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Elemental Correspondances

Here are the Elements and some of the things they correspond with. These can be a great help when spell casting!

Direction: East
Color: Yellow
Season: Spring
Life Cycle: Birth
Time: Dawn
Sense: Hearing
Expression Of: Breath, Directed thought

Direction: South
Color: Red
Season: Summer
Life Cycle: Youth
Time: Midday
Sense: Sight
Expression Of: Physical Energy, Physical Force

Direction: West
Color: Blue
Season: Fall
Life Cycle: Maturity
Time: Dusk
Sense: Taste & Smell
Expression Of: Feelings, Directed Compassion

Direction: North
Color: Green (Some use black for Earth as well, this is up to you.)
Season: Winter
Life Cycle: Old Age
Time: Midnight
Sense: Touch
Expression Of: The Body, Silence