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 The New Shit                                                                                                                       Quintino Jaxson


The Silent Assassins Information:   

Versus: Kris Kage and Nightmare Event: Showdown Stipulation: Tag Match.

ERWF Record:     0-00-0     Promo:     2

Assassinated!  :   


ERWF Achievements: =========

Dont Pump Yourself Up..!!! ...

Last: we saw Kris Kage come out and physically disect the Silent Assassin. Coming out here making a very long statement. Making fun of Jaxson and pissing him off at the same time. Jaxson sat back in laughter that turned into infuriation. Jaxson taped something and sent it to ERWF productions guys and heres what we have.

"To Get Put The Fuck Down!"

Title: Kris are mentally slow arent you?

...By The Fuckin Silent Assassin Quintino Jaxson!

Forever Nightdyne Is What I Pledged
I'll Be Wearing These Colors Til I'm Dead
Nightdyne Is A Way of Life
We Do What We Want When We Want Because Even If Its Wrong. To Us, It's Right!
We Pay Costs
To Be Bosses
You See Us and Hate Us
What You Should Really Do Is Appreciate Us.
N- Not To Be Played With
I-Invincible To All Below Us.
G-Greatness Is Something We Were Born With.
H-Hollow Be Our Name, For Which Art Great.
T-This To Us Is No Longer A Game.
D-Devestatingly Untouchable
Y-You Cant Stop Us.
N-Never Ever Doubt Our Strength
E-Evolutionized Your Life With Our Presences
So Until You Learn Not To Fuck With Us..
Theres Absoulutely

'..SCENE 1..'
' Kris Kris Kris..You Are Mentally Slow!'

We open up inside of a Brand New Pontiac GTO where we see Jaxson sitting as the camera turns to his face we see him staring back smirking as he shows a sadistic look. Jaxson sits up in the drivers seat as he rises up we see him sitting there with Nightdynes Shirt on. Jaxson taps the steering wheel and then laughs.

<|The Silent Assassin|>Quintino Jaxson: Ya know Kris..I thought you were alot smarter..see since I knew you didnt have the good looks thing going for ya..I thought you'd at least be a smart fat guy. I mean you go out to the ring..and you talk and you talk and blabber on and on and the fans laughs and you have fun. I mean come on..I know those fans were bored to death..and the only reason they cheered was to make you feel good even though they were Laughin At you. I mean come on. I told didnt beat pulled a fast one which from what I can see is not common with you. See pal..these ladies..that you say call me the 60 second silent assassin dont exist. I mean what kind of quality do you withhold saying stupid off subject shit like that? I mean you sat there and said you're a huge somebody and that somebody is in other words mean you're a huge piece of shit, that no one cares for. I mean you're right..I read your book. I know about you fatherhood, hell I even know what your wife looks like but all thoses things dont matter. Like you said..fuck the past. We're talkin future. See Kris I mean you're loved by many and Im hated by many. Why? Because I have the ability to stop giving a fuck what those fans think. I have the ability not to care for useless things in my life like...writing a book just to earn an extra buck and get fatter and more out of shape like you. Meeting Bill Clinton and Ghandi is not important to me because they can do nothing for me. Im not here in this business for propaghanda and all the handshakes. Im tired of shakin hands. Im tired of waving at fans. Im tired of slobs like you in the industry. I mean the only reason you're here is because you promote stuff. You give fat kids confidence that they can one day be the next Rikishi or the next big guy to have a heart attack and die from too much fat around the lungs and heart. You promote other businesses inside of ERWF just to make Alex Rodriguez smile. And during all the ass kissing and all the other bullshit you do. You find time in between to actually feel good about yourself? Why? I mean numerous title wins mean nothing. The get mean nothing after you wash your hands. The books mean nothing when they stay out for like a year, and instead of cutting me some slack you need to cut your food plan down to a smaller size.

Jaxson smirks and sits back to calm down

<|The Silent Assassin|>Quintino Jaxson: See were let down with your 3 minute imaginational win and you said you wanted to go 30 minutes just to prove you could handle it. Showing the fans you were ready. Kris I am not your personal trainer. I am not going to waste my time playing ring around the rosey with you while you try to burn fat. Seeing as how the only work out you get is in the ring with your opponent. You werent ready in fact you quite glad the match ended so quickly because you knew you were embarassing not only me but you were embarassing yourself. I mean Kris you actually think you mean something. You actually think that just because you got lucky the first time that the second time is going to be a walk in the park. Well it wont be, Its going to be like walking over a broken bridge that can only hold 150 pounds. Which in other words means since you dont seem to spell and reinerate words means you are going to fail miserably. You are going to be embarassed by greatness. See it amazes me how much close attention you pay and you dont even comprehend the subject at hand. That room I destroyed..I payed for, that wall I put the hole has been paid for. Kris..I dont care about you being the mentally slow kid you are and tearing out your hair..I mean the smart thing to do would be to get a fuckin haircut but you sit up and pull and nag at it with your bare hands because you think it proves that your crazed in the mind that you're a "hardcore" legend. It only proves what I've been saying is that you are a meaningless nobody that you are mentally slow! You say you're sick and demented but you can be considerate. A. You're sick in the mind because you believe you can beat me. B. You're demented because you believe in a dream of beating me thats going to be shattered Thursday. You say you're considerate for property. Yea, you'll be real considerate when your face meets the mat and your body falls from the sky like a 747 with no gas. Start my homework? Manners for Elders? Mommie and Daddy Check it? Come on Kris. I didnt expect such an Hardcore Guy to be such a soft punk bitch!

Jaxson steps out of the car and into the rain

<|The Silent Assassin|>Quintino Jaxson:

¤ End RP ¤


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