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Cool Wiccan Links

Here I'm gonna have some of the links that I like. I'm in school now, (LoL) so if i dont have time to finish it all.... just be patient...K? :)

Toby's Wiccan Refuge:A really great site. Toby's site is really great for those new to the Craft. His page is definetly a compliment to the Lord and Lady :)

The Blessed Bee: Another great site, :) Its actually a store, but it has news of interest to the Pagan community, humor pages, and a lot more. Really cool site!

The Witches's Voice: this is a site with Wiccan essays and news. This is almost ALWAYS the first place I go when I log on.

W.A.R.D: Witches Against Religious Descrimination, This site has news for Witches and is also where you should go if you'd like to be a member of W.A.R.D.

Avatar Search: "The search engine for the occult internet!" Avatar obviously is a search engine, but it has a lot of great sites right on the main page :)

A Mystical Grove Gotta love this site! This is where the siblings of the Craft can go to voice their opinions. If the Grove likes it, you might just make Voice Of The Week :)