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Herencia Cristiana

Heroes Cristianos

Maldito aquel que ejecuta negligentemente la obra del Señor y maldito el que veda a su espada el verter sangre.
Jeremias 48:10, Motto del Papa Gregorio VII.

Armstrong, The Gospel According to Woman, London 1986.
Bauer, Die deutsche Frau in der Vergangenheit, 1907.
Bynum, Holy Feast and Holy Fast, Berkeley 1987.
Deschner, Abermals krähte der Hahn, Stuttgart 1962.
Dyer, Theodore Roosevelt and the Idea of Race, Louisiana State University Press 1980.
Hall, Witch Hunting in Seventeenth Century New England, Boston 1991.
Kühner, Das Imperium der Päpste, Frankfurt 1980.
Lange, Martin Luther, ein religiöses Characterbild, Berlin, 1870.
Lifton, The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide, New York, 1986.
Manhattan, Catholic Imperialism and World Freedom, New York 1972.
National Geographic, Vol 187, No.5, May 1995, p.86-87.
Russell, The Just War in the Middle Ages, Cambridge 1975.
Schreckenbach, Luther u. der Bauernkrieg, Oldenburg, 1895.
Stannard, American Holocaust, Oxford 1992.
Svaldi, Sand Creek and the Rhetoric of Extermination, New York 1989.
Thurston, Die körperlichen Begleiterscheinungen der Mystik, 1956.
Underhill, Mystik, 1928.
Wright, Stolen Continents. The Indian Story, London 1992.
Wollschläger, Die bewaffneten Wallfahrten gen Jerusalem, Zürich 1973.

Referencias Stepinac

Dedijer, Vladimir. The Yugoslav Auschwitz and the Vatican : the Croatian Massacre of the Serbs during World War II (Buffalo, NY Prometheus Books, Ahriman-Verlag, 1992. --German edition published in 1988)

Reviews of Dedijer's book include:

1. Fox, John P. The Slavonic and East European Review, v. 73 (Apr. '95) p. 358-60

2. Ramet, Sabrina Petra. Journal of Church and State v. 35 (Autumn '93) p. 900-2

3. Prpic, George J. The Catholic Historical Review v. 79 (July '93) p. 560-2 4. Dean, Istvan. New York Review of Books v. 39 n. 18 (Nov. 5, 1992) p. 25

5. Tomovich, Vladislav. Toronto Star (Jan. 23, 1993)

6. Zvielli, Alexander. The Jerusalem Post (Nov. 19, 1992)

Embassy of the Federal Peoples Republic of Yugoslav. El Caso del Arzobispo Stepinac. (Zagreb 1947)

Falconi, Carlo. The Silence Of Pius XII Faber & Faber, London, 1970

Federation of Jewish Communities. The Crimes Of The Yugoslav Fascists and Their Collaborators Against Jews and Orthodox Serbs in Yugoslavia Belgrade, 1957

Goldstein, Ivo and Narcisa Lengel-Krizman. Anti-semitism, Holocaust, Anti-fascism (Zagreb Jewish Community,1997)

Njemirovski, Olga. The Holocaust and the Jews of Yugoslavia (Jerusalem, Gefen 1996)

Serbian Eastern Orthodox Diocese for the US & Canada. The Martyrdom of the Serbs: Persecutions of the Serbian Orthodox Church and Massacre of the Croatian People (Panandech, Chicago c. 1944)

Bulajic, Milan. Tudjman's "Jasenovac myth" : Genocide against Serbs, Jews and Gypsies (Belgrade, Strucna knjiga, 1994)

Bulajic, Milan. Genocide of the Serbs, Jews and Gipsies in the Ustashi Independent State of Croatia (Belgrade, Strucna knjiga, 1991)

Bulajic, Milan. The Role of the Vatican in the Break-up of the Yugoslav State (Belgrade, Strucna knjiga, 1994)

Includes material on the movement in Croatia for the beatification of Stepinac.

Manhattan, Avro. The Vatican's Holocaust Ozark Books

Manhattan, Avro. Terror over Yugoslavia, the Threat to Europe. London 1953

Paris, Edmond. Genocide in Satellite Croatia 1941-1945 1961.

Seldes, George. Even the Gods Can't Change History (Lyle Stewart, Seacaucus)

O'Sullivan, Gerry. "Three Genocidal Churchmen: J. Tiso, A. Stepinac and J. Mindszenty" The Humanist v. 50 (Nov Dec. '90) p. 44-51

Paris, Edmond. Convert Or Die--Catholic Persecution in Yugoslavia During WWII Chino, CA

Rhodes, Anthony. The Vatican in the Age of the Dictators 1922-1945. London 1973

Referencias Plaza 

Nunca Mas, Informe de la Comicion Nacional Sobre la Desaparición de Personas. Capitulos El antisemitismo: Ingrediente Fundamental en Cualquier Inquisición basado y La Lucha contra los que piensan

La Iglesia cómplice y la Iglesia del Pueblo, folleto editado en Buenos Aires en 1996 por organismos de Derechos. Citas

The Silence of the Bishops, Uki Goñi, Capitulo "La Aprobación y Conducción del Vaticano"

Clarín - Cultura y Nación, Domingo 25 de febrero de 2001



Ultima Actualizacion Agosto 08
, 2002
por greenman_92553 - Elias Bernard