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Wednesday, 11 May 2005
he he he funny joke
The Boss was in quandary. He had to fire somebody. He had it narrowed down to one of two people, Debra or Jack. It was an impossible decision, they were both super workers. Rather than flip a coin, he decided he would fire the first one who used the water cooler the next morning.

Debra came in the next morning with a horrible hang-over after partying all night. She went to the cooler to take an aspirin. The Boss approached her and said: " Debra, I've never done this before, but I have to lay you or Jack off." "Could you jack off?" she says. "I feel like shyt."

Posted by ex2/noname at 12:01 AM PDT
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Tuesday, 10 May 2005

Mood:  a-ok
LOOK my horoscope for today... Isn't it awesome..

The dam has broken. You've suddenly got nothing but time for your sweetheart, and they've got nothing but time for you. If you can, get yourselves far, far away from everything that even remotely smacks of responsibility.

Is that not cool. I have been responsible for my life as well as others for too long. It's my turn to take a break. So I am taking a 50 day leave from school (wish I could do it with work too). During my much needed break I will be going to Reno and be getting ready to head off to NO.

Lets see why I have not posted. Thursday right after work I headed over to Levy's. But go figure no money nor my phone. Then headed back to Seattle. I was only there for a short time when we headed back to Tacoma. There I was at friends house. She ended up leaving to take people home and I ended up calling 911 to pick me up. I was wrenching and I had no clue where I was. I spent all night in the hospital and then pretty much slept all Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

And lets throw out a massive THANK YOU to Dave for keeping me awake Thursday night. Who would have known what would have happend to me if I passed out. Again THANK YOU!the reason

Posted by ex2/noname at 9:49 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 4 May 2005
I need a hug!
Mood:  hug me
Well lets see.. Levy still has not got a hold of me, nor has she tried. I have finally given up on her. Awefully nice of a friend to dog you when they don't need your services anymore.

Work and school have been equally boring and humdrumish. I much rather watch paint dry than do either. I just sit at work and think/day dream about my up and coming vacations. Reno and NO. Going to be so much fun, well NO is going to be.

So my friend Donnie wanted me to right about him in here.. So here ya go Donnie. :) Ya know if you call me or something I would have something to write about you in here :)

Today I received a letter from my friend Bill who lives far far away. I was so surprised. In it he added a poem that he wrote I guess that I inspired. I am going to post it here because I like it. Let me know what you think.

An Angels Face
By: William Margarido

An angels face I can not see,
a beauty within so pure and so free.
No choice do I have but to let her be,
Until she may come to me.
While I wait to see her angelic face,
I sit and bask in the splendor of inner beauty.
For no matter what, a friend I shall be,
Until no longer I shall be.

I miss you Dave! Come back!!! :)

Posted by ex2/noname at 10:27 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 4 May 2005 10:34 PM PDT
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Monday, 25 April 2005

Mood:  down
I so did not want to get up this morning, but I did. This week is casual
week at work; woohoo for jeans. Yeah so I got to work and remembered we had
a retirement party to attend luckily for me I live half in my car and half
in the house so I had nice clothes to change into. :) So right before we
headed out for the party a friend of mine came in and we talked for a bit
and come to find out that my best friends has been doing but lying to me
all weekend. You know WHAT IS THE POINT OF LYING. I just do not understand.
So I am going to give her till the end of this week to contact me and give
me money for her phone bill. If she doesn't I will be cancelling her phone,
taking her phone and hopefully selling it for some price to help with her
bill (on my account). If she doesn't apologize for every single thing she
has lied to me about.. Then she will NOT be going to Calif, Reno and Org
with me. Like it will be so hard to ask any other of my friends "like hey I
am taking a week trip to Reno and well the only thing we have to pay for is
our own gambling habits, wanna come?" Who would say no to that?

I just cant hang with liars any more. There are so many people out there in
the world that actually deserve my friendship. I have friends who do not
use me, do not lie to me and its time for me to dedicate my time to them.
That and my school work, I kind have been shorting my self on that.

But back to the party.. The lunch was actually good this time. I usually
sit there and not eat anything because of the way I eat/the things I eat.
But this time was different, my boss actually got me things I could/would
eat. :) Well I am going to get back to work and will write more later.

Okay shortly after I wrote that my stomack got so so mad. So I left work to come home and find out that my brother had stole my stuff again. So after dealing with that.. I smoked a bunch and went to bed.. and now I am awake. yup thats about it..

Posted by ex2/noname at 12:01 AM PDT
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Saturday, 23 April 2005

Mood:  accident prone
I slept most of the day! Woohoo for sleeping... When I woke up I did it VERY slowly. I watched a movie then headed out to meet my friend Levy at her work. . While I was there I was begged to apply there for a weekend job. So I placed my order and left. When I left, some guy parked behind my car and turned off his lights so I ended up backing into him. My tow kit ended up smashing his light. He tried to tell me that its a 150 dollar light, so i came home and looked it up on the net. Lol its 27 dollars. So once I was home I watched 2 more movies and now I am on my third. Just kind of a chill night. well thats all for now.

Posted by ex2/noname at 12:01 AM PDT
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Thursday, 21 April 2005

Mood:  a-ok
today... not such a good day. I went to work not feeling all to well. I had to train my assistant (patients is the key...woosaw) again today and then after that go to one of our branches and help 2 people up there. By the end of the work day I was ready to pop some muscle relaxer READY to go home, curl up in a ball roll over and die for a couple of days. So afterwork I came home and instantly fell asleep and I now just woke up. I just took a couple more muscle relaxers, but what i really need is some pain killers... Hopefully I will get a chance to talk to Dave before I passout again.

well LUV ya... Peace

Posted by ex2/noname at 11:19 PM PDT
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Monday, 18 April 2005

Mood:  accident prone
I have now come to realize that I am seriously messed up. I am a jealous person, an angry person and up-tight. This weekend has been a doozy. Started off alright; went and saw Amityville Horror. (Good frikken move) But then there was Saturday!!! I was supposed to be going to Slipknot.. But my crankster evil little monkey brother stole my tickets. And you know what’s sad. I don’t think he stole them on purpose. Actually I can guarantee he still doesn’t even know he has them. I had them inside a box hidden where I am keeping all my boxes. The box is gone. And leave it to a crankster to steal a medal box before the autographed guitar right next to it. Ya so once I found out the tickets were gone I had to make a bunch of phone calls to try to find the toad. Come to find out that he was in jail in Oregon so he couldn't even go, if the dumbA$$ even found the tickets. Which makes me feel a whole lot better. So I then had to go tell my friend Frank that we couldn’t go to the show. He was upset because he was so looking forward to seeing lamb of god. So we ended up at the liquor store. He got Red Rum I got Hypnotic. We ran back to his place grabbed some flasks and almost got way to go kick it until his neighbor "Wolf man" popped up. So we three took a mini road trip to the troll under the bridge and to Gasworks Park. Ran all over Seattle like we had nothing else to do (oh yeah we didn’t). So then we headed back towards our neck of the woods. Picked up Kim, Franks girl and headed to the usual spot. Well while we were there trying to sober up. 2 of my high school um “bad” friends showed up. It was kind of funny. I was buzzing and looked like crap and they were in an NA after meeting. I mean sure I am glad to see there clean now.. Still does fix the past and HOW good of friends they were. But enough of that.. I left there and went home and slept most of the day. Did a little shopping and played with the animals. Then later that night I started talking to Dave.. He was NOT happy which was making me sad and upset. Finally I got fed up there wasn’t anything I could do so I was going to get a drink but as soon as I turned around the dumb dog knocked me over I tried to catch my balance ended up hitting the wall kicking a very heavy very sharp box with my shin and throwing my computer (look still works; sort of). But then Dave soon came around so I stopped being sad for him but was still sad for the damage I did to my shin. OUCH OUCH. Then today was no picnic either. I had to get up! (That’s where it all went sour) Yeah so I got up stood up and well that’s when I realized yeah that my leg hurt really bad. So the ride to work was quite pleasant with pushing in the clutch every 5 seconds. I was sooo bored at work I worked on one spread sheet ALL DAY. There was no one to talk to or shoot the sh*t with. By the time I got home my neck and back was as stiff as a bored and I had a humongous head ache. So I took a nap till 8:30 boy was that nice. And now I have been here since working on homework and chatting with far away friends. So till next time.. Peace love and chicken grease (got to love “The Pest”)My Song

Posted by ex2/noname at 12:01 AM PDT
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Tuesday, 12 April 2005

Mood:  spacey
I have done spaced out like a million times today. Work was BORING.. I had NOTHING to do. I had to beg for work.. I should have kept my mouth shut cause now I have the biggest pile of crap to do. But ah well I am just THAT good :) I can get it done in a day. So other than work I ran some errands right after work and finally got home at 6:30. But soon after that I made a mistake... I sat down and as soon as I sat down I passed out. I just woke up about 10 minutes ago. So I do not have much to post here :)

Luv Ya!

Posted by ex2/noname at 11:02 PM PDT
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Monday, 11 April 2005

Mood:  irritated
Not such a good day. I was rudely awoken by something
that resembles a chipper morning troll. So alas we can say I was cranky.
The drive to work was horrible I car pool with a side seat driver. So not
only do you have to deal with the commute you have to deal with the
uncalled for gasps of air and the gripping on how your shouldn't text or
talk on the phone while driving. So after what it seamed to be a REALLY
long way into work I got to work. Once i got there things should have been
better but nooooo. The idiots really came out of the woodwork just to bug
the snot out of me. It is amazing how you can ask a competent person to
pull a file but all they can so it say that "I'm sorry I cannot find".
After a few times of showing them how hard it really is you know me getting
up out of my chair walking over to the file cabinet opening the drawer,
glance down the alphabetized files and pull the file that I need and say
"see, now maybe next time you can understand how to open your damn eyes
when LOOKING for a folder." It would be sooo much easier if I could do this
my self but thanks to the NEW accounting laws I can not. So I am forced to
train someone who I believe doesn't understand more that 50 words in
English how to do a job. Fun I tell you. But that was not the only problem
today and she was the only nimrod I had to deal with yesterday. Every
single person who called yesterday did not know their a$$es from the
elbows. Half way through the day I thought it must had to be me and maybe I
was the one speaking a foreign language until my phone rang and some dumb
@ss couldn't even remember why they called. So 9 hours drag so so very
slow. Then the bell 5pm time to get off work.. Things are going to be
better F*ck NO they aren't they get worse. On the way home I find out one
of my friends I have been really worried about because I believed he was
still in Iraq contacted me.. I soon found out he has been home for a month
and just thought I knew so never called. Then got into it with 2 greedy
people who believe all I do is live to serve them. So I took off I needed
away.. I went to another coffee joint far far away to find out that people
SUCK they really ultimately do. 2 people who I thought were my friends are
just low low gutter snakes. One is full of excuses while the other is full
of lies. "Plastics I tell you". Did you know that if you figure someone out
quickly that you are not really figuring them out. They are letting you
know what they want to you to know. The rest is based on assumption and gut
instinct. I am also guessing that if you figure someone out quite quickly
that they do not have much to them kind of see through like cling wrap,
also most definitely hiding something for which they do not want you to
know. Most friendships with these kind of people do not last long as it
only takes a little while for someone to show their true colors. The kind
of friendships that DO last a life time would be the kind where you spend
your whole life getting to know some one.. Not that you are trying to
"figure" them out but to really get to know them. Those are most
definitely the kind of people I want in my life. Not I am going to use you
for what ever I can and move on.. Then try to come back on I realize what I
gave up. PFFFT I am just not that nice anymore. But to all those who have
used me, hurt me, walked all over, taken stuff from me, broken my stuff and
my heart.. Well get this!! I do not know why you all did or are doing what
your doing.. But I am done with you all. And I couldn't be more happy with
you all out of my life. Even though I have been dragged through the mud
over and over again, you have not ruined anything for anyone that I now
have in my life or will run into. I still give my all to friends. I will
still bend over backwards for those who need it. An loan out any money that
friends need. :) I am becoming more and more happy everyday. I am getting
my life back together and will soon be starting ALL over somewhere new.
Somewhere low low snake people are easily forgotten. To those people I want
to THANK YOU for teaching me a valuable lesson.. Not everyone is good. No
one can change or make them self's better unless they want too no matter
how much you help them. If it weren't for you guys and your way. I would be
still stuck in the same hell that I was when I was with you all, today. So
again Thank you for making me a better person. And just to get it out.
Y'all are a bunch of half wits who deserve no better than each other.
Dumb@sses! hahahah I feel better.

Dave thank you for pulling me out of my slump today. You totally know how
to cheer me up!

Iz.. see you at Slipknot? IM GOING TO SLIPKNOT ON SATURDAY!!!

Posted by ex2/noname at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 12 April 2005 11:06 PM PDT
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Sunday, 10 April 2005

Mood:  lazy
AHHHH ::Strech:: ::Yawn:: Today... I have not done much of anything. I slept for most of the day, woke up to the coolest guy ever :). Watched independance day and went back to sleep. Now I am up again an probably will watch another movie and try to wait up for Dave... :) Ick another weekend over and back to work tomorrow!

Posted by ex2/noname at 10:39 PM PDT
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Saturday, 9 April 2005

Mood:  not sure
Today has been a weird day.. I woke up in the afternoon. Talked to David for a bit (to Dave.. I am sorry, I am). Moved a waterbed, did some shopping and went to Waimea a Hawaiian restaurant/bar for my sister's birthday party. It was okay drank a little danced a little to a cover Jamaican sounding band. They did a weird cover of "Regulators". My cousin and I really wanted to take off with this giant wood carving of a Tiki lol. But sadly we did not. I got 2 plastic flower necklace thingies. :) Pink and Yellow oooohhh. awwww. Major buzz kill on the way home. Saw a horrific car accident and a person had flown out of the car.. saw them too. Seriously kind of grossed out right now. So this will be all for tonight.

Posted by ex2/noname at 11:50 PM PDT
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Mood:  don't ask
Well it is now Friday :)... Time for the weekend. Catch up on some zzz's and party time right?

Yesterday was an alright day.. nothing truly exciting happened except me getting my car out of the shop (totally stoked about that). Had a office lunch, discussed many things like taking a trip to Vegas just for the f*ck of it. But that was my day summed up.

Today.. No amount of coffee could have helped me; I drug a$$ most of the morning at work. David usually comes to work with me (he he he) to keep me company but.. He slept in. I was soo much out of it I think I stared at the wall for a good hour. David showed up :) and brought me back to. I took a mid-day break and did a little shopping at the Pike Place Market, it was an awesome day to just chill. Sadly I did have to go back to work :(. It was so quite at work.. Nothing to do, well let me refrase that nothing that couldn't be put off till later. So I went back to staring at the walls. Lol. 5 o'clock rolled by and I was out (just like a fat kid in dodge ball - thats the saying right?) Well anyways I came home to take a little nap before I went out but as soon as I laid down my phones started ring off the hook. I got screwed on the nap and took off to go kick it with the regs and some old school people. We did a little shopping and went to the usual coffee spot. Met up with more friends.. Bull$h*ted for a bit and played an awesome game called What the F*ck lol (check it out). I am quite exasted so I left and came home. Now I am here posting this so someone can read his daily paper (so cute lol). And now I am done so I leave you with this piece of knowledge:

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in
waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the
frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses
and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid
deos not raed ervey lteter by
istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

amzanig huh?

Posted by ex2/noname at 12:25 AM PDT
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Wednesday, 6 April 2005

Mood:  flirty
Before I tell you about my day.. I wanna tell you about this plan of mine. I am planning a trip from Seattle to New Orleans oust to kick it with someone. Well that and drink a bunch... This certain someone is having doubts; thinking that I'm not coming down there. Doesn't that oust bite the big one. I am no string bean and I follow through with all my plans.

I am an awesome person. I do not lie and I am very easy to get a long with as long as you stay on my good side *wink wink*

Now on to my day.. I woke up this morning,.. Waking up is over rated and crappy. Drug my butt out of bed to drink some awesome CDM coffee (yum). Slowly got dressed and walked very slowly out the door and off to work. Today is Wed. so I actually have to work.. Cant just pretend I'm working. So for the first half of the day I worked while texting David.. But then David soon started to ignore me :( very sad.. So I got bored. Then to my surprise my friend texted me who I haven't seen in ages. So I was able to chat with him for the rest of the day. :) ***coughcough clear my throat.. girls he's hot and single if your down in the Louisiana area state thing***.. :) Got to pimp my friends out.. Well anyways after work I came home sat down and passed out for a few hours.. Oops! Woke up late to meet my bestest friend Levy for dinner. Made it to dinner in time and now I am home writing a recap of my day and talking to a very very hot guy so I best get back to him.. Peace till next time yo!

Posted by ex2/noname at 11:48 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 6 April 2005 11:57 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 5 April 2005

Mood:  cheeky
today was okay. worked like usual. Then hit up my little jazzys 5th birthday party. It was great, I dont think I have ever seen so many presents for a 5 year old. WOW! After that I headed on up to the usual hangout. Kicked it for a bit then came home to find a lovely (he he I said lovely) poem from a friend on the east coast.

Love makes all things possible.
It is ripe for all seasons,to be shared with other.
strength of spirit is embodied in a loving heart and a caring mind.
Allow its sweetness to touch your heart.

Isn't that sweet! The beginning letters spell my name.

Posted by ex2/noname at 10:05 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 5 April 2005 10:10 PM PDT
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Monday, 4 April 2005

Mood:  caffeinated
Today started out as a blah kind of day. Woke up late for work but made it on time. The day got better as it went on. I chatted with a friend ALL-day long which made the work day go much faster than normal. After work it has been a chillen kind of evening, watched a little TV and played on the net.

A really great guy (David - your awesome; coolest guy EVER) sent me my FAVORITE kind of coffee (woohoo for CDM) that I received today. So alas I am sitting at home all caffeinated up with no place to go.

Posted by ex2/noname at 11:48 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 4 April 2005 11:53 PM PDT
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