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A saiyans word

Content: 6/10
Design: 310
Information: 7/10
Media 6/10
Overall 7.5/10

~*~Niki-chan~*~ ~Feb.22.2004@10:00pm~ Oopsie... i'm not gonna be able to update alot, for a while, because i have 5 yes thats right 5 fanfictions on the go. im getting all my hair chopped off and i've been to tired to do much of anything, but send in your fanart and your fanfictions and ill go and put em up. also if u have any comments go to my link/contact me page XD arigato

~*~Niki-chan~*~ ~Feb.8.2004@10:30pm~ WOH! we grew alot in less than a week whoop tomorro is our one week aniversairy! Whoop neways i added fandom and yeh im talking to the piccolo palace's webmaster and hes going to put my site on his site -squeels- MORE HITS FER ME!

~*~Niki-chan~*~ ~Feb.8.2004@6:15am~ Hey guys... got bored with old layout teeheee! so i got a new one.... its MUCH better and yeh i took most of the crappy music of all thats left is dbz midis neways im on 7 topsites now WHOOP!
~*~Niki-chan~*~ ~Feb.7.2004@10:30am(next morning)~ Yo guys i added a link me page and um yeh im going to add a counter!^_^
~*~Niki-chan~*~ ~Feb.7.2004@12:13am~ Its 12 in the morning and i added my bio and 5 character bios and im VERY tired and neways i was on the 6 adding character bios cause just like 20 minutes ago was the 6 and dont ask about the 5th -mumbles about stupid long detentions, and short attention spands- Neways yah im proud with what i got done oh yeh im adding a contact/link me page next after i finish bios and then im going to add some afflaits and a counter! ^_^ AND LOOK AT THE ADVITAR I MADE!
~*~Niki-chan~*~ ~Feb.4.2004@3:04pm~ Teri.....-bites lip- you can do stuff on the site but don't mess me stuff plz, neways um i added more pics onto the gallery and with three more pictures im done with gallery#1 and im going to do something else maha!
~*~Niki-chan~*~ ~Feb.3.2004@8:45pm~ Maha i added shit WOOP oops shits a bad word -covers mouth and hides- anyways im going to update OFTEN maha

~*~Teri-Chan~*~ -Feb. 3.2004@6:45pm- Wahoooo. I am helping out me friend Niki ^^ With her website but throughly, I dunno. I just kinda had a depression streak and I forgot all my TRAINING in HTML so my friends really made me remember. Eep. Yeah, so, I'll be contributing to things such as Character Pages but not pictures. I just hate doing thumbnails!

~*~Niki-chan~*~ ~Feb.2.2004@8:30pm~ Put lots of pictures up and THERES THUMBNAILS -faints- I plan to get some peoples who will donate there fanart and fanfictions to me and ill put that stuff up. Um until then im just gonna leave that idea like that.

~*~Niki-chan~*~ ~Feb.2.2004@2pm~ Started site, can't remember where I got layout um.... Anyways today im just going to be adding shit and yeh! Vote For Us On DBZ Net 100!!! .

¤Dbz Bios
¤Dbz Links
¤Link and contact me!
¤Webmistresses bio!