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You DON'T want mess with me

Hello and welcome to my makshift webpage, one way or the other, it will get nicer, see it's getting better already!

ANYway I hope this works out, I still have to put in the links, my not so cool comics, and bios of my way kewl characters, plus more . . . when I think of them.I noticed I didn't put a contact address yet, have no fear! I will put that up too!

Stick me with a fork im done! For now HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA . . . cough . . .



. . wow . . ANOTHER comic . . .it's impro again . . . sokay check it out!

All charecters and drawing idea ECT. are (C) <===COPYRIGHT neams and titles are (TM) <=====TRADEMARK to . . . Me! YES HAHAHAHA ALL MINE HAHAHAHA YOU CANT HAVE IT. Steal anything and i'll get the demonic bunnyrabbit from hell to tear your guts out and heard of mad moncter goat monkeys!!! While im at it the TURKEY MONKEYS TOO!!!

Can't you hear it begging, "link me!"
