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I recently rediscovered my love of Babylon 5. Me being who I am, this love expressed itself by alerting Naomi to the wonders of spoo (if you don't know what spoo is, go here) and, with her, co-writing an

Ode to Spoo

Oh spoo!
Thou art small, white and pasty.
Though sighing wetly, thou art noble and delicious.
Our spoo, who art in grey, damp places,
Who sighest, and leanest, and art good with toast,
How melodious art thy sighs!
How musical thy squelch!
How non-violent thine resistance:
Thou reducest chance of injury by merely sighing louder.
How enthusiastic yet somehow apathetic thy breeding,
That hath evolved a most glorious flesh in thy innocence and must pay the price.
How slow and stately thy travel!
How sumptuous to all species, both fresh and vintage;
Even the Pak'ma'ra delight in thy flavour.

J. Michael Straczynski's explanation of spoo
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