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Mapping party.May 14 2002
Our map may soon be playable as a vote-only on the contactor server ( How nice isn't that? Please have a look at gallery14 (see the files section)!
//Morre (No/Skills) & No/Aim
Files? Files!May 14 2002
We added some files. Check out the file section for details! =P
//Morre (No/Skills) & No/Aim
New MemberMay 14 2002
We are happy to re-introduce No/1! He will start playing with us again now that he's got a better connection than before.
//Morre (No/Skills) & No/Aim
No Order siteMay 14 2002
We've remade the design totally. How do you like the new design?
//Morre (No/Skills) & No/Aim
Well...May 14 2002
There are like 3 or 4 new members in the clan since we last updated news. Just thought that maybe we shouldn't only update the members section...
//Morre (No/Skills) & No/Aim
Clan re-established!MM DD YYYY...?
Check the date... this is old news. Anyway, clan No Order has been reestablished. We can't Aim, we have no Skills, and we are noones... What else do I have to say?
//Morre (No/Skills) & No/Aim