The Judge's Order

HEARING RE: OSC RE MODIFICATION RE CHILD CUSTODY/VISITATION FILED BY CARL B NIBLETT REPRESNTED BY VICTORIA L. PENLEY 02/01/2005 - 8:00 AM DEPT. 3M HONORABLE DALE R. WELLS PRESIDING. CLERK: D. HARMON COURT REPORTER: S. LICEA CARL B NIBLETT REPRESENTED BY B. FRYER. CARL B NIBLETT PRESENT IN COURT. JERI NIBLETT REPRESENTED BY N. ROSENBERG. JERI NIBLETT NOT PRESENT IN COURT. CHILD CUSTODY, SOLE, LEGAL AND PHYSICAL AWARDED TO FATHER. COURT ORDERS COUNSELING FOR CHILD THRU THE FATHERS INSURANCE AT WORK; COUNSELING TO DEAL WITH ISSUE OF CHILD AND MOTHERS RELATIONSHIP. CHILD TO BE ENROLLED BY 03/01/05 PETNR TO PREPARE FINDINGS AND ORDER AFTER HEARING. img Carl has refused to tell me who the counselor is. The children are the ones who will suffer if I push this right now. He has threatened to go for custody of the twins. They are afraid he will do just that and they will end up like their brother, never again seeing their current family. Carl states in his papers that they have a multitude of family in california but I am their only relative here in Kansas. So my husband's family is not their family because they live elsewhere and travel out of the country? My family isn't family because they live all over the country? The court seeks to punish me because I am an only child and my family is not congregated in one spot? Why is the Large Wife's family suddenly their relatives but my family and my husband's family is not? By Carl's ridiculous definination he is their only relative in California yet the Judge sees a difference? Is this not bias in a major degree?
