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Today's Date: 12/27/03



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Welcome to my Web site!

Here you can find some of the past work I have done in my secondary school career as well as other different.  projects I have done during this time.  I have also put some files stored in my computer that might have some interest to some.

Frequently Visited Sites

News & Updates

I have surfed these sites WAY too much:

bulletYahoo! Mail

12/27/03, 1:12:38 PM - How is this new look website doing?  The college apps deadlines are extending, as expected.  Weather: Sunny



Photo Album

Communities & Forums

Click on the picture on the left to look at my new online photo album filled with pictures from my vacations, sporting events, and my family. (Still Broken)
bulletMSN People & Chat

This site was last updated 12/27/03