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Outwar Stuff

Light Beam Layout

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This layout was made by IdeaWork Productions, and may be freely redistributed as stated by the license.

Copyright © 2003 Ville Kalliomäki (Rithiur)

License agreement

1. Agreement
To use, distribute or edit this layout file or any files associated with it (referred as 'layout' from now on), you have to agree with this license agreement. If you do not wish to agree with this license agremeent, delete this layout from your computer. You may also end this agreement at any point by deleting this layout from your computer.

2. Use
This layout may be used on any site or program or on anything you wish, as long as the use is not against any law. You are not required to use this layout as whole and may only use parts of it for your own purposes. You are even allowed to modify this as you see fit and use it for any purpose as described above.

3. Copyright
This layout may contain number of visible and hidden layout marks inside it. You are not required to keep any of the visible layout marks. The only copyright mark you must keep intact is the hidden one located at top of the layout's source code. If any parts of the layout is used seperately, you must provide approriate copyright notice to the orginal owner of the parts.

4. Distribution
This layout may be distributed freely on any site, collection or any place legal according to law. You may even edit the layout and distribute your own version of the layout, but you must provide copyright notice to the orginal owner. You must also provide this license agreement with any distribution of this layout. You may also only distribute parts of this layout, but in that case, you must also provide approriate copyright notice to the orginal owner and this license. In all cases of distribution, any source files must also be made available to make everyone able to modify the layout as they see fit.

5. Warranty
There is no warranty for the layout. Should there be any costs from using this layout, the creator of this layout can not be held reponsible for any such costs. This layout has been licensed free of charge and is not warranted to be suitable for any spesific purpose.


This layout is compatible to XHTML1.1 standard and CSS standard, and has been validated with W3C validators.

Support standards!


This layout should be well compatible with IE6 and Opera7.11. Due to some weird things in Mozilla, there are some errors with it. Suggestions how to fix it are more than welcome.