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Rosemary's adventures - updated 27 January 2006

Fun/useful things I've done lately:

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Chandra's page

Volunteer News

European Vacation

Welcome to an updated edition of my website. No excuses for being so late – there just never seems to be time to do anything. When I do have time at home, I’m usually on the phone setting up new trips or events for kids. My own four-legged kids don’t think I spend enough time with them – one of the pictures on this page is a rare shot of all three of them getting along well together.

The four-legged Sierra has continued her work as a therapy dog. She loves going to work – she seems to know when it’s Monday, and she is very serious about her responsibility to kiss everybody she meets at the retirement home. She is always sweet to people, even when some of them can’t move their hands properly and get rough with her (inadvertently). One of the pictures on this page is of Sierra with one of the people she visits. Everybody loves her – they all call her “their dog”, and their eyes light up when she comes to visit. They tell us that they look forward to Mondays because they know they will see Sierra.

Leticia and I have continued to do lots of fun things. We went to Willcox (an hour’s drive away) to a pumpkin patch and fruit/vegetable farm in October for her birthday. One picture on this page is of Leticia standing next to a very tall sunflower. We petted horses, cows, goats and sheep, plus picked pumpkins, vegetables and apples. We went on a BB/BS outing to Lake Patagonia, where Leticia went fishing on the lake and is shown here with the boat owner proudly displaying the fish she caught. I also started with a site-based Little Sister who is a sophomore at Desert View High School – her name is also Sierra, so I have to explain whether it’s the four-legged or the two-legged Sierra when I use the name. The other picture on this page is of Sierra, and Leticia with me at the Gaslight Theater the week before Christmas – we had a great time, and plan to do some more outings with the three of us. The two-legged Sierra and I chat on AOL in the evenings, and work on geometry & French homework together.

I have continued my work as a surrogate parent – I officially have four kids – two boys and two girls. One girl is 6 years old and is in Kindergarten. When I first got assigned to her she had been in three schools and four homes in about a six week period. I was able to help her new school evaluate her and place her properly. One girl is a baby, and the boys are 3 and 4 years old. Basically as a surrogate you have to call and check on the child – because nobody remembers to call you

I have included a page of some different pictures from our last summer’s European trip. Even though the trip was a long time ago, you haven’t seen the pictures, so I figured they were worth sharing. This is the set that was post-London and pre-Paris. That means I have one more set to show from Paris after this….

Most of my other news is volunteer news, so you’ll have to read my volunteer page to learn all about it. I did take Spanish from mid September to mid December, and will be picking it back up again in February. I spend a lot of time seeing friends in the evenings – trying to make sure I balance the time I spend with kids by also seeing adults. The main other exciting personal thing I’ve done is started planning for the trip Pat and I will be taking in August with our RV/trailer. We hope to cover parts of Utah, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico.

Thank you for visiting my website; be sure to check the other pages for updates, as they all have important news. Stay tuned for the next update when I get around to it.
