
Life through the eyes of the tall one they call BigFoot

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Look at my tall goofy ass on my WEBCAM.

Come back everyday and read my journal, leave comments on the message board, and lick my Penis Toes!!!

Mission's of the Day
!!!Warning!!! !!!Try this at Home!!!

Mission of the Day #1: Kick a stranger in the groin, and say “My imaginary friend threatened me to do it!”

Mission of the Day #2: Walk into a random stranger‘s home and ask the first person you see if they know who Andy Dick is.

Mission of the Day #3: Take a dump in a urinal, and if someone walks near you say, “Get outta my stall!”

Mission of the Day #4: Light a bag of burning poo and leave it on your neighbor’s doorstep, then ring the doorbell.

Mission of the Day #5: Walk into incoming traffic.

Mission of the Day #6: Take a pee off Dani‘s balcony, and say, “Look Ma, no hands.”

Mission of the Day #7: Drink a gallon of milk in under an hour.

Mission of the Day #8: Read up on the sex book Kama Sutra, get a blow up doll, and perform the sexual acts in the middle of your local mall.

Mission of the Day #9: Do something that will get you arrested!

Mission of the Day #10: Tell your neighbor you have Genital Warts!

Mission of the Day #11: Go to a drive thru, order a drink, and throw it back at them.

Mission of the Day #12: Go to K-Mart and over the P.A. system say, “Blow Job Special, two for one in aisle seven.

Mission of the Day #13: Pretend your frogger and run across the freeway, just remember you only have one life remaining.

Mission of the Day #14: Stick your foot in the high sucking powered filter of your friends spa, then sue him for the foot that gets sucked off.

Mission of the Day #15: Put a scratch and sniff on the bottom of a pool, and tell someone to go try it.

Mission of the Day #16: Stare at the sun till you go blind.

Mission of the Day #17: Slap a rattlesnake in the face with your barehand, and say “You‘re my bitch now!”.

Mission of the Day #18: Squint your eyes all day like an asian (No offense to asians, if you take it the wrong way, shame to you buddy!”.

Mission of the Day #19: Cough up a lung, I hear it said all the time, but never seen it happen!”.

Mission of the Day #20: Put peanut butter on your penis, and have your dog lick it off (This idea was motivated by Jered Horn, who has done it!”.

Mission of the Day #21: Prove TuPac isn’t dead!

Mission of the Day #22: Outta milk? Suck your nipple as hard as you can till milk comes out, also known as lactation!”.

Mission of the Day #23: Choke a donkey!

Mission of the Day #24: Cheat during an AP test, and make them rip up your test, voiding everyones test, causing anger with the counselors!

Mission of the Day #25: Call 911 and say you accidently got a carrot stuck up your ass.

Mission of the Day #26: Light your hair on fire till it all sizzles.

Mission of the Day #27: Break your pager by flushing it down the toilet.

Mission of the Day #28: Find out what the hell that light was on the top of that hill.

Mission of the Day #29: Sit on train tracks until you get hit by one!”.

Mission of the Day #30: Jump throw your bedroom window!”.

Mission of the Day #31: Handcuff yourself to a tree, throw the key out of your reach, and see if someone will unlock you!”.

Mission of the Day #32: Try to do as much damage to yourself as you can with paper cuts!”.

Mission of the Day #33: Put your tongue on sumptin frozen in your fridge, then while no one is there to save you, use your warm urine to free yourself!”.

Mission of the Day #34: Call KROQ and tell them that they suck balls!.

Mission of the Day #35: Approach a cop and flip him the bird!.

Mission of the Day #36: During class, just pee your pants!.

Mission of the Day #37: Put your finger in a cigarette lighter while a car is running!”.

Mission of the Day #38: Light a fart on fire!”.

Mission of the Day #39: Throw a big rock at the new Hitler Campus Supervisor!”.

Mission of the Day #40: Break Danimal‘s phone for breaking my snake score!”.

Mission of the Day #41: Thank Joe for getting a haircut, and laugh for now he‘ll be maced!”.

Mission of the Day #42: Pepper spray your dog!”.

Mission of the Day #43: Catch a peacock, and put a rubberband around it‘s beak!”.

Mission of the Day #44: Call and order a pizza to your house, then when it comes deny that you ordered it, and ask if you can have it for free!”.

Mission of the Day #45: Walk on burning hot coal, to join the Smack-A-Ho Tribe!”.

Mission of the Day #46: Flip Mr. P the bird in my honor, for he has made a big mistake!”.

Mission of the Day #47: Stick fire in your mouth, now that‘s a spicy meatball!”.

Mission of the Day #48: Bring a big stop watch that ticks loud to the drive-thru at McDonalds, too prove they can never beat the thirty second drive-thru time...Free Big Mac's for everyone!.