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Hairdresser to the Stars

Ever since I graduated from beauty school I've acted like I'm the official know-it-all of hair. Actually, to tell you the truth, I didn't learn very much while at school. Though, I did learn how to make the, extremely in demand, "hair boat" and I can make one kick ass Geisha. Yes, that was 8,000 dollars well spent I think. I mean you can never go wrong with hair boats and Geishas.

Ahoy, there she blows
(Ahoy, there she blows)

With that in mind I shall put my education to good use and dazzle you with my vast knowledge of hair...

Everyone take a look at this article I got out of some overpriced Salon magazine.

Uh, really? Is that the same stuff that did this...

to Robbie's hair? If so you can "Take That" and shove it up Europe's ass.