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Alarra MacGreggor

*Scene opens to show Fyre as she wakes up the next morning. She looks around the room, looking slightly confused as to where she is. She sees Kevin sitting in his chair and smiles lightly, standing up slowly, but it wasnt slow enough as she puts her hand to her head and groans. Kevin comes to with a start, jumping up and running to her, sitting down next to her and she sighs, leaning into him as he places his arms around her.*

Kevin, whats wrong with me? After all this time, why should it come back now?

I dont know Alarra, but I called Mary Jane and she should be here in a couple of days.

You did what?!

Dont get mad. She would have known soon anyway, she is your therapist.

*Fyre sighs and shakes her head.*

Yes, but.....

But nothing, you need her here, and I will be damned if I am going to sit back and let all this tear you up again like it did ten years again. Dammit, do you know how much it hurt to walk into your house yesterday and find you in the bathroom, laying there in a pool of blood? Do you know what went through my head when I saw that smashed in mirror. Dammit Alarra! I never should have left you.

*He shivered and stood as he was talking, standing and looking down at her with an almost angry expression on his face by the time he was finished. A look that was almost fearful crossed her face as she looked up at him and she lifted her arm as though to fend him off. He blinked and realized what he must look like to her, sitting down quickly next to her and wrapping his arms around her as she started to cry.*

Im sorry sis, I never should have said that. Its just that I was so horrified that I had lost you when I found you like that yesterday. I just didnt know what to do. Im sorry. I really am.

Its alright, Kevin. I understand.

*Her words were choked with tears as the scene faded out.*

*The scene faded back in to show a young man sitting in a corner, laughing hysterically at something. He had long, brown hair and brown eyes. His skin was a dark olive shade, and he was wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans. He glanced over at the camera and grinned, nodding to it as he moved. He was in Fyre's house, but who was he? He came across the pool of blood on the bathroom floor and grinned to himself, laying down and placing a hand in it, playing lightly with two fingers as he moved the blood about, beginning to smear it on himself and laughing hysterically as he did.*

Mmmmm, Fyre, I want you so bad I can taste you.

*He whispered maliciously to himself as he took some of her blood and placed it along his lips, licking it slowly as though enjoying the taste and the scene faded out.*

*Scene reopened to show Fyre stepping from Kevins bedroom with her brother at her side, you can hear the kids in the other room, laughing and shouting as they play. Fyre and Kevin both smile and walk in the direction of the ruckus. They enter the bedroom to find all three children standing on the bed and jumping on it. They are all in jammies and are just having a good old time making a mess out of the bed. Fyre and Kevin attempt to look mad, smirking, and the kids immediately fall to sitting on the bed, innocent looks on all of their faces as they look over at the two adults. Fyre and Kevin both shake their heads walking completely into the room.*

Now, what have I told you three about that?

*The oldest sighs and shakes her head as her brothers look as though they are about to start crying. She looks up at Kevin with a rebellious look on her face.*

We were only...

*She is interrupted by both Kevin and Fyre, jumping at the children and tackling them, taking them and tickling all three of them at once. The room fills with screeches and giggles as everyone, including Fyre, seems to forget the recent troubles and just play as the scene fades out.*

*The scene fades back in to show the same man as before as he climbs into Fyres shower, turning the water on and groaning as it hits him in the face. He is fully clothed and seemed to be cleaning the blood off of him. You can see the spot on the floor is completely gone as though he had cleaned it. After a moment, he steps out and takes up the blow dryer, blowing himself till he was near dry, which seemed like it was about an hour before he was done. He then smiled and slipped out of the bathroom and into Fyre's bedroom, glancing around before heading to her dresser, opening the top drawer, he reached in and pulled out one of Fyre's bras, grinning as he stuffed the pink lace into his pocket before sifting through the drawer some more. After a moment, he pulls out the matching underwear that went with the bra. A pair of slink, pink lace panties that would probably show off every piece of Fyre when she wore them, he grinned again and stuffed those in his pocket as well before turning to the bed, leaving the drawer open as the scene faded out.*

*Scene reopened to show, Fyre, Kevin and the children sitting around a table in Kevin's kitchen. They are eating what looks to be an absolutely delicious breakfast. Bacon, eggs, ham, toast, and orange juice all spread around the table and everyone seemed to be enjoying it except Fyre. She picked through her breakfast slowly thinking on the reasons as to why she was there. She sighed and continued to eat, but it was as though she didnt taste her breakfast at all as the scene faded out.*

*Scene reopened to show the man as he slinked across Fyre's bed, looking as though he might attack something, and that is what he did, although it was the pillow that she slept, sweated, cried and enjoyed pleasureable moments with her head resting on. He pulled the pillow to his face, rolling over onto his back with the pillow held tightly to his face as he seemed to be taking in her scent completely. The scene faded out once more.*

*Fyre and Kevin were sitting in the backyard of Kevin's house as the children played. Both had beers and were drinking them slowly, making sure that the kids didnt get hurt as they continued to play. Finally Kevin sighed and looked over at Fyre.*

Alarra, I really dont think that you should be in that match at the pay per view.

*Fyre looked shocked at this, Kevin knew how much her titles and her matches were to her, and he especially knew that this was her first pay per view, and there wasnt anything in the world that would keep her from it.*

Kevin, you are nuts if you think I am going to back down and let Mary Jane defend our titles by herself. It isnt her job to do that, and I am not going to let him happen. Do you understand that?

*Kevin nodded gently.*

Yes, Alarra I do, but I really think you need to back off from this a little, especially with....

*He stopped and bit his lip, watching her. Her eyes scowled angrily. Her voice was rather small and angry when she finally spoke.*

Dont you dare fucking talk about it, Kevin, please.

*That last bit was almost pleading. He nodded.*

Of course, Im sorry.

*Fyre nodded and took a long drink of her beer, sitting back in her seat as she turned to watch the kids once more while the scene faded out.*

*The scene faded back to show the same man as he climbed out of her bed, making it completely before heading over, closing the opened drawer and then slipping from the room and out the door, gone in the blink of an eye as the scene faded once more.*

*Scene opened to show Fyre as she stood from her seat in the backyard, turning and walking inside. Kevin glances over at her but he is to entranced by whatever game the kids were playing to follow, and plus, they were in the pool, so it wouldn't be a good idea for him to follow her anyhow. She slipped quietly in through the back door, not even glancing behing her as she slipped up the stairs and into a room of the house that she had avoided for years. It was what Kevin called their childhood room. She walked over and sat down on the seventies styled couch that was in there, glancing around at all the pictures that were in the room. There were pictures of Kevin and Fyre as children, as well as them with their parents. There was one picture in particular that seemed to draw Fyre's eyes, and she stood walking over to it and picking it up. It showed her and Kevin looking about seventeen with their parents. Her parents and Kevin all seemed to be a happy family, tightly bundled in together for the picture, but there was an obvious gap between them and Fyre, who stood off to the side looking none to happy about having to be there. Fyre sighed and walked back to the couch sitting down and curling up, putting her feet up so she could use her knees as a table as she sat there, looking at the picture, she started to cry and after a while, seemed to fall asleep as the scene faded out.*

*Scene opened up to the next day, showing Fyre as she, Kevin and the kids are all cllimbing into the car. They head in the direction of Fyre's house. They sing kids songs on the way there, even though it is only about half-way across the city. The traffic is horrible at this point in the day. They get to her house and climb out, all of them heading inside, and then the kids run through to the back and open the back door, running outside to go play while Kevin sits down on the couch and turns on the television set.*

I'm here, no worries. Go and pack your bags, I will be right here if you need me.

*Fyre nodded and then headed back into the back of the house and her room. She looked around and blinked, her room was in better condition than she thought it would be in. How? Kevin must have sent someone over. She decided to ask him about that later, but when she stepped into the bathroom, she paled. There was no blood. No trace of it, and where were the shattered pieces of glass. That was strange, very strange. She shook her head and turned back around, heading over to the closet and pulling out a couple of pieces of what looked to be a black dress suit. The dress was casual, but placed with the blazer, it made it look quite businesslike. She then reached into the bottom of her closet and pulled out a pair of black high heels, setting them on the floor next to the edge of the bed before reaching back into her closet once more. This time she pulled out a dark green suit. This one had a blazer, a long skirt, and a button up satin blouse. She smiled as she reached in and pulled out a black skirt as well, placing the garments over the other ones on the be before moving over to her dresser. There she starts with the bottom drawer, pulling out a couple of t-shirts and a pair of jeans before moving on to the middle drawer. Out of this one came a tank top and some knee highs, as well as a couple pairs of sweat pants and a couple of sweat shirts. She lays all of this on the bed as well before moving onto the last drawer in the dresser. She opened the top drawer and looked inside, blinking she ruffled through the things there and shook her head.*

What in the world?

*Her voice was low, almost angry sounding as she looked through the drawer and finally, she stopped, looking about the room.*

Maybe I left them at Baretts, I will have to call him about that later.

*She ruffled through some more and finally put out two bras, both were lace but one was black and then other green and the matching panties to go with them, setting those on the bed as well. She smiled as she reached in and pulled out a suitcase, packing everything that didnt hang up, including the high heels. When she opens it, you can see that there is what looks to be a traveling make-up case inside, which you can assume as all the essential make-up that a girl of her caliber would have. She then zipped up the suicase, setting it next to the bed before grabbing up the dress that goes with the dress suit and heading into the bathroom. A moment later, you can hear as the shower starts up, she sighs and seems to relax as the scene fades out.*

*Scene opens up again to show Fyre standing there with the black dress on, she is pulling up her hair in a tidy bun at the back of her head. She has some make-up on, and she seems to be trying to smile. She wasnt to sure if she should look forward to the day. After all, this was the day that she would be seeing Mary Jane, not on a personal level, but on a proffessional level. She didnt want to do this, she honestly didnt think she needed therapy for this. After all, she had been dealing with this on her own for ten years. She didnt need someone else telling her that she lived a fucked up childhood. She shook her head, finishing with the bun and then walking from the bathroom into the bedroom. She sat down on the bed and slipped on the black, velvet stilettos that were there. At the same time, she reached over and picked up a pack of cigarettes, pulling one out and then lighting it with the lighter that was right there. She took a couple of drags before setting in on the ash tray while she slipped on the blazer. Buttoning up the blazer as she reached over and picked up the cigarette, sticking it back between her lips. She sighed and stood up, walking from the room and into the living room. Her brother and the children were all sitting on the couch, the sounds of cartoons can be heard blasting from the set. She reaches up and puts her hand to her forehead. Kevin turns to look at her and seeing this, jumps up and turns the television off, getting groans of displeasure from the children. He smiles at them, trying to act like nothing was worrying him while Fyre reaches over and grabs her trenchcoat. Putting her cigarette in her mouth while pulling the coat on and then slipping a pair of black gloves from her pockets, sliding them quickly onto her hands before taking the cigarette from her mouth again. Kevin ushers the kids into their coats and gloves and then out the door while Fyre watches. Then he turns to look at her.*

You are going to go, right?

*Fyre rolled her eyes and sighed, taking one last drag out of her cigarette before putting it out in the ash tray that was on a small table next to the couch.*

Would I have gotten dressed and come out here like this if I didnt intend on going?

I suppose not, lets go.

*Fyre nodded and the two walked out the door, climbing into the car as the scene faded out.*

*Scene reopens to show the group as they head away from an airport. They are now in Chicago, and it is cold, the wind seems to wip around them, trying to tear at their clothes. They quickly catch a cab and head away from the airport. The cab makes two stops. The first to drop off Kevin and the children at the movie theatre, there they will be watching the latest kids movie that is out and the second to stop outside of Mary Jane's office. Fyre pays the man and steps out, walking up the stairs and into the building quickly, shivering from the cold as she does. She glances around and then over to the elevator, going up to the floor that she knew Mary Jane's office was in. She sighed and went to her secretary. The woman looks up and smiles at her.*

Hello Miss MacGreggor, do you have an appointment today?

*Fyre nods.*

Yes, of course.

*The woman nods and picks up the receiver to the phone that is on her desk, pressing one button.*

Miss MacGreggor is here to see you.

Send her in immediately.

Right away.

*She hangs up the phone and looks up at Fyre.*

Go ahead and go on in.


*Fyre nods to the woman and then walks off, heading into Mary Jane's office. Mary Jane is wearing a light grey pant suit with blazer and a white undershirt. She stands and walks over to Fyre, taking her hands in hers and smiling at her, looking worried.*

Are you alright? Let me see your arm.

*Fyre doesnt answer except to remove her coat and gloves and then her blazer, showing the stitches that work their way from the knuckles on her hand to about the middle of her forearm. Mary Jane shakes her head slightly.*

Why didnt you tell me about all of this at our first meeting.

I wasn't thinking about it at that time.

*Mary Jane scowls slightly and turned back, heading to the chair behind the desk and indicating to Fyre to take a seat as well. Fyre walked over and took a seat on the couch, sitting upright, not laying down like most do.*

Alright, your brother told me what was going on, but I want it from you. [/color]

*Fyre sighs and shakes her head almost angrily*

I do not know why I need help, honestly, I have been dealing with this nearly by myself for ten years. Does it truelly matter?

*Mary Jane quirks a brow slightly*

It matters because it is causing you issues, Alarra. You need to get past this or you will end up killing you. I am sorry if I am being to blunt, but sometimes the truth hurts.

*Fyre sighs audibly.*

Fine. It all started when I was about thirteen. My father told my mother that he wanted her to teach me how to be a wife. He wanted to make sure that I knew, and he said that he would find me a husband. It was a couple years later at the age of fifteen when my father.....

*She stopped as tears of anger and memorance come to her eyes, she places her elbows on her knees, and her face in her hands. Mary Jane quirks a brow.*

Go on.

My father came to me one night. I was young, naive, I didnt understand what he wanted when he climbed into the bed. I didnt know that. I thought he was just there to help me sleep, although I was already asleep. He raped me, taking my virginity and my innocense with him.

*Mary Jane watched Fyre a worried look on her face, but she made notes. Careful notes, on a pad of paper that sat on the desk. Fyre's eyes were filled with rage, and a sense of fear almost.*

It was a few weeks later, when I became ill, that my mother took me to the hospital and we found out that I was pregnant. I felt ill. I didnt want to move, but my mother made me. She doesnt believe in abortion, and she never believed that my father raped me, even after I aborted it and the evidence was shoved in my mother's face. She was always a bitch. Thought she had the perfect life. A "wonderful" husband. Two kids. The picture perfect house, until I told her she was wrong.

*She shook her head, the tears gone now, she looked more angry than anything else, as though she might explode from the anger.*

Let it out. Go on, this is the best thing that you can do. [/color]

*Fyre stood and started pacing around the office.*

I just dont understand it. I have more nightmares about the abortion than about anything else. I murdered my child, Mary Jane. Do you know how it feels to know that?

*Mary Jane watches her worriedly.*

It wasnt murder, Alarra, and you cant beat yourself for it. That child wasnt just yours, it was your fathers, and it wasnt meant to be here. Do you know how many problems that child would have had if you had born it? You did what was best, not only for yourself, but for the child as well.

*Fyre watched her a moment, surprised by those words. No one had ever told her something like that before. She looked like her emotions were jumping between shock, horror, sorrow, anger, and many other things. Finally she breaks down, slipping back down on the couch and bursting into tears. Mary Jane stands up, leaving her notepad and walking over to her, pulling her to her, and hugging her.*

Its alright Alarra, let it out. You need to.

*Fyre just continued to cry, her sobs ringing out through the office as Mary Jane held her. After a few moments she pulled away, looking down at the floor in front of her. Mary Jane watched her a moment before standing up and walking to the other side of her desk.*

I am going to prescribe you and anti-depressive. It will also help you sleep, so take two pills at night about an hour before you go to bed, and do not drink alcohol with it.

*Fyre nods.*


I want you to take these and immediately get it filled. Do you understand that?

*Fyre nodded.*

Of course.

*Mary Jane nodded and handed the prescription over to Fyre who slipped it into her purse before looking back over at Mary Jane, a small smile on her face.*

You look like you are feeling a little better now.

Yeah, a little better. So, you looking forward to the pay per view?

Of course.

So, you arent worried about this, are you?

Of course not, we beat them before, we will beat them again.

*Fyre smiled at Mary Jane and nodded.*

Yeah, that just dont know what they are getting into, coming after us yet again. They lost once, and they cant seem to work well together. LJ worries to much about Trin.

*Mary Jane nodded.*

Yes he does, we can use that to our advantage, you know?

Yes, we can.

*Fyre smiled brightly at that and the two nodded, seeming to sit back and think on things.*

Those two have no idea what they are getting into. You know what I can see happening here? A whole thing, wondrous. A feud.....Foundation vrs. Smokyn Hott at the next pay per view. That would be so cool.

*Mary Jane laughed lightly*

That would be hella funny. Hey, how about this? You stay in Chicago, send your brother and the kids home. You can stay with me, alright? We will go to the pay per view together then.

*Fyre nodded.*

Alright, I will meet you at your apartment tonight then, alright?

*Mary Jane nodded*

Sounds good.

Alright, I better get going. See you then.

*Mary Jane nodded and stood walking over to Fyre as she stood up. The two shook hands and then Fyre walked out the door as the scene faded out.*