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Our Vacation to Cuba

We're on our way to Varadero, Cuba!

A shot of Cuba from the plane, before we arrived.

On our way to the hotel, from the airport.

Our first time in our room at Hotel Playa de Oro.

The water is cold.

Steven is doing his dolphin dance.

More shots of the beauitful beach on our first day in Cuba.

I could stay here awhile.

We're in the Buffet restaurant here.

Jungle Tour.

The flamingos smell worse than garbage. Literally!!!

That's a Congo he's holding.

They look like beavers.

With rat's tails.

These are Iguanas.

These are American crocodiles.

Robin met a new friend( A snapping turtle)

Hurry up and take the picture.

It's Sebastien.

Hmmm he would make a nice pair of boots!?!

Stay still damn it, or I'll drop ya!!!

Ahhh here you take him!

Yea yea yea, towels made out of swans...
Aren't they beauitful!?!

Jeep Tour (it was alot of fun!)

I own these streets.

Robin: What a nice old man. Old Man: What a nice piece of meat.

Chillin on the street in Mantanzas.

A little boy we gave candy to in the countryside.

It's a leema (A cross between an orange and a lemon)

We stopped at a sugar plantation on the jeep tour.

We made friends from Saskatchewan.

I want to hold the knife!

I got some sugar cane for ya!

You want a piece of me!!!

We stopped to swim in a cave here.

I'm trying to eat damn it!

Yea what he said!

That was probably the best meal the lil piggy ever had.

Robin's holding a little chick.

Robin is NEVER getting on damn horse again!!!

We're about to drive a zodiac through the river.

I ain't never scuuured!!!

Our maid, made vases out of the towels.

We're chillin by the pool at the hotel.

We went back to visit the monkeys at the jungle tour, cause Robin ran out of film.

Ok it's a monkey!

I want those keys tourist!

Monkey: Fine then I'll take her hat. Robin: Oh we're not friends anymore!

We took a moped on a drive through Varadero.

You call this a contentential breakfast!?!

On our way to Havana.

People actually live in these places.

He's a worker in the cigar factory.

That showed us how cigars are made.

This is the Capital building in Havana.

This woman was harrassing Steven for his clothes, so he told her to take a picture with me, and he gave her a dollar.

How nice is this picture.

This is the building where Fidel Castro gives his long speeches.

Thoses helmet looking vehicles are taxis.

This is the largest cemetary in Havana.

This was the old American embassy, when the Americans were in Havana.

The next few pics are rooms we weren't supposed to be in, but we made friends with the guards.

These are rooms that the Queen would live in, when she was in Havana.

Steven made friends with these young men, on our way back to the bus.

We had the best maid.

Chillin at Plazas de Americanas (a little shopping center in Varadero)

Yup people live in these houses too :(

Downtown Varadero

This it the Varadero golf course.

We took the the train back to our hotel, boy it was a bumpy ride.

Really I'm not up to anything, just enjoying the beauitful beach.

Wow the ocean is so beauitful here.

Hey I'm in paradise!!!!!

Ok where is that bus!?! The dolphins are waiting for us!

No swimming with the dolphins for us! :( (The trip was cancelled cause the ocean was too rough)

Robin and her friend the lunch time cook.

Pics of the lobby at our hotel.

Yup I look good.

Dinner at the International restaurant on our last night in Cuba.

Meet Miguel, the most friendly waiter we had.

Yup I'm handsome.

We're about to go to the club.

Let's go already.
Steven's friend the cook, who made his omlettes in the morning.

1 last look at the ocean.

Bye bye Cuba, we'll miss you.

We hope you enjoyed looking our pictures, Cuba is a very beauitful place, if you hadn't been you should go.
