • A Button- Select
  • B Button- Cancel/Previous
  • R Button- Fast Scrolling

In Game Controls-

  • B Button- Weak Move
  • A Button- Medium Move
  • A+B Buttons- Strong Move
  • R Button- Run
  • L Button- Breathe (Catch your breath and avoid fatigue)
  • L Button + D Pad- Tag Out
  • D Pad- Walk
  • Select- Taunt/Pose (You can only do this once per match)
  • Start- Pause Game

2. Different Game Modes

  • One Night Match:
    Play a single match.

  • One Night Tornament:
    Single-elimanation tournament with as few players as four, or as many as 16.

  • Open League Tournament:
    Round robin style tournament with up to 64 players. Of those 64, four can be controlled by one player.

  • Elimanation Match:
    Two teams of five face eachother in singles matches until all members of a team are eliminated.

  • Survival Match:
    Defeat 10 computer controlled opponents in a row with out getting your health back.

  • Audience Match:
    The object in this match is to impress the audience instead of just winning or losing. You can choose from 7 different styles of wrestling the audience would like to see:

    • Strong Style- Make good use of all techniques.
    • King's Style- Both men worn down to the max.
    • Showman Style- Showmanship is appreciated.
    • Stoic Style- More about winning than entertaining.
    • Lucha Style- High flying, acrobatic maneuvers.
    • Hardcore Style- Violent and bloody
    • Freestyle- A mix of everything

3. Create-A-Wrestler

Fire Pro Wrestling has one of the greatest Create-A-Wrestlers ever. Especially on a handheld.

  • Wrestler Model:
    If you use this option you can load an already made wrestler model. When you load one it will also load their name and wrestling style, as well as their appearance.

  • Name Entry:
    Enter a name for your new wrestler.

  • Appearance:
    Nothing in this section will change how your wrestler fights, including size and stance. This part is simply for the look of your wrestler.

    • Stance:
      Choose from 9 options for your wrestler's stance:

      • Strong
      • Technic
      • Amateur
      • Power
      • Lucha
      • Shooting
      • Mysterious
      • Koppou
      • Old Budo

    • Size:
      Choose from Small, Medium, and Large.

    • Face:
      Choose from 341 different faces.

    • Chest:
      Choose a chest size and look.

    • Waist:
      Choose a waist size and look.

    • Upper Arm:
      Choose an upper arm size and look.

    • Lower Arm:
      Choose a lower arm size and look.

    • Wrist:
      Choose a wrist look.

    • Thigh:
      Choose a thigh size and look.

    • Knee:
      Choose a knee look.

    • Ankle:
      Choose an ankle look.

    • Color Settings:
      Choose colors for your wrestler.

      • Skin Tone- 4 Boxes
      • Costume 1- 3 Boxes
      • Costume 2- 3 Boxes
      • Costume 3- 3 Boxes
      • Pads/Shoes- 3 Boxes
      • Shoes 1- 3 Boxes
      • Shoes 2- 5 Boxes
      • Mask/Glove 1- 3 Boxes
      • Mask/Glove 2- 3 Boxes
      • Eyes- 4 Boxes

  • Profile:
    Choose how your wrestler will fight and other options.

    • Organization:
      Choose an organization for your wrestler to belong to:

      • View Japan
      • Olive Japan
      • Team Black
      • Super Nova
      • New Generation IW
      • Yukiguni Puroresu
      • Super Dragon Pavilon
      • WWF
      • WCW
      • GONGS
      • High Class
      • BattlArts
      • BLADE
      • Gruesome Fighters
      • FREE
      • LEGEND

    • Fighting Style:
      Choose how your wrestler fights.

      • Orthodox- Typical pro wrestler
      • Technician- Good at technical skills
      • Amateur- Amateur wrestler
      • Ground- Good at ground attacks
      • Power- Powerful wrestler
      • American- Typical American wrestler
      • Junior- Modern junior heavyweight
      • Luchadore- Lucha-libre style wrestler
      • Heel- Rulebreaker
      • Mysterious-Unorthodox technical wrestler
      • Shooter- Shooting style wrestler
      • Fighter- Kickboxer
      • Grappler- No holds barred style
      • Panter- Mix of martial arts + lucha
      • Giant- Immovable
      • Vicious- Agressive style

    • Defense Style:
      Choose how your wrestler defends.

      • Orthodox
      • Technician
      • Power
      • Junior
      • Luchadore
      • Heel
      • Mysterious
      • All-Round
      • Shooter
      • Fighter
      • Grappler
      • Giant
      • Vicious

    • Critical:
      Choose when your wrestler can execute a critical move.

      • +0 Points- Finisher
      • +30 Points- Striking
      • +20 Points- Suplex
      • +30 Points- Submission
      • +20 Points- Power
      • +25 Points- Technical

    • Special Skills:
      Special skills you can use if you have enough points.

      • +15 Points- Stardom
        If you do a taunt/pose when your remaining power is 0 your offensive power will increase by 10%.

      • +15 Points- Quick Return
        If your remaining power is at 5% to 20% and your spiritual strength is above 60% then you will stay on the ground 1/8 the time you normally would.

      • +15 Points- One Hit Reversal
        If your remaining power is below 10% and spiritual strength is above 30% then the rate of criticals is doubled.

      • +15 Points- Blood
        If you are bleeding your offensive power is incresed by 5%

      • +20 Points- Start Dash
        If your remaining power is more than 70% then offensive power of all special moves is increased.

      • +20 Points- Guts
        If your remaining power is 0% you will only recieve 1/2 the spiritual damage from a submission hold.

      • +20 Points- Strikes Back
        If the remaining power is below 5% power of all offensive attacks is increased.

      • +25 Points- One Hit Finisher
        The first or second time you use your finisher in a match the offensive power is increased by 150%.

      • Recovery Power:
        • +0 Points- Slow
        • +10 Points- Medium
        • +20 Points- Fast

      • Recovery Power When Bleeding:
        • +0 Points- Slow
        • +5 Points- Medium
        • +10 Points- Fast

      • Respiratory Mood/Breathing:
        • +0 Points- Below
        • +10 Points- Average
        • +20 Points- Above

      • Respiratory Mood/Breathing When Bleeding:
        • +0 Points- Below
        • +5 Points- Average
        • +10 Points- Above

      • Spiritual Strength/Awareness:
        • +0 Points- Poor
        • +10 Points- Medium
        • +20 Points- Strength

      • Respiratory Mood/Breathing When Bleeding:
        • +0 Points- Below
        • +5 Points- Average
        • +10 Points- Above

      • Neck Endurance Time (Stamina):
        • +0 Points- Low
        • +5 Points- Medium
        • +10 Points- High

      • Arm Endurance Time (Stamina):
        • +0 Points- Low
        • +5 Points- Medium
        • +10 Points- High

      • Waist Endurance Time (Stamina):
        • +0 Points- Low
        • +5 Points- Medium
        • +10 Points- High

      • Foot Endurance Time (Stamina):
        • +0 Points- Low
        • +5 Points- Medium
        • +10 Points- High

      • Speed of the Wrestler:
        • +0 Points- Slow
        • +2 Points- Medium Slow
        • +6 Points- Medium
        • +14 Points- Medium Fast
        • +24 Points- Fast

      • Turnbuckle Climbing Speed:
        • +0 Points- Slow
        • +2 Points- Medium Slow
        • +4 Points- Medium
        • +6 Points- Medium Fast
        • +8 Points- Fast

      • Ability to Climb Turnbuckles:
        • +0 Points- Can not climb
        • +4 Points- Can climb
        • +12 Points- Can climb while running

      • Outside Return Count: 0 to 20 (How long your wrestler will stay outside of the ring when controlled by the computer)

      • Touchwork: Slow, Medium, or Fast (How long your wrestler will take to tag out when controlled by the computer)

      • Theme Music: Choose from 31 different theme songs for your wrestler

    • Attributes:
      Select your wrestler's stats for the following categories:

      • Attack and Defend against punches
      • Attack and Defend against kicks
      • Attack and Defend against suplexes
      • Attack and Defend against submissions
      • Attack and Defend against pulling submissions
      • Attack and Defend against horsepower
      • Attack of short burst of power
      • Attack power of the arm
      • Defend against flying attacks
      • Defend against crushing attacks
      • Defend against lariats or clotheslines
      • Attack and Defend against technical moves
      • Attack and Defend against illegal weapons

    • Moves:
      Select what moves your wrestler will use. You select what move your wrestler will use if you press the following buttons. Pressing L once makes the move selected a special, which you have four of. If you press it twice it becomes a finisher, which you can only have one.

      • Standing A
      • Standing B
      • Standing A + B
      • Running A
      • Running B
      • Counter A
      • Counter B
      • Running to Corner B
      • Running to out of Bounds A + B
      • Rope Slingshot to Out of Bounds A + B
      • Apron to Slingshot Inside A + B
      • Post A
      • Post B
      • Post A + B
      • Grappling B
      • Grappling B + Up
      • Grappling B + Left/Right
      • Grappling B + Down
      • Grappling A
      • Grappling A + Up
      • Grappling A + Left/Right
      • Grappling A + Down
      • Grappling A + B
      • Grappling A + B + Up
      • Grappling A + B + Left/Right
      • Grappling A + B + Down
      • Back A
      • Back B
      • Back A + B
      • Back A + B + Up/Down
      • Back A + B + Left/Right
      • Back Defensive B
      • Back Defensive A
      • Opponent Down, Face Up, Head A + B
      • Opponent Down, Face Up, Legs A + B
      • Opponent Down, Face Down, Head A + B
      • Opponent Down, Face Up, Head A
      • Opponent Down, Face Up, Legs A
      • Opponent Down, Face Down, Head A
      • Opponent Down, Face Down, Legs A
      • Opponent Down, Running A + B
      • Corner Grappling A + B + Up
      • Corner Grappling A + B + Left/Right
      • Corner Grappling A + B + Down
      • Corner Grappling A + B + Down
      • Appeal Pre-Match
      • Appeal During Match
      • Appeal Post-Match
      • Front Two Platon
      • Front Three Platon
      • Back Two Platon
      • Back Three Platon
      • Corner Two Platon
      • Corner Three Platon

  • Computer Logic:
    Controls what the wrestler will do when he is being controlled by the computer.

    • Standing: Small or Large damage
      • Grapple
      • Stand Back
      • Circle the Opponent
      • B Attack
      • A Attack
      • A+B Attack

    • Front Grapple: Small, Medium or Large damage
      • B Move
      • B+Up Move
      • B+Left/Right Move
      • B+Down Move
      • A Move
      • A+Up Move
      • A+Left/Right Move
      • A+Down Move
      • A+B Move
      • A+B+Up Move
      • A+B+Left/Right Move
      • A+B+Down Move
      • R Move
      • L Move

    • Back Grapple: Small or Large damage
      • B Move
      • A Move
      • A+B Move
      • A+B+Up/Down Move
      • A+B+Left/Right Move
      • R Move

    • Opponent is Thrown to Ropes: Small or Large damage
      • Running B Move
      • Running A Move
      • B Counter
      • A Counter
      • L Button Counter

    • Opponent is Dazed in Corner: Small or Large damage
      • Running B Move
      • A+B+Up Corner Grapple Move
      • A+B+Left/Right Corner Grapple Move
      • A+B+Down Corner Grapple Move

    • Opponent is Down Near Corner: Large or Near Death damage
      • Attack Normally
      • B Post Move
      • A Post Move
      • A+B Post Move

    • Opponent is Down in Center of Ring: Large or Near Death damage
      • Attack Normally
      • Running A+B while Opponent is Down Move

    • Opponent is Down, Face Up: Small, Large or Near Death damage
      • Pick Up
      • Roll Over
      • Near Head A+B Move
      • Near Legs A+B Move
      • Near Head A Move
      • Near Legs A Move

    • Opponent is Down, Face Down: Small, Large or Near Death damage
      • Pick Up
      • Roll Over
      • Near Head A+B Move
      • Near Legs A+B Move
      • Near Head A Move
      • Near Legs A Move

    • Opponent is Standing Dazed Near Corner: Large or Near Death damage
      • Attack Normally
      • B Post Move
      • A Post Move
      • A+B Post Move
      • Perform Apron-to-Inside Move

    • Opponent is Standing Dazed Near Center of Ring: Large or Near Death damage
      • Attack Normally
      • Running B Move
      • Running A Move

      Opponent is Standing Dazed: Small, Large or Near Death damage

      • Grapple Opponent from Behind
      • A+B Attack

    • Opponent Grapples from Behind:
      • B Back Counter
      • A Back Counter

    • Opponent is Outside the Ring:
      • Follow Opponent Outside
      • Slingshot to Outside A+B Move
      • Running Dive to Outside A+B Move
      • Wait for Opponent to Return

    • Appeal: perform or do not perform
      • Opponent Standing Dazed
      • Opponent Down
      • Opponent Outside of the Ring
      • On the Top Turnbuckle

    • Personality Traits:

      • Entertainment: If the percentage is high the wrestler will be clumbsy.

      • Discretion: If the percentage is higher the wrestler cares more about winning than entertaining.

      • Flexibility: Sets the adaptability to the opponents's style.

      • Cooperation: If the percentage is high the wrestler will probably use double teaming moves a lot more.

  • Data Protection:
    Use this option to save, load and delete wrestlers.

Well, that's about it for this FAQ. Click here for the wrestler list.