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The constellation I picked to do a report on is the Gemini constellation. The sign Gemini is represented by twin brothers, Castor and Pollux. While Ancient Greeks saw them as the sons of Leda and Zeus, Romans saw the twins as Romulus and Remus, the heroes that first founded Rome. But both can agree that the twins were raised by Chiron, the centaur. Castor and Pollux became inseperable. Pollux being a boxer, and Castor being a horseman. Together they could calm the seas if rough weather approached. Sailors today say that the twins can still be seen whenever twin bolts of lightening appear or when St. Elmos fire appears in the rigging of their ships. When the twins are seen, they kno that bad weather is approaching.

On a more scientifical note... The Gemini constellation can be seen in the Northern Hemishpere from November to April, and in the Southern Hemisphere from December to March. The constellation better outlines their heads while more faint and distant stars outline their bodies. Of most of the zodiac figures, Gemini more represents its figure. The two Planets Uranus and Pluto can also be located in the constellation. Pluto being located near q Geminorum and Urnaus located near h Geminorum.

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