
Yet another pride rolls around... and woohoo.. guess what I had a camera....oh yeah .... QUEER KIDS RULE!!

kik arse shirt

Front reads.... I'm not queer but.. i had to snap a pic of his shirt..

Big smiles...

i ran into trisha at the parade...she did my dreads.. and hopefully will redo them for me in a few months.. she's awesome...

Strollin down Halsted

Jen and Amanda... Turn right!@.. lol.. we were having some trouble with communication .. but good news .. We found the car!

Do the hustle .. dodododod...

Me and muh lil pal Timon... ain't he just the cutest ... pay no attention to the funny lookin chick in the corner ;oP

One Big Happy...

Can't you just feel the love !!


oh yeah...lookin' good.

Somehwere over the rainbow type thingy..