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Current Overall Leaderboard
Rank Player Score Champion
1t Billy Bobb 73 UConn
1t Brian Griffin 73 Duke
3 Frank Thornton 72 UConn
4 Mary Ann Somers 69 Richmond
5t 2 players tied 68 n/a

Message From Pool Commissioner
Welcome to a "Demo" website created by Leapy's Pool Master 2004 and hosted "Angelfire". Using Leapy's Pool Master 2004 to run your pool you can create an entire pool website just like (no programming knowledge is required!). If you have an account at Angelfire, you already have some web space that you can use for your pool. Leapy's Pool Master 2004 can automatically configure it's website for Angelfire.

Use Leapy's Pool Master 2004's "Website Creator" tool to design your website the way you want it. You get to specify the color scheme, messages, pictures, content, and a whole lot more! Use the buttons at the top of the screen to navigate the website. Check out the pool standings and review player's picks using the "Standings" and "Player Brackets" links. Like statistics? Check out the wealth of information available by clicking the "Reports" button.

Customize with your own pictures

About Advertisements
The ads that appear on this page are inserted by Angelfire and not by Leapy's Pool Master. If you have your pool hosted by Angelfire's "free" hosting package, these ads will appear. To get rid of them, you can upgrade to Angelfire's "pay" hosting package or else have another host for your pool website. Leapy's Pool Master can configure your website no matter where it is hosted.

Website Help
This website contains information that is updated frequently. If the pages do not seem to be current, click here or shift-click your web browser's "Reload" or "Refresh" buttons. If that doesn't work, you may need to clear your browser's cache. For instructions on clearing the cache, consult your web browser's "Help" or "Settings". This website also uses "cookies" to navigate between pages. If your security settings are too restrictive, the "cookies" may be blocked by your browser. Use your web browser's "Settings" or "Preferences" menu to change the security settings so that "cookies" will be allowed. This website looks best using Internet Explorer 5, AOL 7.0, or Netscape Navigator 6 or better. Please upgrade your web browser if necessary.

David can be reached at