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Ten things pipers should know about there pipes!

Illustrated here is a case of poor
maintenance and poor protection for
the instrument.
This was broken after the Pipes were poorly
placed on a table and broke after they fell.

You can also see the hemp joint is covered in
plumber's tape this is not the preferred method
of creating an air tight joint as it promotes wear
on the inner drone.

1. To ensure the serviceability of the pipes pressure test the bag by stripping it down to the bear bag place stoppers into the drone stocks and submerge the bag into water and watch for air bubbles. The bubbles will indicate the leak, simple mark the area and patch or replace. 2. Always replace you hemp joints on a regular basis approximately every month to ensure the hemp dose not shrink an slip. 3. Oil your pipes with almond oil every six months to maintain a solid sound and to ward of the wood splitting. 4. Place a small amount of hemp as extra on the base of your drone so that it secures to the hemp joint of the drone to prevent it falling into the bag if it dislodges. 5. If you are using a leather bag if you can't rub the two sides together smoothly then its time to dress it with bag dressing.
6. Use a good quality tape for tuning your chanter electrical tape will slip under warm climatic conditions it will also leave a sticky residue on the chanter making it difficult to play. 7. Always set your own pipes up so as to get the correct playing position "it's OK to get somebody to help you to do this". 8. For you to be able to play the bagpipes you must practice at least three hour a week minimum on the pipes. This promotes good breathing and a sold drone tone. 9. You can't tune a chanter properly until you can blow a steady pressure. 10. Perfect practice makes perfect not practice makes perfect.