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Bored with the net? Check out some of these sites!

Entertainment and Stuff is a great site. Download their free media player and you can listen to music, play games, and watch cartoons.

-Listen to music online without having to download anything! You can customize your own raio station or listen to one that they already have.

-Yea, yea, I'm a Napster user. I love Metallica too. If you don't have Napster already, go to this site and get it now!

Web Resources

-Wanna build a web site? I've been pretty happy with these guys so far. Plus, you get 50 megs to work with.

-Know nothing about HTML? HTML Goodies taught me everything I needed to produce this site, and more!

-One of my favorite search engines. If you're looking for something, you can probably find it by searching with this site.