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Faint Hearted Character Sheet

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Faint Hearted Power Sets

Name: Faint Hearted

Hero Identity: Faint

Height: 5'6"

Weight 115

Hair Color: Black/dark brown

Eye Color: Emerald Green

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Nationality: American/Cajun

Origin Type: Mutant

Archetype: Blaster

Appearance: Mostly Dark grey, with green accents, with a black hooded cloak.

Personality: To friends and people that have proven there friendship and trust to her. She’s very outgoing - With a perky personality, Loves to crack jokes, mess with people a lot, just very fun-loving and outgoing. And to the others: Very quite doesn’t like to talk a lot or let out a lot of personal information about herself unless she knows and trust the person. Almost stuck-up in a way. Very secure of her past and her parents, gets very upset/angry if asked about her parents.

Background: Was born in America. Both her parents where mutants her mom (American) had the abilities of a typical blaster. kinetic power blast and the ability of flight. Her father (Cajun) had the mutant ability of speed and agility. In his time he used his powers to learn the ways of martial arts. He became a master in Kung-Fu which he later passed down to his daughter (faint) throughout her childhood life.

  • When Faint was about 15 years of age:
  • She had sinister cat eyes and little freckles on her complexion
  • Sheep of the Akusa, but she’s wicked like medusa.
  • She has crazy martial arts and skills with a sword that will slice right through ya.
  • Quick to chop your head off, then wipe the blood off.
  • A long range sniper shot, she busts, never lets a dud off.
  • You have a minuet to pray and a second to die
  • You can see the image of the devil reflected in her eye,
  • But since she was a little girl, she would never cry.
  • She’s seen so much tragedy, let me explain to you why.
  • She grew up on a military base where she had to face,
  • The brutality of her mother and father being erased.
  • The blood drops from her tear drops on her cheek you see the smear spots.
  • She silently watches as the Fifth Column slice through her dear pops.
  • Through his thick skull, now she vicious as a pit-bull.
  • And when it come to hatred and revenge she has a $hit full.

    Faint has devoted her life to the destruction of the Fifth Column and swore her life to this deed after what happened to her parents. She is a shadow lurker. stays in the shadows alot until the right time to strike.

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