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Biological Warfare




Well here it is .. My site on Biological Warfare.  This is for a school project                    Vegetative Anthrax   ---->

and I am just going to tell a little bit about the background and history of

Biological warfare and then I have a few pictures to show and then write

a long, long, long essay ... yippee...






Biological warfare agents have gained attention in recent years. They have been discussed in Congress and in the medical literature, and have been the subject of frequent commentaries.[109] The mention of ‘biological warfare’ often elicits a sense of deadly mystery, as summarized by a Russian journalist

"I have been gathering information on bacteriological weapons (BW) for several years. Out of all the means of mass destruction, this kind can be considered as the most mysterious."[112]

This article attempts to eliminate some of that mystery by discussing the history and background of biological weapons and by reviewing agents that cause cutaneous disease. While a biological attack could result in a made-made epidemic of unprecedented scale, the classical principles of clinical medicine and epidemiology would apply. Prompt diagnosis and early interventions could reduce morbidity and mortality, and mitigate the effects of a biological attack. In the aftermath of a biological attack, dermatologists could play a critical role in recognizing the differential diagnosis of an epidemic exanthem and alerting public health officials, leading to prompt medical and public health interventions, hopefully preventing wide-spread mortality.

-   This excerpt was taken from



"Terrorists want a lot of people
watching, not a lot of people dead."

Brian Jenkins, 1974

"Today’s terrorists don’t want a seat
at the table, they want to destroy
the table and everyone sitting at it."

R. James Woolsey, 1994





Biological Warfare History

Biological Warfare Pics

Chemical Warfare Pics

Nuclear Warfare Pics
