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You Never Know,
know you don't!
Last Altered:

This Website, like so much of Creation, is NotArt.
Has been Abandoned.

Hi there, hello, and welcome to the really just awfully terribly exciting and terrific former web-based dwelling of NotArt.

For those of you unfamiliar, NotArt has moved. You're lucky to have even gotten here, since our redirecting URL expire(s/d) on Friday, September 28th, 2001. This site, in some incarnation, can now be found at

NotArt is one of those mildly surrealistic, sorrowfully underupdated (but extremely popular) groups that ranges from the written word to video to music (to music video) to performance, and is best left undefined and only slightly explained.

ADVICE: Minimize the pop-up window angelfire causes and it will be the only one to plague you. Close it and you'll find a new one on every page.
NEW ADVICE: It seems that Angelfire is going to give you another popup no matter what everywhere you go these days. Fortunately, NotArt has a plan to combat this move. Just you wait...

Maybe someday we'll finally switch to our own domain and server and such and such, but that day is not today. For the time being, here is where we will be putting what ever-so-many would just love to be able to refer to as "Updates" or "News"


  • This site is officially considered closed. All modern NotArt information, humor, drama and propaganda can now be found at
    Joining us are such quality websites as Arthur's own


    and a little known MegaMan fan site called

    Engine of Destruction,


    Old News
    Our Counter: As of the faux new site, redesigned and all, this page has been hit


    Before this site was left to fester rot on its server, It had achieved 803 hits.
    The Original Page was hit 246 times before it was abandoned. As of the end of this site, it made it's way up to 300
    Wanna see the counter go up by one? Click here.
    Note: May not work in some areas.

    NaviGraphics, Content, Web Design by
    Arben Anison. © 2000, 2001 NotArt.