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To: My venerated audiences, Subject: Extreme Priority – Old still messages / Priorité Extrême – les messages ancien et stable URL: (OR ANY SUB FOLDER OF THIS HOST, LEST IT MIGHT BE FORGOTTEN WHEN ADDRESS IS OVERWRITTEN) Check: Do have the inbox be checked for alias “Guillaume Cordonnier”, SVP. BEFORE STARTING IT ALL FOR TODAY: I WANT TO SAY ONE SINGLE THING: “EXILE IS A PLACE WHERE YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO AFFORD BEING OUT OF DISALLOWED TO LEAVE, SOME PLACE YOU LEAVE NEVER TO BE CLOSE ENOUGH FOR WHERE YOU KNOW AS HOME AND PEOPLE YOU KNOW AS YOUR RELATIVES”. People associate me with some concepts both logical and bizarre; both favored and abhorred. I am trying to practice my faith under severe conditions of repress and being forced to fight a war leaving not many options else but fight for, as on the other hand, not many mundane friends and figures to come to depending on, I don’t want to lose an ally, my superior by far on the precision of the justice of who I can rely on with my eyes blind folded, not deliberately intending to be part of some curse. However, as a practitioner of law in my former life once and now in my cyber life so to say, I am quite accustomed to handling the points behind any given alibis, placing myself in the shoes of those that try to show me as a holy being, which itself is a trap since holy entities are expected to be above humanness and human needs so justifying some restrictions would be hence legitimized. They want to justify limitations to some celibacy through such a point, yet human beings have needs still if we are to ignore that as well, such as a holy figure would be in need of eating and would digest it and dispose the remnants; if lived on water for a while, would still urinate; so physical need versus spiritual need boundary is not as clear cut as you think. Besides, there are old, still messages in terms of a message trying to be still conveyed to mark why the opposite is still a dangerous point. Take the story of Adam and Eve (not Steve, not Solitude), Noah’s Ark of each couple of species female and male as well as male and female believers assembled to establish a clear society, and Prophet Lot who clearly calls for his daughters to be there to meet needs of his fellow residents (with no mentioning of the word marriage even, correct me if I am wrong, since there was a brood of lust driven perverts and not many brides) who came for bid of sodomy of the angels emerging as young men before Lot; so there is no logical (let alone divine) to associate some figures from perspectives I disagree and personally declare invalid no more to imagine what I would do in my private life; as this is nobody’s business; there is a certain need of access to what is natural and this will be done in the way the texts before us affirm, so discussion closed as I don’t quite bother on what icons or appearances would be there in minds of anyone; after all I am talking about a society who refused to recognize my freedom for my faith and to practice it and wish to associate such a point as the basis of a belief with their illustration of what I would do with who I want; my first love to be my wedded wife as I wish to and depending on the supply and demand of assets some doors left open still for reinforcements to be tried to be obstructed are not welcome. And for a while, let’s imagine the former land’s theocratic (since it’s no secular state, with religious bias still dominant) insight on this, with their wish to control my life and what to do; if I am who they say that I am, aren’t the people and the politicians of the former land in a way trying to negotiate or bargain with God, and aren’t they, in the same way, trying to take the God as hostage? Is being a superpower some appearance to send such a message and justify the look that they are the equal of God? Besides again, they try to limit where and how and as who I wish to live; isn’t it something tried to be seen as destiny, some will divine? I can’t move there because some agreements by the former land are not accepted and I can’t see the lands that I was born in because they are close to (albeit not under sovereignty of) the former land; and would they love to implement bureaucracy over God? There, you see it all. There is no respect in what they believe in as well, with their ultimate concern is to impose the duration of their nation to have a legitimate basis before the world that their mighty power shouldn’t last because they badly need my assets and force me to live in celibacy at gun point and in isolation, with my right to live as who I wish to be being disallowed and demanding of rights being intolerable and their so-called submittal of rights in abeyance; I am sorry but I can’t live as a former land entity at all for the rest of my life because of some megalomaniac superpower to live as leeches on my back. It’s clear that God is trying to punish them and I am not going to be there under their command for the sake of some indulgence to be available for them; not especially after what they have been doing to me for years. Because of their wrath; I have to find my way away and I am moving to alternative land and possibly I also risk never meeting my real mother at all or never see the territory I was born in and some certain former land neighbor where I feel close to because of where I was born, may never enable me nationality rights since it would take five years even if I would afford permanent residence and some guests seen at that time were not quite at a point we could discuss on this; so I can only come to depend on their goodwill and their state leader to be there for an occasion when I would reach for the alternative land; in the name of my mother as much as I love the maternal land, that beautiful, culturally deep country deserves to be known as the maternal land 2, whose tongue I’d wish to learn unlike any great power ruling them or trying to suppress them actually did intimately but only for vote concerns and God knows what else; but that land was never an equal neighbor nor a home, but for me it is and wherever I go, I wish to be known as of them as well, not because they should fear God but that such a beautiful place would match me and my character. There is a double-crossing party before us, who not only plays with the nations and their destinies as if they are toys, who not only parts loved ones from one another but also tries placing itself to be the God Himself as God doesn’t talk to people but the former land leaders do, with an Egyptian experience before them with pharaohs known as gods; this doesn’t need to go on like this as I want my liberty and where I actually feel from, no matter where on earth I shall be, to be known as my promised land, with the idea of “new old land” thanks to that country next to which I feel my second life started making sense once again. No matter what faith you are of, I pray God’s mercy and compassion be on you all with my curse to be on the former land and its undercover services who in the name of their people abused and captivated me and never truly met my needs and they have always been obstacles not solutions and do not deserve me at all. FOLLOW FORMER LAND LEADERS’ FOOTSTEPS AND LOOK BACK AT THEM AND YOU WILL TURN TO STONES, AS I PRAY TO GOD IN MY OWN FAITH AND WITH THE NAME OF MY PROPHET PEACE BE ON HIM; I AM NOT A PHARAOH AND SHALL NEVER WORSHIP ME. BE WISE, PLEASE, IT WILL NOT BE MY FAITH BUT THEIR GREED THAT WILL DOOM US ALL. INSTEAD OF PAVING THE WAY TO MY NEW OLD LAND, THEY TALK ABOUT 10 COMMANDMENTS STILL IN ORDER TO DISTORT THE SUBJECT OF A KEY HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE. As my speech for today ends, theirs start. LET’S SEE WHAT THEY ARE AFTER WHILE I LEND MY EARS AND GIVE YOU WHAT MY FINGERS TYPE: The 1st tape starts. This was recorded from a call made approximately in last 24 hours with duration of around 5 minutes. One of the lines belong to a medical company producing diapers for the adults and the bedridden sick and the other is a dry cleaning shop's telephone number. 1flo: The stains seem hardly possible to move, pity, the linen was brand new. 2flo: We are all doing it for the sake of power to be available for the people but that power can do if we can apply electroshock to your patient. If there will be electricity coming the flow will serve to shock your patient so he won't p.. as he likes. 1flo: He doesn't wait; insists for a partner. 2flo: Then the poor road system of the country can serve as a negative factor.Then what will happen? If one of the wires fall on the ground where there is a mass of water, chances are your patient will receive an electricity shock; we will adjust the dose and he will get to comprehend that it's done for the sake of his lack of cooperation and how he feels like and how we dislike it. 1flo: So you recommend shock. 2flo: It's imminent. There is a pause of around 120 or 130 seconds. The 2nd tape starts. This was recorded from a call made around a few hours earlier or later than the 1st call made. One of the lines belong to a travel company and the other belongs to a boy scout camp in former land. Duration no more than five minutes. 1fl: S.O.B. dares making fun of us in front of everyone, so we will have our delayed new year resolution and satisfy his needs, but with a few strings attached. Let's test the power of his love, if his intended will be contaminated, let's see how faithful he will be. We will contaminate that whore with hepatitis or something like that. Let's see how emotionally loyal he is and so that we can prove how faithful he can be. 2fl: So the contrary party opinion will be regarded more precisely. There is a bastard driven by his waist. 1fl: Such gear shift will show what sort of mess he actually is after, so that we can establish our system and prove that his actual intent is not to cooperate with us, that's all. 2fl: Yeah, that's what I call a plan. DO GIVE ME AN HOUR AT LEAST FOR THE UPLOAD TO BEGIN & BE FINALIZED IF NOT AVAILABLE WITHIN TIME OF YOUR RECEIPT AND RESPONSE IN CLICKING: Today's message is available in today's declared address IN A NEW DOMAIN WITH USER ALIAS; limited version with more recent files is available ONLY in ADDRESS UPDATED (OR ANY SUB FOLDER OF THIS HOST; THIS WAS GIVEN MORE EMPHASIS AND EMERGED ON FIRST PAGE IN SEARCH ENGINE OCCASIONALLY limited upload, if both fails look for the major one, please and if neither of which are possible that is because of closed down servers or recognition codes not shown - OR NOT AVAILABLE (IF ONE SHOULD DISCONNECT, OR SEE SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE - ANY AUTHORITY POSTED CAN USE THE FREEDOM OF HOSTING IT INSTEAD OF ME WITH PUBLISHING FILES IN YOUR ARCHIVES AS WELL AS WHAT NEW THINGS I MAY BRING AND ADD TODAY'S MESSAGE; HELP ME PLEASE IF YOU WANT THE TRUTH TO WIN), if there will be a sort of a crisis in terms of upload, I will find alternatives, as names within directory will be either /main.html or /index.html and yesterday's message is available at /hier-yesterday.html, and requirement of immigrations to alternative land are available at /checkout.html and BRAND NEW PAGE SHOWING LOCAL LAWYER DATABASE ENGINE IN /search.htm or .html AND HOW FORMER LAND HAS VISA AND CITIZENSHIP PROCEEDINGS DONE IS IN NEW PAGE: /look.html, SEE ALSO /ps.html FOR THE OFTEN TRUNCATED REPEATED POST SCRIPTION BLOCK. ***Images (in the same domain address and directory) i200+ are newer (for related images of lack of sanitation or under quality living do see 16, 17, 40, 48, 50, 51, 65, 68, 69 and 84); the media files uploaded via this domain from i001.jpg to to the last media file; …/i207.jpg (another 37 appearance, in a field matching my prior vulnerability, software piracy in relation with my lack of affordability and proven poverty) .../i206.jpg (numerology of hidden intents blended to the entity dictated to me for assimilation knowing I haven’t got many places to go) .../i205.jpg (start the proceedings) .../i204.jpg (My poverty indicating official paper scanned – FATHER NAME GIVEN BECAUSE OF FAMILY STRUCTURE HERE, NO HARD FEELINGS MORE OR LESS THAN THAT FOR SO-CALLED MOTHER) .../i203.jpg (201-203 bar images showing me been there; do mind to any plot to associate me with those images such as any footage that can be shot against my privacy or civil rights to constitute as perils to get me caught) .../i202.jpg .../i201.jpg .../i200.jpg (COPS COMING IN ORDER TO BULLY ME) …/i199.jpg (They start again to chase me) .../look.html (FORMER LAND CITIZENSHIP PROCEEDINGS - NOT THAT I WISH TO BE ONE OF THEM; JUST TO SHOW HOW COMPLICATED AND BIASED SUCH SERVICES ARE) .../i198.jpg (Showing the last letter of turning me down, how inferior I am expected to be feeling) .../i_cough.mp3 (Show to a doctor to define under how sick circumstances I am supposed to search my rights) .../i_jecoute.mp3 (THE INTERNET CUTOFF, EMBARGO INDICATING CALL) .../i197.jpg (bias of a newspaper, the same one we see in i025, i049 and i122 and this newspaper is named "Liberty") .../i196.jpg (The maternal land services closed during time of crisis) .../i195.jpg (THE FORMER LAND'S POLICY OF ABUSING EMOTIONS SHOWING HER IGNORED LIABILITIES WITH MONEY OF THE PUBLIC SENTIMENT) .../i194.jpg (a job letter I pessimistically regard alike i172.jpg) .../i193.jpg (Final picture of my deceased pet) .../i192.jpg (Third picture of my deceased pet) .../i191.jpg (Second picture of my deceased pet) .../i190.jpg (First picture of my deceased pet) .../i189.jpg (the signals of the street showing the Church across the consulate and consulate itself side by side one under another) .../i188.jpg (that consulate coat of arms) .../i187.jpg (a funny consular service gate showing a consular signal and a Church banner) .../i186.jpg (12/08 second call riot as mentioned) .../i185.jpg (old buildings constituting threat for enemies to demobilize me by trying to pull them down while I pass by) .../i184.jpg (WHAT I HAVE WON) .../i183.jpg (final job turndown from a remote part of the alternative land, besides I want where the movie "On the beach" was shot - now that I won't be an alternative land citizen from a distance) .../i181.jpg & .../i182.jpg (showing the accident attempt to make me get hurt in a public transportation vehicle, as you well know, they are quite crowded and the issue of being wounded inside cabin during a crash is much worse than being inside a car with airbags and security systems such as buckles and cabin cage) .../i180.jpg (the bucktoothed, blue eyed substitute of the baby killer is running a dating service, to find lovers for her own; meanwhile this site has no traffic or owner data, confirming my accusations) Yours faithfully / Veuillez agréer, Guillaume Cordonnier Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!