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Banshee SST pipes and silencers /Pro Flow Kit

PDC_0160.jpg (503725 bytes) Pipes with pic as soon as I ripped open the box


PDC_0161.jpg (636186 bytes) Close up of the SST pipes.

PDC_0162.jpg (438773 bytes)  ITS Naked!!! Prepping the Banshee to setup pipes and air kit (maybe to much? lol)

pdc_0163.jpg (170068 bytes) Took it down the road to see how the pipes worked out, my buddy cant take pics worth a chit but he helped me install everything, thanks Eric (kilrvamps).

PDC_0164.jpg (235263 bytes) I didn't know he took this pic, looks like im lost huh?

PDC_0167.jpg (464816 bytes) Pro Flow adapter kit, very much recommend this over the shitty stock setup.

PDC_0168.jpg (469577 bytes) Eric (kilrvamps) checking out his professional drilling of the air box, thanks!

pdc_0166.jpg (181072 bytes) Heres the final look


The installation of all this took us to damn long (not saying how long ;-)

We had a small problem with the left carb float being open and it leaked gas as soon as I turned on the fuel, we then corrected it and gave it a test run.

pdc_0169.jpg (147905 bytes) Eric trying to find the bolts!! LMAO!

More to come!