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    The Runescape Sabre Clan   

The Official Sabre History

Chapter One: Cyber Wars 

The Clan began in a game called Cyber Wars (Accessible Via, then running a search on Gamesdomain, and entering Castle Gamesdomain.) It began when Star Sabre (a lone player) became friends with another player, who renamed himself Moon Sabre. More friends decided to join the trend, and together they allied themselves in the game (a war strategy game) and fought against Non-Sabres, never backstabbing each other. Distinctive by their Sabre names and greeting "-Crosses Sabre-," members rushed to join. As the first clan in the game, they quickly grew into hundreds of members (ultimately over 3000.) Notable among the first Sabres were Ice Sabre (The Sixth ever Sabre, he quickly rose to Second in Command), Solar Sabre, Final Sabre, Ghost Sabre (Head of intelligence, keeping information about other clans) and Rock Sabre (Head of assassination, specifically targeting enemies of the clan. His job and Ghost's later combined in Runescape to form S.s.S, where even now the agents are sometimes called 'Ghosts.') Eventually a group of people disliked Sabres because they beat them in wars via teamwork, and these people had too many points too give up their characters too start new names. These people formed alliances such as "AS-Anti-Sabres" (No Relation, but an Uncanny foresight to the ASA, mentioned later) and "SH-Sabre Hunters". These clans grew to about an hundred members each, and could never really match the sabres, partially because the lack of a name change made it hard for them to recognise each other. So the Sabres continued to be a powerful clan in what many see as its greatest hour. Things continued as such until Andrew Gower came to visit the game he'd created. After he proved his identity to the doubting masses he played with several notable people of the time, including Star Sabre, who he talked too for several hours (During which writing a system message: "Hello to all the Sabres in the castle.") During this time he discussed his current project, Runescape, with Star Sabre, leading Star Sabre to make several suggestions. Most of these were already used or ignored, but the clan system eventually evolved into the Buddy List in the game currently. From then on Sabres kept a constant vigil on the Runescape site, until eventually one of them stumbled upon the game officially up, and became the 17th ever player on the game. More sabres rushed there and they became the first clan on Runescape 

Additional Information: Lost Warriors

When the clan transferred to Runescape a few Sabres were left behind on Cyberwars, through lack of liking for Runescape or lack of information about the clan's move. These warriors continued to hold a clan with just their small number for quite some time, before eventually membership disapparated. Since then many attempts to restart Sabres on Cyberwars have been attempted and failed. The basis of a popular rumour lies in the Sabres left behind on Cyberwars however, other clans quickly grew to replace the chasm created by the Sabre's move, using tricks like the Sabre's trademark name too become powerful. Such clans were the Ratts and Mages, and they gleefully attacked the few Sabres remaining. Easily overwhelming them in numbers, the clans believed they had defeated the clan, not realising they were only fighting those who had deliberately or accidentally remained. Micro Sabre led the small clan called the Mages, who fought against A2A, the Cyber Wars name of Militant. The Mages were involved in a couple of months of battles with "THA" Clan, later known as "THE" Clan. Members of "THE" Clan claim they defeated the Mages, which cannot be verified, but they also claim to have defeated the Sabres, inaccurately. This is the foundation for the rumour that Sabre's left Cyberwars after being defeated by anti-sabres there. 

Chapter Two: Runescape 

After a couple of weeks in Runescape, when most of the members had been successfully transferred- although many unfortunately never heard of the move and remained on Cyberwars convinced the leader and others had disappeared into nothingness. A few of these were reunited years later when the Sabres briefly returned to CyberWars, but most sank away into anonymity. Star Sabre was now known as King Sabre, because somebody had already taken the name Star Sabre on Runescape (presumably somebody from Cyberwars.) While stumbling around he witnessed many now famous players (For example, Bluerose13x) logging in for the first time, and he eventually found his way into the scorpion pit, where he would have died were it not for the sudden appearance of Andrew. Around this time a lone player became feared for killing people randomly (Rpking)- Messiah. After King Sabre and a friend were attacked by Messiah, resulting in the death of the friend and the narrow escape of King Sabre, King swore to fight Rpkers after seeing his distraught friend losing his hard-earned belongings. With him the clan became Anti-Rpk, Or Rpkk as it became known. Following the Sabre tradition of all members names being Something Sabre (IE: Fire Sabre, Air Sabre), Messiah recruited his friends into a famous RPK clan, the Messiahs, the majority of them using bows and attacking in groups. Sabres and Messiahs became sworn enemies, and bounties were offered on the heads of opposing clan members by both sides. 

Additional Information: Famous Players 

Almost all of the players on Runescape from this period either left the game quickly or have now become famous players, due either to their levels or experience. Now-Famous players were created daily, and the sight of BlueRose13x mining copper and Robinhood2 firing arrows at farmers became a well-known sight. At this time magic didn't exist in Runescape, so the Mage Age did not occur till later. 

Chapter Three: Anfibian's Awakening 

After a period of this, Messiahs began using more under-hand tactics against the Sabres, making Sabre names and recruiting rpkers in the name of the Sabre Clan, to blacken the Sabre name. A player named Anfibian became convinced Sabres and Messiahs were allied and made an alliance with his friend, Militant, too destroy them and purge Runescape of Rpking. This became known as the "ASA-Anti Sabre Alliance." They tried to kill sabres and Anfibian made a large amount of imposter King Sabre names, to blacken his name. The true Sabres were astonished when they heard of this, and King Sabre went into negotiations with Anfibian and Militant. Anfibian believed King but Militant refused too do so for quite some time, until finally conceding. ASA renamed themselves E.A.R.T.H. Around this time Osiris BK, leader of the fairly respectable BK clan, approached the three clan leaders, King Sabre, Anfibian, Militant. He was beginning an alliance based on the ideals all three aimed for, to make Runescape a pleasant place to live free from RPKers. They all joined and it became the Syndicate, and eventually reached colossal power. While this was going on RPK clans were beginning to band together, realising it as their only chance of survival. They also began hacking sites, scamming people and impersonating clan leaders in a highly organised crime wave. To combat this new threat within Sabres a new division, Sabre Secret Service (S.s.S) was formed with the express ideal of ripping apart RPK clans. Ore Sabre, the clan smith, joined around this time. 

Additional Information: The S.s.S 

The Sabre Secret Service employed tactics previously unused in the clan- such as spying, too great effect, and quickly amassed a database website filled with information about the majority of Runescape players. A rival group of hackers destroyed this website some time later. S.s.S continued to thrive within the clan for some time, the identity of its members remaining mostly a secret, although Runescape as a whole took great pleasure in participating in the training missions for those wishing to be agents, including the famous Draynor mission, in which the agent had too enter Draynor Manor, fight or dodge a total of Twenty-Four Guards, and attack a specific target, who was hidden deep within the level maze in Draynor Manor cellar. Competition to be among the guards protecting the manor was intense, and very few of the agents succeeded in the test. The S.s.S was officially disbanded at the end of 2002. 

Chapter Four: Al Kharid, The War to End all Wars. 

Zei. A new female leader, who united the Messiahs and other RPKing clans into one alliance, The Dark Syndicate. She immediately declared war on the Syndicate for the right to kill for pleasure in RS. The time for the meeting of the armies was settled, and the location- Al Kharid. Unfortunately for Zei, most of her army became suddenly unavailable on the day of the war. Messiahs ordered a complete retreat before the war started. In the end there was a ridiculous conflict-146 Syndicate forces (Including 67 Sabres) against just 6 Dark Syndicate forces. The death toll consisted of all of the Dark Syndicate and 1 Syndicate Warrior-Militant, who died trying to protect one of his clan from an attacker.After this King Sabre and Zei formed a treaty, which meant the disunification of the Dark Syndicate and Zei leaving R.S. A new player made himself known shortly after this- Ryushu. He formed NKKA- Newbie Killer Killer Alliance. Basically a revised Syndicate, he quickly recruited and became one of the big clan leaders in RS, his clan joining the famous Sabres, THE, Gladz and DC. He sought after the Mithril Clan, an well-known RPKing clan, and challenged them to war at Barbarian village, joined by the Syndicate. Very few of the enemy were there, but those that were acted with deadly precision. Three of them attacked King Sabre and fought him away from the main war, where ally fought ally in confusion. After killing one of his attackers King Sabre was forced to log out, leading some to believe he died before he returned shortly afterwards. This caused a disagreement with Militant, who had lost many of his men in the battle, and wished to see the sabres suffer equal losses. Eventually the Syndicate forces declared a victory, but the near defeat of some of the clan leaders caused the clan to rethink its previous omnipotence. It needed a new weapon, a new distribution of power. 

Additional Information: The Al Kharid story. 

The Syndicate forces were amassed at Al Kharid palace, where they filled the interior of the building and most of the surrounding town. Scouts were sent by Zei, who were amazed at the mass of forces there and didn't report back to her but instead defected or abandoned the battlefield. Some people claim to have seen a group of about forty Messiahs shortly before the battle in part of Al Kharid, but this has never been officially confirmed, and they certainly weren't there when battle was joined. The term Dark Syndicate was spawned when Zei heard King Sabre refer to the alliance she led by this name and decided to adopt it officially. Barbarian Village showed a different type of war, Syndicate forces filled the town square while the enemy cowered in buildings and nearby dungeons. High Level Enemy Assassins targeted specific leaders amongst the Syndicate army, and the confusion of these hit and run campaigns caused chaos amongst Syndicate forces, which turned upon each other mistakenly viewing ally as enemy. Despite this major set back the enemy were thoroughly destroyed, and none of their hit and run campaigns successfully killed the clan leaders. However, the tactic has been employed in almost every war since. One of Zei's main supporters of the time was General Joff, a then famous clan leader who founded the MK ARMY, an alliance of clans that eventually fell. General Joff has since reformed and become a sabre, "Honour Sabre." 

Chapter Five: The founding of ELITE. 

King Sabre had by then amassed many good men amongst his clan. He promoted Ice, from his previous position as second in command, to first in command, and made a council formed of Himself, Ice and the ten most loyal, intelligent and devoted Sabres of the time. They were known as ELITE, and became officials in the army and in a sense a joint government. However, the leader of the S.s.S expressed discomfort. Somehow the secret website belonging to the S.s.S had its address leaked, and only ELITE knew of its location. Anti-Sabres hacked and destroyed the site, which contained thousands of records to do with the clan and other R.S players. The S.s.S was in serious trouble, so a scheme was hatched. A new site was formed which only the S.s.S and Ultra-Elite (King and Ice) knew of, but a false site was created, designed to satisfy would-be hackers into thinking they'd found the S.s.S site, or as they became known, NeoSabres. The plan outlined proposals designed for misinformation-it listed the sabre base as a false location and highlighted plans to begin patrolling RS in specific parts at a time (some people misinterpreted this as plans towards taking over R.S.) Hackers found the site and were found to be working for E.A.R.T.H, despite the treaty. However, the real site remained undiscovered for years, until a second strike by hackers destroyed it recently. The S.s.S suffered a series of blows throughout the years, and this was possibly the second worst, the worst being the splitting of the clan in Chapter Seven resulting in them being set against each other. However, it always managed to maintain its nine-strong number, and was only recently ended, when King Sabre officially disbanded it months into 2002. Around this time two of its best agents joined, who were with the clan for the rest of the duration of the S.s.S, and do not wish to be named here. They were brothers, and infiltrated over 38 enemy clans.  

Additional Information: ELITE and the Syndicate 

Elite was not an idea new to Runescape, King Sabre had in Cyberwars also had a group of trusted Elite (Ice Sabre, RattSabre, Water Sabre, Solar Sabre, Ghost Sabre, Rock Sabre, Final Sabre) and a few of these continued their jobs in Runescape-although tasks specific to Runescape, such as Head Smith, were allocated too new members, for example Ore Sabre or Insane Sabre (the first Insane, not the recent one.) Each of the 12 members led a division, from Mining to Body Guards, and the clan used this system for a long time. 

The Syndicate was the most powerful alliance of runescape history. It was initially founded by Osiris BK, who was then leader of the BlacKnights (The BlacKnights have had an interesting history. Osiris sensed discomfort in the clan so put his leadership up to the vote; and was voted out. Since then the clan has never really regained it's former glory, he was replaced by a council, in the new BlacKnights, who claimed to have destroyed the Syndicate in a war. If this war did occur, and eye-witness accounts suggest it did, Sabres were certainly not invited, I was under the impression The Syndicate were gradually faded out- I believe the war happened some time after all the major clans had left.) and many other strong clans joined- Sabres, THE, Gladiatorz, NKKA, Red Cape Clan and others. The alliance ruled supreme for some time, and was the final word in Runescape politics. The Syndicate lost it's sparkle when Osiris left, and gradually dissolved. 

Chapter Six: Shadow, and Karajama 

A new Sabre rose up through the ranks- Shadow Sabre. He proved himself to be a loyal member and quickly rose, till eventually become Ultra-Elite. However, ever-watchful Anti-Sabre hackers managed to decipher his password and went onto his name. Posing as him, a hacker led King Sabre to an isolated spot and tried to kill him. Fortunately the deception was realised and King killed the hacker, but Shadow's items had been taken and he resigned from the clan, ending the brief Tri-Reign. However, new events were taking place in the clan world. Gladiatorz, a loyal clan in the syndicate, found itself in trouble. DeathCorpz declared war on them. Naturally Sabres offered support to the Gladz, and the eventual outcome of the disagreement resulted in a war on Karajama. The whole island became a zone of conflict, and eventually DC defeated Gladz and the Syndicate- signalling the end of their time as the most powerful alliance on R.S. Although no main leaders were killed in the conflict dozens of troops were massacred, and defeat was clear. During the battle a previously unknown player, Swiftkiller, led a trio of assassins against King Sabre and almost defeated him. Eventually he tracked all four players down individually and killed them. However, the war proved one thing- The Syndicate, including the Sabres, was no longer invincible. 

Additional Information: A Time of Shadows 

Shadow Sabre was famous in his time though now almost completely forgotten. He joined the clan when a Sabre saw him fighting in Barbarian Village and noticed he had steel armour but only a bronze helmet. He gave him a then valuable helmet, and Shadow joined the clan out of gratitude for this charitable act. When his character was hacked King Sabre only managed too avoid being killed while isolated due to realising the hacker wasn't Shadow seconds before Shadow attacked and leading him back towards the safety of the towns, finally killing him in Varrock Bank. Shadow's career within the clan was short but noticeable, after his initial period as a normal warrior he quickly joined the ranks of the S.s.S as 004, before rising to become ELITE and finally Ultra-ELITE. He distinguished himself several times in battle, most noticeably fighting a top Razor clan official in single combat at Falador Bank, where after an age-long duel he finally won, killing the Enemy Official. Another development in the clan around this time was the introduction of Daggers-female Sabres. The first were Queen Dagger, Fire Dagger and Insane Dagger, all sisters of clan members. A novel idea for its time, the Daggers died out when the leader, Queen Dagger, quit Runescape. 

Chapter Seven: Wilderness and War 

At this point Andrew introduced a controversial new system of combat to R.S-The current Wilderness system. Now players were safe in most of R.S, and thus a hot debate began in the sabre clan. King felt they should continue to uphold anti-rpking, because there were dozens of reasons of entering the wilderness that did not include fighting-superb mining and training points, unique items, and a spirit of adventure. Ice felt Wilderness was designed with Rpking in mind, and wished to turn the clan into a Rpking clan. The clan was cleaved into two. Sabres, or as they became nicknamed, "Light Sabres," lead by King, continued to uphold the same ideals. Ice Sabre and his loyal henchman Cold Sabre formed the rpking clan "Dark Sabres." And a violent war began, as friend turned upon friend. Alliances began to spring up. Ice Sabre put bounties on the heads of those who opposed him, and many clan leaders stayed neutral out of fear from the two gigantic forces. 

Additional Information: Famous Sabres 

A list of the most famous and respected sabres, along with their achievements, in alphabetical order 

Cold Sabre- A close friend of Ice, he did considerable work on the site, and defected away from Dark Sabres during the split. He was also well known as a soldier.

D11 Sabre- Led the clan shortly but effectively, and was previously well known within the Combat division, sacrificing himself at a major battle to allow other Sabres time to escape. Now a regular member.

Dante Sabre- Rose up quickly into being an ELITE official and leading an order, Asperia, which became one of the most famous orders. After on and off resignations from the clan he recently became leader, before being forced to resign due to overwork. Rejoined as a commander of Draconia, but resigned again due to overwork.

Final Sabre- One of the first sabres on Cyberwars, he rose to become ELITE on that, before staying behind when the clan moved to Runescape. He stayed for some time and fought rival clans there in the sabre name, including the well-known Militant. After a couple of years away from the clan he has finally rejoined on Runescape, as Alint Sabre.

Ice Sabre- The second oldest existing Sabre and the sixth member of the clan, he rose with Star in Cyberwars to become amongst the top fifty players in the game, and remained a loyal second-in command there throughout. In Runescape his record was complicated when, after being elected to joint leader, he and King had a disagreement resulting in the splitting of the clan, but recently he has rejoined and continues to serve in the clan as an commander.

Insane Sabre- The head of the combat division for some time, and at that time his level was the highest in the clan. He was a Rpk until he one day attacked a Sabre. The Sabre called for back up and King Sabre came and fought Insane, finally killing him. Impressed with the clan, he promptly joined and became strictly anti-Rpk, along with his brother, Ultima. After loyally serving in the clan for about a year he quit Runescape, but is still remembered.

Neko Sabre- Amongst the first Sabres, he helped lead the Sabres that remained on CyberWars when the majority of Sabres left. Eventually he rejoined them on Runescape and worked his way up through various official positions, and is currently an normal member.

Ore Sabre- One of the first Sabres on R.S, and famous for being, amongst the Clan Smith, Runite Miner and well known pacifist, King's mother. Her trademark greeting "Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." has become well known in the two and a half years she has spent within the clan. 

This is continued after chapter Eight. 

Chapter Eight: Orbital's Downfall 

THE Clan accused one of NKKA's members, Orbital, of behaviour unfitting his clan. This followed Militant saying too an enemy "If I ever see u in life, id slit your throat you dumb f**k."  Orbital, having recently had a friend mugged in real life, protested to Militant, and Militant said he had tried to undermine his authority. The Sabres, believing Orbital to be innocent, defended him, and a state of war between THE and Sabres opened once more. Militant and Osiris BK resigned shortly afterwards. Meanwhile Light and Dark Sabres battled it out across the Wilderness, always failing to meet in open combat, instead focusing on hit and run campaigns. In a surprise twist, Militant comes back to fight the Dark Sabres and allies himself once more with Sabres. Orbital is pardoned. However, a strange turn of events begins. Swiftkiller, the assassin mentioned earlier, was part of a clan called the Razors, old allies of DC. DC and Razors declared war on both Dark and Light Sabres, and in a bizarre twist they briefly unite to fight the new threat.  Surprising aid came in the form of hidden allies to the Sabre side and the DC lost after an hour-long battle. Both Sabre armies immediately return to the state of conflict, and an inevitable clash seems unavoidable. It is almost brought upon the armies by a member of the Phalanx clan-a group who aided Sabres against DC. Unknown to the leader he began secret negotiations with Ice Sabre for an alliance between clans. The leader discovered this and warned King Sabre, and together they drive the rogue member (Orkman) out of Phalanx. In response he forms the seemingly innocent Mining Inc., secretly a front for a brutal Rpking Gang consisting mainly of "Clan Hellion." When established he declares war on Sabres and Phalanx. None of the old allies come to aid the Sabre and Phalanx clans, out of fear of Ice attacking them. Eventually Phalanx is attacked by surprise, almost killing its leader, TimmyMwd. He resigns, but Hellion is eventually crushed by the Sabres.  

Additional Information: Famous Sabres Part Two 

Phaze Sabre- Well known for work as a moderator on the Sabre site and extended loyalty over a long period within the clan, he spent some time leading his order, Taros, which grew to be as famous as Dante's. Recently became a normal member.

Rock Sabre- Another well known moderator and loyal sabre, he served for some time within the clan, as a hacker amongst other things. He recently rebelled, backed by Militant, but has since reformed (or has apparently reformed.) His good work within the clan is remembered, and he is currently a normal member.

Turgon Sabre- Another loyal warrior, rising to become the clan's war leader recently, and having served the clan for a considerable time. Considered for the Ultra-Elite position recently and a devoted supporter to the clan.

Serin Sabre- Served for some time as a warrior and as an official, well known for fighting well throughout his year in the clan and also a member of S.s.S. Quit Runescape some time ago.

Shadow Sabre- Well known as a soldier, within the S.s.S, within ELITE and Finally as Ultra-Elite. Most famously remembered for brave fighting in duels and a self-sacrificing nature.

Spirit Sabre- A well-known soldier, and the first victim to Viral's scamming, resulting in his quitting of Runescape.

Ultima Sabre- Insane's brother and famous warrior, fighting in the wars bravely and reaching high levels. Quit in 2002.

Y Sabre- Served clan well within S.s.S until its closure. 

Chapter Nine: The Cold War 

Cold Sabre begins to argue with Ice, and the Dark Sabres start to decay. After a heated argument Cold defects to the Light Sabres, and using information he has they are able to destroy Dark Sabres, the remnants of who gradually disappear. New Clans begin to spring up in place of the Dark Sabres- TCG, RSD and so on. These new brutal wilderness clans posed a serious threat to the more political clans of old, and several leaders disappeared suddenly-for example Lady Kalika and Lord Antony. It seemed the old clans were a dying breed-Until Osiris BK returned. He re-established his old clan and the Syndicate, and a crash between the Syndicate and the new Wilderness clans seemed inevitable. Various individual conflicts sprung up. The leader of TCG, a clan reputed to be ruthless, violated numerous treaties, impersonating a member of THE clan and assaulting clan members while they were alone. A war of attrition began between THE and TCG-till eventually a peace treaty was established, after which THE destroyed TCG finally, foreseeing TCG breaking the treaty. There is some question about the justification of this move. 

Additional Information: Summery and F.A.QS 

During the Wilderness wars the Sabres suffered the highest casualties they ever experienced, with around 40% of their members being killed throughout this period. Many warriors owe their fame due to their superb fighting during this period. The situation is complicated as the remaining Dark Sabres join Wilderness gangs aiming to revenge themselves on Sabres, and their names complicate the war, as Sabres mistake them for allies. 

Here is a direct pasting of an F.A.Q the clan site of the time had. 

1: How do I join? Email with your sabre name or stats of your other name and ask to join!

2:Do I get anything for joining? This should NOT be a very important question, but none the less... you get full adamantine as well as help and support from fellow players, and a general purpose to your playing time. You get protection, the opportunity to meet people and quite a few other benefits. 

3:What is your policy? We kill all random player killers (people who kill for items or for fun), and all scammers. So long as you don't like the guys who do those you should fit in! Also steer clear of the clan if you are racist, sexist, perverted or have any similar attributes.

4:Do I have to change my name? Yes, No exceptions. Don't even bother to ask to be one. The reasons are: 

1.) It lets you identify each other.

2.) It shows commitment to the clan.

3.) You turn into a walking advertisement. 

Try to steer clear of numbers and initials, go for something like a simple... 

Fire Sabre or Sabre Fire,  

5: What do I have to do as a Sabre? You have to (Whichever type of sabre you are) help out in the wars, even if it is only to fish lobsters for our army.  

6:Can I be in another Clan at the same time? Yes, so long as their policy doesn't conflict with ours and they aren't at war with us or allied with out enemies. 

7:What do I do if someone asks me if they can join? Tell them to email with their request. Do NOT join them yourself. Formalities like member lists get confused it you do. 

8:How do I claim my armour? Every Saturday there is a members only meeting in Falador, server one, Eight pm English time. Go there, and smiths will bring lots of armour to dish out.  

9:Who is the leader of Sabres? King Sabre. 

10:How do I change my name? Log out and go to create new account. It should be obvious from there. I advise you remember to put Sabre in your new name. 

11:How is the clan organised? The clan is organised into groups of twenty, called orders. These orders fight, live, die and hunt together. The 1st of the twenty is the commander, who leads them in battle, organises their patrols (each order patrols as a group of twenty once a week, at the same time every week {although it is normally impossible for all to attend, the normal number is around 1o-15 people in attendance per order}). The time of the patrol each week differs depending on the order, and we try to arrange so the majority of people within the order can attend. When you join you have an automatic rank of five, which is the lowest. People at one are highly respected. If two people of different ranks have a disagreement, the higher ranker is normally given preference. Your commander refers you for promotion depending on your actions within the order. The average rank most people stay at is about three. Depending on your job within the sabres, the five ranks differ, e.g.; 

Class:     Nobleman                          Battle        Food            Magic

Purpose: Training for command   Warriors   Cooking       Spells of all kinds


1:            Baron                                 Knight      Head Chef   Ultra Mage

2:            Duke                                   Warrior   Chef             Sorcerer

3:            Viscount                             Squire       Cook            Wizard

4:            Lord                                    Soldier     Farmer         Magi

5:            Earl                                      Novice     Hunter         Charlatan 

Class:           Archery           Smith                          Espionage

Purpose:      Range              Armour making        ???


1:                  Elite Archer   Head Smith                 S.s.S

2:                  Archer            Head Miner                 S.S

3:                  Bowman        Smith                            Assassin

4:                  Ranger          Miner                            Spy

5:                  Tracker         Black Smith                  Messenger 

12:What is the clan uniform?

1st In Command: Red Cape

2nd in Command: No Cape

3rd In Command (Commander): Purple Cape

4th In Command (Rank 1): Black Cape

5th In command (Rank 2): Green Cape

6th In command (Rank 3): Blue Cape

7th In command (Rank 4):Orange Cape

8th In command (Rank 5): Yellow Cape 

13:Anything else I should know? When greeting other sabres, or parting with them, it is customary to say '-Crosses Sabre-'. Since Sabres are swords, we cross them for good luck.  

Chapter Ten: Dark Unison 

To combat the now powerful reformed Syndicate several evil clans unite to form the AOD, or Alliance of Darkness. This clan became powerful due to a politically wary time of tension between Sabres and THE, when Militant was found to have repeatedly violated the Sabre Reformation Treaty by means of a biased history. The NAP (No Aggression Pact) was disturbed. On top of this, THE declared war on Gladiatorz, after claiming Gladiatorz killed one of their members, which Gladiatorz denied. After weighing the evidence the Sabres sided with Gladiatorz, believing the claim to be force. In a shocking move THE allied themselves with RSD (Who were sworn enemies of the Gladiatorz), and the Syndicate looked set to split again. This was the beginning of a three way war consisting of Sabres and the Syndicate, THE and RSD and Alliance of Darkness. Tension increases as a spy was found from THE clan in a syndicate clan, the Daywalkers. Eventually Gladiatorz and RSD declare war on each other, and the Syndicate is divided. King Sabre acts as a diplomat and briefly before the intended war time peace is declared again. Shortly afterwards the leader of RSD resigns. However, Goldenhelms ally with THE and RSD, and the war looked set to spark again. This time Sabres stay neutral, due to an alliance with Goldenhelms, who participate in the war. Militant violates the Sabre Reformation Treaty again, and war is declared between Syndicate (Minus the Sabres) and THE and RSD. After hours of fighting the winner is clear-RSD defeated the syndicate. Osiris BK resigns- and a few weeks later RSD disbands, its leader gone. THE begins to attempt to split the sabres again. It backs a loyal member of the Sabres, Rock Sabre (New to the clan-not the Cyberwars Rock Sabre) into rebelling against King Sabre. The rebellion is crushed, but THE take Rock Sabre in as a member. S.s.S had previously labelled him as a spy for THE, although whether a spy or a spy and rebel it is unclear, since he denies spying. 

Additional Information: Militant 

Possibly the longest running Sabre enemy, Militant's first encounters with the clan were on Cyberwars, where he fought the Sabres who remained there instead of going to Runescape. Believing to have chased the clan to Runescape, he and his clan also moved there, and mistook impostor Sabres for real ones. After realising his error he allied himself with the clan temporarily, although became angry after dying and losing clan members during the Al Kharid and Barbarian Village wars. Since then he has violated and amended the treaty countless times, and recently backed rebels within the clan hoping to create civil unrest. He recently resigned for Runescape, his character deleted. A lot of anti-sabre feeling stems from the history that he held on his site, containing false information. 

Chapter Eleven: Leadership Turmoil 

One of the officials within Sabres is found to be a scammer-Viral Sabre scammed three sabres out of over a million gold pieces worth of items (Spirit Sabre, Cooked Sabre, and one who does not wish to be named.) Viral Sabre was originally known as Hyper Sabre, but he scammed Spirit and was forced to leave the clan subsequently. All sabres aimed to kill him in this period. Then he rejoined under a different name, claiming to be new to the clan, and once more worked himself higher in the clan's hierarchy, before scamming Cooked and leaving for good. It should be noted that since his resignation he has given back approximately one third of what he scammed, and claims to have renounced scamming, however he is also a definite rebel and alleged spy. Immediately after leaving the second time THE took him on as a member, while officially maintaining peace with Sabres. Around this period King Sabre begins to spend less time online, and eventually resigns, due to several factors-some of his online friends having been revealed as traitors, and offline issues calling for more time then he could balance with R.S. He elects D11 Sabre as the new leader, and leaves on the condition that all future leaders follow these rules: 

1.) Every member of the clan is only a member of a clan while on their Sabre name, and needs to have one to join and be in the clan. 

2.) The clan is always anti-rpk, and never neutral or rpk. It never scams. 

With these guidelines in place, he leaves, and D11 spends time as a leader, running the clan fairly efficiently until stress causes him to resign. He elects Dante as his successor, who also runs with fair efficiency till stress causes him to resign also, and he elects the current leader, Phaze, who has began to build the clan back up to its previous heights. Militant has resigned once more, and his character on RS was deleted for offences. Ice Sabre recently rejoined as a normal Sabre. In the first week of February Ore Sabre, the clan smith since two months after R.S began, achieved the ability to mine Runite Ore. A number of old members rejoin, such as Viral Sabre and Rock Sabre. 

Additional Information: Ultra ELITE 

Here is a list of every Ultra-ELITE yet to serve in the clan, in order of time spent as leader. 

King Sabre (Star Sabre, AIM: Laurence Winder)

Ice Sabre (AIM: Coolakv)

Phaze Sabre (Meteor Sabre, AIM: MickeLoz)

D11 Sabre (AIM: D11 Sabre)

Shadow Sabre

Dante Sabre (AIM: BenRhax)

Turgon Sabre (AIM: Sabre Ogre)

Ore Sabre (AIM: NcWndr) 

Chapter Twelve: Return of The King 

After seven months absence King Sabre returned to resume control of the clan, which was then being led by Ice Sabre. The clan began to become more active, trying to recapture its golden age, as membership soared and the new clan system imitated that which had brought the clan into success. However, to combat this rising again of the sabre clan a new A.S.A was set up, led by a man called Metallica. This alliance differed from the old A.S.A in one respect- they were aware the sabres were anti-rpk, and attacking them because of it. Metallica met King Sabre privately and offered to cease all anti-sabre hostility in exchange for 1550000gp. King Sabre refused, and began an alliance with numerous other clans to combat this threat and any future threats, the alliance was based on mutual protection and anti-scamming and anti-rpking. The alliance name was The Federation. The Federation lived on long after the new A.S.A (A.k.a Dragonite Alliance) was disbanded. The Commanders of Sabres were now Rift Sabre, Ice Sabre, Viral Sabre, Strider Sabre and Mortus Sabre. 

Chapter Thirteen: The Council Is Announced 

Something wasn't quite right with the clan. King Sabre realised he wouldn't be able to cope with the pressures of new Runescape alone. He decided he should turn the clan into a democracy- a complete democracy, where he nor anybody else had a guaranteed place in an idea which was to become an eight person council, ruling a state system of an army and civilians. The council was a great success, with eight popular sabres getting elected in the first election; D11 Sabre, Ice Sabre, King Sabre, Meteor Sabre, Mortus Sabre, Rift Sabre, Strider Sabre and Viral Sabre. A few old faces started coming back to the clan at this point, most notably Narya Sabre, a key diplomatic sabre from about a year previously. However, this new return of Sabres was being noticed runescape wide, despite attempts made by the clan to remain solitary. ASA fanatics instantly began alliances to bring the clan down, although for the most part these were made by weak clans are could be ignored or easily corrected. The clan continued a recruiting drive, and old allies began to return. Things looked bright for the clan, as the arrival of 3d Runescape neared. Especially interesting was rumours of a name-change system, and level 100s flocked to join if this should be introduced.  

Written by King Sabre