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Letter of Transmital…………………………………….. i

Topic Memorandum…………………………………….. ii

Project Proposal………………………………………….. iii

Source Critique…………………………………………… iv

Abstract…………………………………………………… v

Instructions……………………………………………….. vi

Listing of Tables and Figures……………………………. Vii

Report……………………………………………………… 1-18

Background……………………………………….. 1

Introduction……………………………………….. 1

Interview………………………………………….. 2

Methods and types of products……………………. 3

Software…………………………………. 5

Central Unit Programmer……………….. 6

Sensors………………………………….. 8

Telecommunication options…………….. 11

Other important characteristics…………. 12

Marketing…………………………………………. 13

Other products…………………………………….. 15



CD sample…………………………………………



NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY                                                                                                                September, 29, 1998

 Pablo Rodriguez

125 Hampshire St.#2

Cambridge, MA 02139

Boston, MA (617)308-0545


Dear Prof. Harper:

This letter is a transmittal of the topic that I’m going to use for the portfolio of my Midler-year Writing class. The topic I have chose is Irrigation System Technology, but before I would like to introduce myself, saw you my background and why I have chosen this topic.

My name is Pablo Rodriguez and I’m twenty three years old. I’m from Spain so I also speak Spanish and a little French. I’m an undergraduate Industrial Engineering student at Northeastern University, and I’m planning to continue to graduate school. My favorite hobbies are soccer and golf, and I’m also interested in scientific shows and magazines.

I finished my High School in Spain and then I started to study Business Administration in Suffolk University Madrid Campus for the first year. Then I continued my second year in Suffolk University Boston Campus, but there was when I realized that I didn’t really liked what I was studying. So after a big brainstorm I decided to change my major into Industrial Engineering and transfer to Northeastern University, where I’m now in my junior year and I’m convinced that this is what I really like. About my work experiences, I have been working for the last five years, in summer session, in an Irrigation Systems Company from Spain called VYRSA ( There I worked in a little bit of everything: manufacture, phone assistance, representing the company at shows and conventions, or even investigating for new and better products.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity of introduce my self and my background and I hope that this letter had been of your interest and it will give you the required information that you were looking for. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Pablo Rodriguez




Modern Irrigation System (Computerized): IRRINTELL


IRRINTELL is a Modern Irrigation System that once is programmed and installed, it will not be necessary to do absolutely nothing. This system is prepared to control water and to take care of the landscape with the maximum precision and without wasting much energy and water. I have divided IRRINTELL description in two points: 

1.- Parts

2.- Function



The Irrigation System consists of the following parts:

1.- Computer with the irrigation system software (optional part).

2.- Controller programmer.

3.- Different types of sensors.

4.- Pump.

5.- Electro-valves with solenoids.

6.- Sprinklers system.



The computer and software gives the orders to the whole system on how to operate.

The pump starts working when the order is received from the computer where you have programmed before with the preferred irrigation times, initiating the flow of water with the necessary pressure. The computer at the same time received a signal from the sensor confirming the soil state.

The Electro-valves will open at the set time as they receive the orders from the computer. This way the water flow is going to be at one station at a time so the pressure could be enough strong to move all the sprinklers of the station. All this depends of the size that the customer is using, as much bigger the field is more stations would be necessary (more electro-valves), so the system could apply the pressure necessary for each station.

The sensors will control the quality of the irrigation and the computer will recover the information. Then the computer will made the appropriate changes of irrigation time.




Modern Irrigation System

You will need the following essentials:

PC or Mac Computer (5-GB minimum) with IRRINTELL irrigation software (similar to the CD sample attached at the end of the portfolio).

Controller programmer.





Network of pipe and waterproof cable.

Prepare the landscape to install the system (digging the different ways that the Cad- system of the IRRINTELL software is going to tell you to follow and constructing a little waterproof structure of about 2*2 feet and a 110-220 V. switch to place the pump, the electro-valves and the controller programmer).







Install the pipe and cable network as the example shown in the picture. IRRINTELL software will determined the distance between the sprinklers and where the sensor should be best.





Make the connections between computer-programmer, programmer-electrovalves and electrovalves-sprinkler. IRRINTELL software "help-system" will explain how to do the connections properly.




Connect the sensors and sprinklers to the network.



Insert the software into the computer and program it as we would like to spring the treated area.


NOTE: the rest of the work is going to be done basically by the computer but always you are able to make manual changes in case that you realize that something is no working right in the system. Sometimes a bad connection between some of the above mentioned parts make the computer not to receive the input information from the sensors. In this case if for example starts raining the system will not notice the change and it will continue the irrigation with the standard program, making us waste water and place to much water on the filed.


This system doesn’t need much maintenance and this make IRRINTELL be one of the most non-wasting power products in market.

The computer is connected to a regular 110-220 Volt plug.

The controller programmer just needs a 9 V. battery that lasts approximately 18 months.

The rest of the system parts just will have to be replaced in case of accidents that caused brake the part.

All the parts are easily replaceable and have guarantied. The cost of waste of energy and time is going to be minimize and the quality of the results will be the bests.

For more technical information you can contact with our technical department 24 hours a day at (617) 308 0545.





Date: November, 4, 1998

To: Prof. Deanne Harper

From: Pablo Rodriguez

RE: Progress Memo

The progress on my final presentation is changing as the days go through and as I get new information from my research. I just came back from my trip to the annual Irrigation Association Show in San Diego, California. There I had the chance to record new information in irrigation systems and I could talk directly to the people from each companies, whose show me the new products for this year and explain me how they work and which features it has. Now I have the answers to many of the questions that I had before about some of the parts of the modern irrigation systems.

With all this new information now, I will improve and clarify some of the aspects and explanations of my report. I’m working daily on my report as I’m getting new ideas of how to approach to the different problems and which would be the best solution.

I have organized the report in different parts following the IEEE style and analyzing point by point the different parts of the system. Also some visual elements will shown where you could appreciate physically how the final product and it different parts will look like.

I would like to know how exactly we have to organize the different parts of the portfolio once this one is finish.

The final report is being daily improved and getting more clear to understand for the audience. Now, if you have any questions about this report, please do not hesitate to contact me through the usual channels.


Pablo Rodriguez



Source Critique

DATE: October/16/98


FROM: Pablo Rodriguez

SUBJECT: Source Critique


This is a Source Critique of an article related to my report topic. The article that I have chosen is about water waste because a bad distribution of an irrigation system or because some typical accidents. I have divided and analyze this Source Critique in the next different sections:


Article Summary

I found this article titled "Water Waste" in a monthly magazine called Irrigation and that was published in September 1998. It explains the different consequences that happens when the water distribution is not correct because a bad installation of the system or because the bad quality of the product that is being used. The author cites one particular area of California where the uses of irrigation systems are very big and where he has experience and realize the huge waste of water that is being loose every day.

The article is intended for readers with some technical background in irrigation systems, and with some interest in landscape. The language is only moderately technical, and many of the terms are defined in an include section within the pages of the article. The article is organized into sub-sections such as Irrigation Installation or Slopes of the different areas, and these divisions aid the reader to determine the author’s main point, which is the diary enormous waste of water by irrigation systems.

The author try to regard some design and capability problems




We are almost in the twenty-first century and the most modern Irrigation System ever made is the one that will present you on this report. We are in a time where technology must be something common to us and we should use it as best as we can.

The main reason of this topic is to conserve natural resources. Gardens and agricultural field can be irrigated correctly with a minimum waste of water. The standard industry is to construct large, inefficient and bad quality equipment. This means installing a system that somehow works and is cheap and will avoid complains. What I’m proposing here is a system that your company could manufacture and that could cost to produced it a little more but with a very high quality and performance.







No aspect of irrigation technology has offered greater advances in recent years than central control systems. Imagine having an expert irrigation technician in the field 24 hours a day. A technician that is forever adjusting schedules according to climatic or soil moisture conditions, detecting and reporting communication, electrical and pipe failures, and taking corrective action to shut down and bypass specific problem zones.

These sophisticated "brains" of today’s irrigation systems offer far-reaching benefits for the field, including the most efficient consumption of water and electricity, and great flexibility in programming watering station activity.



This project that I’m going to introduce to you is called "IRRINTELL" and is a modern technology product that will make The VYRSA company sell the most modern irrigation system ever made. VYRSA is a Spanish Irrigation Systems company formed in 1970 and is now one of the biggest irrigation systems manufacturers in the world markets. I have interviewed the International Sales Manager of this company, Mr. Maximiliano Rubio, who told me that the company is really looking for a product with a features such the one that I’m offering.

Water can mean the difference between success and failure of a business. Therefore, efficient water management is important. IRRINTELL can be used to improve irrigation management. Improvements in agriculture and landscape irrigation efficiency can mean the difference between profit and loss to many irrigation managers. These improvements can also mean savings in water, energy and capital outlay costs for water purveyors. However, knowing when and how much water to apply is sometimes difficult for growers and landscape managers to calculate. Now, IRRITELL can help VYRSA to improve irrigation efficiency by providing the weather information needed for calculating water budgets. These water budgets can then be used to determine when to irrigate and how much water to apply.



On the interview to the International Sales Manager of VYRSA, Mr. Maximiliano Rubio, I have obtained the necessary information to analyze what kind of product is VYRSA exactly looking for to satisfy the company needs.

For the last 6 years the only programming control system in VYRSA’s catalog has been a simple manual programmer from 3 to 12 stations and with no many control features. Now, Mr. M. Rubio said that is time to look for something new with the most advanced technology and with all the necessary features to control irrigation at the less cost and as more secure and easy to use as possible. I also asked him about when he would like to have this system ready to sale on market and he have answered me that he would like to introduce it on market for the next year 1999 at the IA (Irrigation Association) annual irrigation show in U.S.A.

I asked Mr. M Rubio about which prices he think that the products should have to be a competitive product. He answer me that the standard prices that other companies for a similar system cost around the $150-179 for a football-field’s size system, (no including, of course, the computer, the pump, the electrovalves and neither the sprinklers). Mr. M. Rubio told me that this product that I’m offering looks like a much more powerful system than other current systems, and that for this reason he thinks that it could be sale for more money than the standard systems. The price that we are trying to approach for the standard model of IRRINTELL will be around the $200-230.

I asked Mr. M. Rubio was about any other special feature that he would like to add in IRRINTELL system. Mr. M. Rubio answered me that he would like to add a alarm sound system that allow you to know if something is not running right in the system. At this time I just assure him that it wouldn’t be any problem to add this new feature into IRRINTELL.

Other question that I asked to Mr. M. Rubio was about the marketing that he wants to use to introduce IRRINTELL and his answer was that it would be done by information catalogs sent by mail and e-mail to different clients and also by shows and conventions appearance.



The IRRINTELL irrigation system is formed of software that can be used from a regular PC or Mac computer that is connected to a central unit programmer that controls the water supply from the electro-valves. The software what basically does is to receive and analyze information received from a sensor system. The change of the different weather conditions is noticeable from the sensors and those send a signal advising of the change to the computer. The software records these changes and automatically re-adjust the irrigation time or pressure of the water flow. Then the computer send back the fixed signal to the central unit programmer that as well is going to be reprogrammed. At the same time the programmer send another signal to the different electrovalves that will open at the ordered sequence and time. The water supply will depend of the information received from the sensors to the computer. The electro-valves are opened or closed by solenoids that received impulses from the central unit programmer.

For example during the 1998 Ryder Cup golf play, in Valderrama, Spain, was deluged by overnight thunderstorms with extremely heavy rain, but with sophisticated irrigation controls and a magnificent drainage system, the golf course was in perfect playing condition only a few hours later in the morning. IRRINTELL central control system also feature software that provides greens-keepers and course mangers with reports in irrigation activity and the resulting course conditions. All this features can also be applied to many other different similar places such as parks, soccer/football/baseball fields, etc.


IRRNTELL software could also ensures the most efficient delivery of water and guards against overtaxing of pipe networks or electrical circuits. These features, for instance, analyze the selected watering program in relation to the course’s piping and electrical system. Efficient and cost-effective, IRRINTELL regulate water delivery so proper water pressure is maintained to every sprinkler and pipes and electrical system are not damaged through over-loading.








Now let analyze the different parts of IRRINTELL Irrigation System:

4.1 IRRINTELL Software

The software of today’s state-of-art, computerized central control systems may offer dozens, even hundreds, of field-wide watering programs, as well as the opportunity to customize programming to suit a field’s specific watering needs. In addition, IRRINTELL control system can even respond automatically to changing conditions on a field. IRRINTELL can analyze data acquired at on-site weather stations and alter watering activity in response to rainfall, wind, temperature, humidity, and other atmospheric actions.

Many different SOFTWARE control methods have been used in the last past years to program the irrigation systems for human convenience but none like this one that I’m presenting. The software combines the advantages of CAD drawing with powerful hydraulic pipe sizing and network analysis techniques, and also provides automatic selection of pipefitting thereby generating a complete bill of materials. IRRINTELL software is very easy program to use. IRRINTELL works with a window system (similar to Windows 95) where you select the subject that want to change or just to observe by clicking on the corresponding icon and this way you access to the next IRRINTELL window. IRRINTELL software can be connected The to a regular irrigation programmer with a different number of stations that are need (3, 6, 9, 12, >12) so this software has an unlimited number of program stations.

The computer and software would be an optional product for the customer because the VYRSA distributors of this system will have the software and they can reprogram the customers’ programmers with an additional charge.

The basic features of IRRINTELL Software are:

ET checkbook.




Graphical Interface.

Operates up to 32 serial ports simultaneously.

Easy to program.

Custom reporting.

Metric units.

Unlimited site capacity.

Site maps/site photos.

Multiple communication options.

Extensive Help system.


4.2 IRRINTELL Central Unit Programmer

IRRINTELL propose a 110-220 V. or two year batteries controller for the most complex and dynamic sites, like commercial applications; that’s versatile as well as smart?

The unique seasonal adjustment feature lets you quickly alter watering times without reprogramming. Made of waterproof materials and with an especial storm protection system. Models for 3, 6, 9, 12, and more than 12 stations. It is very easy to install. A digital window allows you to observe, analyze and alter manually the different programs. All the manual changes are very easy to perform thanks to the simple and understandable keyboard. The central unit programmer characteristics are:

A. Program with Windows Software or Touch Screen Display.

B. Use to monitor landfill soil moisture, site remediation, weather stations, manages greenhouses and schedule irrigation.

C. Up to 48 sensor inputs: soil moisture, temperature, rain gauge, humidity, wind speed, water depth, water pressure and flow meters.

D. Up to 48 independent output control channels for: valves, pump starts, fertilizer injectors, cooling cycles and frost protection.

E. Output programming for: 48 independent programs, concurrent operation, multiple start times per day and run times from 1 second to 99 hours.

F. Water budgeting.

G. Solar Power available.

H. Radio, repeater or modem controls available.

NOTE: In the last page, a sample software is attached. This sample is the new version from Rain-Bird Irrigation Systems Company, and has similar features to the one that I’m proposing to VYRSA.




The system also consists of sensors inserted into the soil and that are connected to the electronic control unit. There are many different kinds of sensor, ones that detect the humidity of the floor, others that determine the flow of water through the pipes, others that control the temperature and weather conditions, others that detect the water lost problems and others that detect the wind factor. Among the many factors affecting sprinkler irrigation, wind is the one, which have the largest negative affect on the uniformity of water distribution; farmers suffer consequences without really being able to do anything about it. This poor control of their equipment reduces the productivity of their investments.

FIGURE #1: "Wind factor"















Here is an example of some of the different types of sensors:


FIGURE #2: "Different kind of humidity sensors"












Figure #3: "IRRINTELL packaged system"















4.4 IRRINTELL Telecommunication options

Also the program will have into account the different geographical factors of the different areas. This unit can be reprogrammed from your computer via Internet or even from a touch tone phone. This would be very useful for many different sites such as golf courses,

agriculture, or gardening.

In regions such as Costa del Sol, in Spain, where soil requires extensive daily water, I recommend to use an irrigation system that use satellites, which are capable of controlling a larger number of watering stations in a much more " friendly use" manner than are decoders. Decoders are more common on links fields and northern fields, which received substantial rainfall and utilize fewer watering stations than an arid southern filed. IRRINTELL as one of the most effective and advanced control system is flexible and capable of interfacing with both satellites and decoders. If a field’s decoder are still workable, this modern control flexibility allows a filed to upgrade its central controls without replacing decoders. The net results include greatly enhanced irrigation control system in a cost-efficient manner.

In any language, IRRINTELL irrigation control systems are valuable assets to a golf course or complex. IRRINTELL ensure reliable operation and highly efficient consumption of resources, including water, electricity, and operating expenses, and one of the most important benefit of all: beautiful landscape.

The following figure #4 are the different possible ways to establish telecommunication between the computer and the central programmer:


FIGURE#4: " Telecommunication of the irrigation system"







4.5 Other important characteristics

Other of the significance different to other irrigation control programs in market will be the easy parts replacement in case of reconstruction or repairing. These are some other characteristics of the system that I’m proposing:

Practically an unlimited number of parallel valves can be operated with the IRRINTEL system.

The controller reduces installation cost and facilitates location since no external AC, DC, or sunlight is required for most applications. This also makes it electrically safe.

Battery operation guarantees that power failures will not disrupt an irrigation cycle, nor that is there a need to reprogram since the program is maintained for 12 years. The solenoid power is supplied by three 9 volt batteries which need only be changed once a year. Because the electric power is separate, there is again no need to reprogram when these batteries are changed.

IRRINTELL is a universally powered irrigation system suitable for worldwide applications, indoors or outdoors.

IRRINTELL software facilitates programming, communication, and reliable exchange of data between a PC and the IRRINTELL dataloggers. IRRINTELL’s interactive toolbar launches and controls independent windows used to communicate with dataloggers, edit programs, view and graph real time data, retrieve stored data and process data files.



The price and the marketing factors for this product are going to be the most remarkable areas that I would like strongly approach, where the main point will be to save time and cost less money to our customers in addition to accomplishing the goal of save energy.

Sprinkler system cost can be estimated for head line, wheel line, solid set, center pivot, and linear move systems. Life-cycle costing and critical branch design approaches are used in this set of routines.

The distribution of IRRINTELL is based on the irrigation products sale market, and those are: Supermarkets, farm co-ops and garden centers distribute 77% of the consumer market value. The remaining 23% are divided among other "traditional" outlets (hardware store, mail order sales) and specialized irrigation stores, installers and landscape companies.

There is nothing more difficult for a company than to foresee what consumers want. Invent a product that meets a need that has not jet been expressed, to set its price, to decide how to go about selling it, i.e. Marketing in the widest sense of the world. In the end, that’s what makes the difference between companies that succeed and those that fail. Today, some people seem to think that turnover in the irrigation industry is not as good as could be expected. This calls for a few comments, the most obvious being that we can’t blame a bad results of the last two years on "El Nino" alone.

The IRRINTELL market, and especially the irrigation sector, target customers who are often poorly informed but who, search for the new world, scour the shelves looking for the key of success. Dreaming of a lush, imaginary paradise, the do-it-yourselfe is in for a rude awakening in front of an irrigation gondola. Poorly translated brochures, incomprehensive controllers, products with a wrong threads, incompatible brands, there are plenty of traps along the way, and all too often our dreamer is disappointed, leaving with just an oscillating sprinkler under his arm and postponing his dreams and projects for another day.

Year after year, the much awaited improvement in the market doesn’t come and the numbers remain flat. In irrigation like somewhere else, seduction is a question of Marketing. IRRINTELL has understood this and will become a veritable success story, meeting all hopes and needs of amateur gardeners.

A brand can not progress if it doesn’t transform the market with new technologies, revolutionary designs and innovative sales advise. Nobody is exempt from this observation and the entire profession should rethink its strategy.

All this information will be used to determine the best manufacturing process at the best cost and with the most ideal material for each particular application.



The rest of the materials necessary to create a complete irrigation system would be basically Electro or Hydraulic valves, pump, sprinklers, waterproof cable and pipe. Here are now some important characteristics of these materials:

[1] Electro or Hydraulic valves: Normally closed valves. Suitable for treated sewage water. Available with and without flow control and with a manual bleed. Permanent cleaning filter. Assembled with stainless steel screws. 24 V. solenoids as standard (other voltages may be supplied upon request). Range working pressure 0,5 to 12 Kg, recommended 1 to 7 bars. Available in 1’’ 1 ½’’ 2’’ and 3’’. Made of plastic delrin.

[2] Pump: IRRINTELL Software will recommend you automatically the kind of pump that is going to be necessary depending of the water flow that is going to be used. It is very important to play with enough water flow, otherwise the system will not have enough pressure to move the different sprinkler heads of each station.

[3] About the sprinklers, VYRSA could use their sprinklers, also being recommended from the software which model to use in different situations and which nozzle should have for a appropriate water distribution.

[4] Waterproof cable and pipe length and type necessary to the different projects would be as well determined from the software.

All these parts are connected together to the programmer that is the one that commands the whole irrigation system. An important function when designing a system is to be sure to calculate total pressure drop to ensure sufficient downstream pressure for optimal sprinkler performance. In this system the software program will do it for us and automatically will give us the recommended nozzles that we should use in each sprinkler area. In the next page you could see some charts and tables about the pressure depending of the diameter of the pipe used.



Today’s Irrigation Control Systems are valuable assets to the fields or complex. They ensure reliable operation and highly efficient consumption of resources, including water, electricity and operating expenses. A sophisticated system as IRRINTELL can ensure the most efficient delivery of water and guards against overtaxing of pipe networks and electrical circuits by providing reports to analyze and evaluate irrigation activity and the resulting field conditions.




[1] 1998 Catalog from the Irrigation Company VYRSA. Anonymous.

[2] Internet documentation: A: Department of Rural Engineering and Natural Resource

Protection "IRRISOFT".

B: HR Wallingford.(hrwallinford…ment/pressure/index.html)

[3] Irrigation Journal articles by Dr. Richard G. Allen.

[4] 1998’s Catalog from ESI Environmental Sensor Inc. Anonymous.

[5] 1999’s ISIS Integrated Solenoid Interface System Catalog. Anonymous.

[6] 1998’s Rain Master Catalog, "Evolution". Anonymous.

[7] 1998’s Rain Bird Catalog and Software sample. Anonymous.

[8] "Irrigazette", The European irrigation Magazine. November/December 1998.

[9] 1998’s Campbell Scientific Inc. Catalog, "Measurement and control systems". Anonymous.

[10] 1998’s Delta-T Services Catalog. Anonymous.