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Lovebites and Razorlines

Me,this is really what this is all about isnt it? To keep my memories alive so those I love will live on forever. Thats really what everyone wants, to not be forgotten. It sounds rather selfish, to only think about myself, but really what does it matter? I am the only one who exists in my world as it is with everyone in theirs. I dont know anyone like I know myself, I'm locked in this cage, unable to see the world from different eyes, I am, in many ways, alone, we are all alone.

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We're all drowning in corruption and this planet and all its inhabitants are going straight to hell. Our future leaders are living lives of apathy and everyone is becoming indifferent. Drugs, alcohol, sex and other self-inflicted pains rule our existence and we are the destructors. Each generation worse than the last and it is not a phase, it continues through the ages, ideas aren't lost, memories unchangeable but values, values not only forgotten but eradicated. No reasons, no goals, there is nothing left to live for. All the great battles have been won, nothing left to fight for. All that remains are these scars from inner wars you cant remember and what does it all mean if this is the only way I can cope? Is it a test? Is it a dream? It feels so fake. Yet we hold on, some to a dream that in the end means nothing, some to a person who in the end betrays them, others hold on to their knives and dig deep, maybe its something in the blood, maybe its a way of releasing the poison. In the end we're all alone, in the end it was all for nothing, spare me the pain, I can't pretend anymore, scatter my ashes to the wind and let me fly free.

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No one feels another's grief, no one understands another's joy.
People imagine that they can reach one another.
In reality,they only pass each other by.

Tombstone Diaries

Slip into Insane

Explore. Dream. Discover
