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Established February 22 2001
Last Updated August 29th 2001

"If you live to be one hundred, then I want to live to be one hundred minus one, so I don't have to live a day without you."

-Winnie The Pooh

Well here it is!!! My homepage. Yes it's pretty lame mostly because this is my first attemp at building a webpage so yeah it's gonna suck for a while till I figure out what I'm actually doing. Below is a little about me and linx to my pics. There will be more added on a regular basis. Enjoy :)

A Little of Me
Name : Tyler
Age : 21
From : Vernon, B.C., Canada
Hobbies : Hockey, Cars, Poetry and ruling the known universe
Food : Chinese, Pizza,... ohh wait EVERYTHING, I eat like a horse
Ice-cream : Chocolate chip cookie dough
Clothing : Tommy and Broody
Colours : Blue and red
Fruit : Apples, mangoes and Peaches!!
Alcohol : Vodka
Movies : American History-X, Blade, Face-off, Gone in 60 seconds

To view PiX of me kick the squirrel where it counts!!

To find out about "MY" eX LuV click tha heart!!
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