Hat's Resilient Webpage Update Spetember 22, 2002. I'm adding the weatherpixie. She is the hottest girl in town that I talk to.

The WeatherPixie

A journal to document my psychosis.

Pages contained herin:

The page where hat puts stuff occasionally

Predictions and Results for the 2002 Winston Cup season.

Who be driving what in 2003?

Stupid Crap - consider yourself warned

Guide to the vehicles driven by Hat

Ned Flanders is here

Excitement Abounds. Link to somewhere better.

¿monochromatic girl?

Being Brie

Jayski's - the place for all things NASCAR

FARK.com - where TDS gets its "news"

Someday there might be more. maybe...

Want me to add more? webmaster@hatsmail.zzn.com or other addresses if your in the know/now/no.