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Oh yeah.

Hey, so what's up? Hope everyone has a GREAT DAY! Thanks for checking out my new site. It's a work in progress so it still kind of sucks. Make sure to visit the links, they're pretty awesome. Feel free to drop me an email, it would be great. See ya!

Stuff that is awesome:

  1. my honda civic hatchback (and everybody stop giving me props for the detailing! it's freaking electrical tape, IT'S NOT COOL! thanks anyway, but you're ruining my joke, lol)
  2. money
  3. my friends
  4. UC Clermont
  5. having fun
  6. my buddies
  7. music
  8. movies
  9. hamsters, they are just so cool, they run around in those little plastic balls and they're all fluffy
  10. biology
  11. being a smartass
  12. not being sick is cool
  13. penn station
  14. video games!!! RPG's, platformers, ect.
  15. ect.

    Questions of the Day

  16. "How much horsepower does a lawnmower have? Just wondering...Ok, Ok, I yard race, but just keep it on the DL, I don't need the cops busting us. Jeez!"
  17. "Hey, am I rockin the stickers? My boss wants me to wear them, he keeps sticking them on me."
  18. "Do you want fries with that? No, no, I'm not serious, no, I DON'T want ANY french fries! Actually, you're just going to spit in my food now so I'm not eating here, nevermind." (when the drive-thru person is repeating your order)
  19. "What are you doing?!" (NEVER ask someone this question when they have their hands down their pants)
  20. Why...?
  21. In memory of Tasha Schnelle
    GI Joe redubbed shorts, really hilarious
    I got played by a terrorist. Another tradedy. great stuff is not a crime, or is it?
    Keeping you posted on my latest crazy schemes, AOL Journal
