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From TIE Fighters to World Devastators, the enemies of the Empire are deadly. This page will provide strategies that will help the Rebellion in the war against the Galactic Empire.

TIE Fighter

The TIE (Twin Ion engine) Fighter is the Empire's most massively produced fighter. Although it is very maneuverable and has twin laser cannons, it has no shields or life support, making this one of the worse ships to be dogfighting in. If a pilot survives a dogfight in it, he's considered one of the Empire's Top Guns. Be careful when going head to head with it, 'cause it'll fire it's laser cannons, and will hurt you pretty badly if you don't shoot fast enough, the worse ship to go head to head with it is the Snowspeeder.

The best way to destroy the TIE Fighter is by either hitting its side, or getting in behind it and firing, or just simply ramming it if your ship's shields are in the green.

The TIE Fighter can be found in these levels:

  1. Defection at Corellia
  2. Imperial Construction Yards
  3. Prisons of Kessel
  4. Battle above Taloraan
  5. Death Star Trench Run

TIE Bomber

The TIE Bomber is the Empire's way of 'taking out the trash', since it drops payloads of bombs mainly on capital ships, undefended buildings, and anything that's not defended properly. It's not as maneuverable as the TIE Fighter, but it does have a stronger hull, which means it can take quite a few hits until it gets destroyed. It's got 3 ways of hurting its enemy:

The first way is by dropping bombs.

The second way is by firing proton torpedoes, rockets, or concussion missiles (it doesn't use this in the game though).

And the last way is used for defending itself against starfighters, by using the laser cannons, one mounted on each wing.

Now destroying it is fairly easy since it moves slow, but destroying it before it can take out its target is most important. Try these tactics on taking them out:

If you can get up close to it, and your ship has shields, just ram into it.

Try getting behind it, and then firing your lasers (if you don't have advanced laser technology, try firing a missile)

Shoot its flank (side) with lasers, if you're lucky, and there's more bombers close to it, the bomber you hit will take another bomber down with him if he runs into it.

Get head to head with it, most of the time the pilot inside is concerned more about its primary target and won't bother shooting you with those laser cannons, don't ram into it this way though, since the force of the bomber running into your ship and the speed of your ship will damage your shields greatly, so use your lasers, or if you're too close, dive and turn to the left or right and get behind it and shoot at it with lasers.

The thing that you DO NOT WANT TO DO is ram a TIE Bomber with the airspeeder, A-Wing, or TIE Interceptor, the speeder and interceptor won't survive (but neither will the TIE Bomber).

The TIE Bomber can be found in these levels:

  1. Ambush at Mos Eisely
  2. Rendevous on Barkesh
  3. Search for the Nonnah
  4. Defection at Corellia
  5. The Jade Moon
  6. Escape From Fest
  7. Blockade on Chandrila
  8. Moff Seerdon's Revenge

TIE Interceptor

The Empire has made a craft that is as fast as an A-Wing and as powerful as an X-Wing by creating the TIE Interceptor. The next generation of TIE Fighter, the TIE Interceptor has 4 wing-tipped laser cannons, superior maneuverability, and advanced computer targeting software, so look out! You should NEVER go head to head with a TIE Interceptor, even though you have shields and it doesn't. Those rapid firing laser cannons can tear you to scrap in seconds! What you do when you're head to head is turn to the left or right and keep him to one side of the screen, that way you can pass him, turn, get behind him, and bring him down. It takes 3-4 shots to take him out, so it's best to keep the quad fire setting on. If he happens to get behind you, try a backwards loop, or dive straight to the ground, and right before you hit, make a left or right and pull up, that way u can hopefully get behind him. TIE Interceptors are most common in groups of 2 to 3.

The TIE Interceptor can be found in these levels:

  1. Search for the Nonnah
  2. Liberation of Gerrard V
  3. The Jade Moon
  4. Assault on Kile II
  5. Rescue at Kessel
  6. Prisons of Kessel
  7. Battle above Taloraan
  8. Blockade at Chandrila
  9. Raid on Sullust
  10. Moff Seerdon's Revenge

TIE Droid

The TIE Droid was made shortly after the Empire fell. The lack of TIE Pilot recruits called for a Droid Pilot, and the TIE Droid was created. The TIE Droids are VERY maneuverable, and are EXTREMELY hard to hit. The reborn Empire likes to use these in swarms. The tactic against them is to use seeker missiles. The best craft to use against them are either the X-Wing or the V-Wing. The X-Wing for the quad lasers and seeker proton torpedos, or the V-Wing with cluster seeker missiles, rapid fire blasters, and scram jets to get away from them as fast as possible if you're being targeted. DO NOT GO HEAD TO HEAD WITH A TIE DROID.

The TIE Droid can be found in these levels:

  1. The Battle of Mon Calamari

Imperial Probe Droid

The Imperial Probe Droid is the eyeball of the Empire. It seeks out Rebel bases and any suspicious activity, and immediately reports it to the Empire. They aren't unarmed though, so be careful, especially when in the A-Wing or Speeder. Best way to take it out is with 1 simple blaster shot. They don't really move around, so they're not really a problem unless you've got low shields.

The Imperial Probe Droid can be found in these levels:

  1. Ambush at Mos Eisely
  2. Rendevous at Barkhesh
  3. Search for the Nonnah
  4. Defection at Corellia
  5. Prisons of Kessel
  6. Battle of Hoth

Imperial Speeder Bike

The Imperial Speeder Bike is used for patrolling a perimiter around a base, and reporting any suspicious activity, like the probe droid does. It's fast, but you're faster, and your blasters are fastest, it takes about 2 shots to destroy it. They can be found in groups of 2.

The Imperial Speeder Bike can be found in these levels:

  1. Imperial Construction Yards
  2. Assault on Kile II
  3. Prisons of Kessel

Imperial Stormtrooper

Imperial Stormtroopers are the Empire's elite force of soldiers, they guard bases and shoot at your ship, altho their weapons are generally weak, if you let them keep shooting you, your shields will go down, or worse, if your shields are already down, they can destroy you. Best way to take these guys out is with one carefully placed advanced bomb from a Y-Wing, or a long strafing run with the Speeder. When you destroy barracks, stormtroopers can sometimes be seen running out of them.

The Imperial Stormtrooper can be found in these levels:

  1. Ambush at Mos Eisely
  2. Rendevous at Barkhesh
  3. Defection at Corellia
  4. Imperial Construction Yards
  5. Assault on Kile II
  6. Prisons of Kessel
  7. Escape from Fest
  8. Battle of Hoth


Imperial Amphibions are used for slipping troops behind enemy lines without alerting the enemy. Their repulsorlifts allow them to glide across the water. The amphibion has a driver, and a rear gunner, and will shoot at you. They attack in groups of 2-3. You can take these out by simply strafing them with blaster fire, takes about 4-8 hits to destroy it. Target them from a distance, and fire ahead of it it'll drive straight into your fire.

The Amphibion can be found in these levels:

  1. Defection at Corellia


The Waveskimmer is based on the AT-AT's design, and made for the water. It has repulsorlifts, and hovers above the water, and for combat, it has 2 lasercannons attatched to each side of its 'head'. You can easily destroy it with some blaster shots to the side, which is easier to hit than the back.

The Waveskimmer can be found in these levels:

  1. Battle of Mon Calamari

Tank Droid

The Tank Droids are basically movable turrets. They have a strong hull, and a powerful turbolaser that'll destroy your ship if you're not careful. These are deployed in groups of 3 to 4. Best way to take one out is to go behind it and fire like crazy until it is destroyed. The fastest way to take 3-4 out is to get away from them, then attack them diagonally, so you're on the left or right side and behind them, u won't be targeted.

The Tank Droid can be found in these levels:

  1. Search for the Nonnah
  2. Escape from Fest

Imperial Shuttle

The Imperial Shuttles are mildly armed and transport Imperial Officers and Stormtroopers to and from bases. They're more concerned about escaping from you than shooting you down, as they always have an escort of TIE Interceptors or TIE Fighters to do the job. Some ways to take them out, fire at the side of them, that way you have a bigger target area. You can easily finish them off with one to 4 missiles (depending if they're shielded or not). A fun way to take them out is by ionizing them, they drop from the sky and crash! You can also waste 1 bomb on them.

The Imperial Shuttle can be found in these levels:

  1. Imperial Construction Yards
  2. Assault on Kile II

Imperial Landing Craft

The Imperial Landing Craft is a transport for AT-STs, AT-PTs, Tank Droids, and Stormtroopers. It also has ALOT of firepower, and heavy shields. It'll fire lasers and proton torpedos at you. It is VERY hard to destroy. When combating it, DO NOT GO HEAD TO HEAD. If you do, be sure you have a missile lock. Some ways to destroy it: Drop 1 advance bomb on it. fire 2-3 cluster seeker missiles at it. When you're forced to use blasters, aim for the top of it, since that's a big target area, you're more likely to get a few hits.

The Imperial Landing Craft can be found in these levels:

  1. Search for the Nonnah
  2. Moff Seerdon's Revenge


The AT-PT (All Terrain Personal Transport)is an anti-infantry Imperial walker. It has 2 laser cannons mounted on it's 'face' and has alot of armor in the front. The quickest way to destroy it is either attacking its side or back with blasters.

The AT-PT can be found in these levels:

  1. Search for the Nonnah
  2. Liberation of Gerrard V
  3. The Jade Moon


The AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport) is used for attacking bases, patrolling bases, and attacking enemy vehicles. It has more armor than the AT-PT, and is armed with Blaster Cannons. If you go head to head with it, you'll take a few hits, so instead, get behind it, and fire at its 'head' to destroy it. It takes anywhere from 10-20 hits to destroy it. A torpedo or bomb will take it out in one shot.

The AT-ST can be found in these levels:

  1. Rendevous at Barkhesh
  2. Search for the Nonnah
  3. Defection at Corellia
  4. Imperial Construction Yards
  5. Rescue at Kessel
  6. Prisons of Kessel
  7. Blockade at Chandrila
  8. Raid on Sullust
  9. Moff Seerdon's Revenge
  10. Battle of Hoth


The AT-AT (All Terrain Armored Transport) is used to destroy enemy bases and vehicles. It has blaster-proof armor which takes over 1,000 shots before being destroyed. Best way to take these out is by using the speeder's tow cable. Don't go head to head with the AT-AT, it has heavy blaster cannons, and it only takes 2-4 shots for it to destroy you.

The AT-AT can be found in these levels:

  1. Defection at Corellia
  2. Imperial Construction Yards
  3. Escape From Fest
  4. Battle of Hoth